Coming to the barren mountain forbidden land this time is to follow their Li Family ancestor, who is the Li Family ancestor in front of them.

“Li Zhan, you act alone. With your strength, you are enough to climb an inheritance mountain. There is no need to act with me.”

The Li Family ancestor walked along the way, the entire group is very Go away soon.

This scene was seen by other people, and they have left since then. The ancestors of Li Family have said that other people can no longer compete with Yang Xuan for inheritance, and they cannot stay here to waste time.

For him, the opening time of the Desolate Temple is limited. Instead of wasting time here, it is better to hurry up and go to other mountains to find inheritance and various opportunities.

On the top of the mountain, Yang Xuan also successfully developed the five life orifices while people were going to the empty building, which increased his life span several times.

On that life wheel, the five life orifice qi mechanisms are connected, and the Fire of Life is constantly circulating, almost Inextinguishable Immortal, which greatly increases Yang Xuan’s lifespan and emits an almost horrible wave all over his body. Life Aura.

Chapter 1771 Nine Forms of Desolate Thunder

Nine is the number of poles in the life wheel, which is immortality.

The immortal is also immortal. The so-called Nine Orifices Life Wheel is not a way to eternal life. As long as the cultivation is to the extreme, it can break through the shackles of heaven and earth, Undying and Inextinguishable.

However, any path is impossible overnight. For example, the cultivation of the Nine-Aperture Fate Theory is extremely difficult.

There is no other reason. Every time a hole is opened in the life wheel, the energy consumed will increase exponentially, and the consumption of Huangli will be huge.

In Yang Xuan’s view, if he had not mastered the first five layers of the Great Wilderness Secret Art, within the body, Huang was extremely powerful, and I am afraid that he would not even be able to open up a fate.

“Opening up the five orifices has exhausted my horrendous power, and it will take at least several days to fully recover.”

Yang Xuan muttered, A wild pill is already condense in his body, and he does not need to deliberately operate the great wild art, the wild pill can absorb the power of desolation and destruction from between Heaven and Earth.

At this moment, in order to open up the life orifice, the wild power in the entire wild pill is exhausted, although the power of decimation between Heaven and Earth is absorbed every moment to recover, but this recovery The speed is not fast.

To put it simply, Yang Xuan has no more energy left, and he will no longer be able to open up his life on the fate wheel. Even if he waits for the Huang Dan Perfection, the Huang Li will become full, and he will not be able to open up another one. Orifice.

“The Great Wilderness Jue 9-Layer corresponds to the nine tricks of the fate wheel, and I only practiced the Great Wilderness Jue first five layers, and at most I opened up five tricks.”

Mingqiao, this is already Yang Xuan’s limit, so when you come to the Desolate Palace this time, you must also get the complete Great Desolate Inheritance.

“The Great Wilderness decides that I am bound to win. Whoever fights with me is my enemy.”

Yang Xuan flashed a cold color in his eyes, and he did not stay on the mountain for a long time. Straightforwardly unfolding his body technique, he swept down the mountain with lightning, his speed was extremely fast, but after a few breaths, he passed the restriction and came to the foot of the mountain.

The prohibition of this mountain seems to have approved him, allowing him to move in and out freely without being hindered in the slightest.

“There are 81 peaks, 81 kinds of inheritance. Others don’t seem to be fools. They know that the top priority is to find other inheritance.”

Under the mountain, Yang Xuan looked into the distance, faintly It can be seen that many people are separately attacking the ban on the peaks. As long as the ban can be broken, it is possible to obtain a certain inheritance of the Great Desolate Ancestor.

“Hey, has someone already breached the ban…”

Suddenly, Yang Xuan raised his brow, his eyesight was amazing, and he saw several people under the distant mountains. They have each climbed to a mountain, and those people are Li Zhanteng, Long Chen and other young Heaven’s Chosen from the Central Region.

As Heaven’s Chosen, he naturally possesses battle strength and methods far surpassing his peers. Although Yang Xuan is a little surprised, he does not think that a small mountain ban can hardly hold these people.

“The Desolate Temple is opened, geniuses from all walks of life gather, and everyone has a chance. As long as it is not the inheritance of the Great Desolation Art, for me, there is no need to compete with it.”

After getting the Nine Aperture Life Wheel technique, Yang Xuan was very satisfied. Although the great ancestors left behind a lot of inheritance, he did not fail to take seriously. After all, the most important purpose of his trip was the great desolation trick. .

The Great Wilderness Jue is obviously the peak at the end. That peak is several ten thousand zhang, and it is also the largest and most magnificent among the 81 peaks.

Looking from a distance, the entire mountain peak is shrouded with terrifying thunder and lightning. The flashes of thunder and lightning form a huge thunder and lightning restraint, which makes people tremble and daunting.

The very terrifying thunder and lightning prohibition…”

Yang Xuan sucked in cold air, this kind of thunder and lightning prohibition is full of extremely destructive, I am afraid that the Holy Realm might come in person. I don’t want to be able to shake it. If one is not good, it will be blasted into fly ash by endless thunder and lightning.

“Forget it, anyway, there are many closed peaks. I will go to the other peaks first. Explore it. “

There is a thunder and lightning ban, and no one in the room can get up. Yang Xuan is not in a hurry to take the risk. He immediately decided to go to other mountains first and get as much inheritance as possible.


The Great Desolate Ancestor is the Number One Person who used to be in the Land of Eternal Silence. His inheritance is absolutely remarkable. Since he has come here, he is not sure to climb the biggest one in a short time. Inheritance mountain, Yang Xuan can only give up temporarily.

No, I can’t say give up. I can only say that we temporarily change the strategy and plan to get the rest of inheritance first. This is a good thing for him. The harvest.

Just do as he thinks of it, Yang Xuan randomly chooses an unmanned mountain and rushes over it as quickly as possible. With the power of Shuiyue Mirror, he successfully broke the mountain’s prohibition. .


With a violent tremor, the entire mountain ban was blasted through a gap. The loud sound also shocked the surrounding crowd, one after another gaze Moved towards here, look of shock appeared on their faces.

There are many old Immortal Emperors in this, even they are breaking the ban with all their strength, but now, someone has already taken a step ahead of them , Forcibly broke a mountain ban.

“It’s him! “

“This kid is really an evildoer. If he really wants to stay here, the inheritance that I can get is destined to decrease. “

In the voice of one after another, no one came to trouble Yang Xuan. With the lessons learned from Heavenly Thunder Sect Elder Ding Hepeng, they don’t think they would be Yang Xuan’s opponent if they go solo.


Even if they are all the elder Immortal Emperors, their cultivation base is the highest or even the peak of the imperial realm, but Yang Xuan is also full of strong fears.

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