It’s not that Yang Xuan is afraid of death, but the life essence. Who will not be too much of this stuff. For him, he can get the technique of the Nine Orifices of Life Wheel, even this time eventually It’s a worthwhile trip to fail to get the complete Great Desolate Formula.

“To open up the Nine Apertures, I actually need to use wild strength. Fortunately, I cultivated the Great Wilderness Technique, otherwise I really can’t practice this secret technique.”

Yang Xuan immediately sat cross-legged, secretly thinking. Mobilize the wild power within the body, strands of wild power gush out from the wild pill, and turn into countless raindrops of rays of light, successive strikes in a certain place of the life wheel.

Chapter 1770 Opening Up the Life Apertures

The Nine Orifices Life Wheel, as the name suggests, is to open up the Nine Orifices. Once the nine orifices are opened, it is like opening one’s own life treasure, enough to make the whole Heaven and Earth turning upside down have occurred in the life wheel, with a hint of immortality.

The life wheel is closely related to the life of the cultivator.

The life wheel is immortal, which means the life essence is endless, Eternal Undying.

Of course, after all, it is only a trace of immortality, and there is still a big gap between it and true immortality. However, even a trace of immortality can allow the cultivator of the Nine Orifices Life Wheel to gain more than million years of life essence.

“Using Huangli to open up the Nine Orifices, and let the life wheel derive immortality, this great ancestor is indeed a strange man, no wonder he can create such a strong secret technique as the great waste.”


Yang Xuan muttered to himself, he had a faint guess in his heart that the great desolate ancestors should have created the great desolate formula first, and then knew their fate soon, so he took another path to create the Nine Orifice Life Wheel again. The technique of cultivate Fate.

“The art of cultivate Fate is to struggle against the Heavens. Although it does not have any attack power, it is enough to make the world cultivator crazy.”

Yang Xuan thought, and I couldn’t help sighing that I was lucky enough to get this secret technique. In fact, at the moment he stepped on the inheritance battlefield, he knew that everyone on the battlefield would have different inheritance.

Some people may just get an immortal dao magical power, or some kind of Slaughter Technique. In short, there are different types, but no matter what kind of magical power divine technique, once they are acquired, then other people It is no longer possible.

“I cultivated the Great Wilderness Jue, with the unique aura of Great Wilderness in my body, and a kind of Qi induction in the inheritance method. Perhaps it is for this reason that I successfully obtained The technique of the Nine Orifice Life Wheel.”

Yang Xuan didn’t think much about it. Within the body, the wild force was running fast, frantically impacting the life wheel at the belly button.

The wheel, also known as the wheel of life, represents vitality and vigorous vitality, while Huangli is an attribute. On the contrary, it represents death and destruction. It can fall into silence, and the two forces are exactly mutually restrained, and Huangli is used to open up the hole of life chakra. It is also the best way.

At this moment, I saw that Yang Xuan within the body, the strands of wild power, turned into countless rain of needles, continuous strikes at a certain position in the life wheel, this is a life orifice, if not obtained Yang Xuan simply couldn’t notice the technique of cultivation of the Nine-Aperture Life Wheel.

Here is also a weak point in the chakra of life. You can get through it with a blast of force, but this process is not without danger. After all, the chakra of life is related to your own life. It is possible to consigned to eternal damnation.

Fortunately, Yang Xuan was careful enough, and cultivated the Great Wilderness Technique, within the body, Huang was extremely powerful, enough to allow him to successfully develop his first life.

puff puff puff! ! !

Water can penetrate rocks, and under a lot of wild force and uninterrupted impact, a certain point on the life wheel is finally penetrated, forming an extremely small hole.

This hole is fate.

The birth of Fate Aperture also has a wonderful communication with the heaven and earth in the underworld. Between Heaven and Earth, there seems to be a kind of strange Dao Rhyme, constantly moved towards Fate Aperture. A ray of flame gradually evolved.

The flame is bright and white all over, with a ray of immortality, as if it will not go out.

This is Fire of Life. It is tempering the wheel of life all the time, allowing the wheel of life to grow rapidly. This means that Yang Xuan’s lifespan has been fully improved.

“Take the heaven and earth as the furnace, with the two powers of life and death as the fire, burn the wheel of life, and cast immortality.”

Yang Xuan has a faint sentiment, and his heart is full of joy.

“Go on, taking advantage of this place is safe, I can open up as many life orifices as possible.”

To get through a life orifice, Yang Xuan just consumed a part of his power. , The remaining wild power, think about it, will allow him to open up several life orifices, and with the increase of life orifices, there will be more and more Fire of Life, causing the life wheel to burn and continue to change.


“What’s that thing?!”

“Good rich Life Aura, could it be some kind of anti-Heavenly God medicine?”


“No, that Life Aura came from the top of the peak. It should be that kid got some kind of incredible inheritance.”

Under the mountain, more and more People came, although no one could break the restriction to climb the mountain, but one by one, through his eyes, one could vaguely see a burst of vitality rushing out of the lingering cloud on the top of the mountain.

“What should we do, let’s just watch it like this?”

“hmph, I and the others are so powerful, let’s try to break the ban together.”

Just when many people were whispering and preparing to forcefully break the ban, an old voice came, “No need to try, this ban cannot be broken.”

The voice was still there, one The old man of Immortal Emperor Realm Peak, with a group of young people, walked over quickly, and it was the old man who just spoke.

“Junior Fu Yunfei, I have seen Old Li. I don’t know why Old Li made such a decision. You must know that the man broke the ban not long ago in order to successfully climb the mountain and get the inheritance of the great ancestor.”

At this time, someone stepped forward to salute, and at the same time, there was some doubt in the words.

“A mountain, a kind of inheritance, as long as someone goes up to the mountain, the power of restraint will be greatly increased. This is the rule in the Desolate Temple. Even if the Holy Realm is here, it cannot be broken. Kind of rules.”

old man indifferently said, and added another sentence after he said, “I can only say that this child is very lucky. He climbed the peak first and got great good fortune from above. “

After finishing speaking, he said to the young people behind him: “Let’s go and go to another inheritance mountain.”

“Yes, Old Ancestor.”

A group of young people are nodded, and there is Li Zhanteng, a young evildoer from Zhongyu. Li Zhanteng is not only a True Disciple of a Great Sect in Zhongyu, but also a direct descendant of Li Family this generation.

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