At this moment, a cold shout came, but it was Yang Xuan who spoke, driving the crowd away.

When the crowd heard this, although they were angry in their hearts, most of them dared not say anything, but there were also hot-tempered people who couldn’t help but coldly snorted and said: “Junior, you are too arrogant, you really think you are invincible in Is the whole world the whole world?”

The person speaking is a yellow clothes old man of the Emperor Realm Peak. This person is the ancestor of a certain Great Family in the Central Region. Although he is extremely jealous of Yang Xuan, he can’t stand it Yang Xuan’s unbeatable tone.

It’s true that Yang Xuan is very strong, and his battle strength is against the sky, but he can’t humiliate people like this. If there is a way, a scholar can be killed and cannot be humiliated. They, Human Immortal emperors, really want to retreat. Face to face meeting people, even Dao Xin, will be damaged by this, no matter how hard it is to go further.

“Invincible in the whole world is not counted, but it is enough to kill you.”

Yang Xuan coldly said.

“The old man wants to go, but you still can’t keep me.”

Yellow clothes old man’s face is ugly and authentic, but he feels the murderous intention on Yang Xuan’s body. Dare to stay and go straight back. Yang Xuan’s terrifying has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Those who dare to underestimate him, the older Immortal Emperors who died earlier are a lesson from the past.

“Can you go?”

Yang Xuan said, an invisible force instantly imprisoned yellow clothes old man, impossible to move even a little bit.

“Impossible, what means is this…”

Yellow clothes old man was terrified, and found that his body was simply out of control. The feeling was very strange, like My body no longer belongs to me, life and death are between Yang Xuan’s thoughts.

“What’s the matter, why can’t the ancestor of the Fu family move anymore? This is too evil, it’s incredible.”

At this time, many people were stunned, Yang Xuan He didn’t even start, and he just said a word and suppressed the Fu family ancestors on the spot. This scene is so terrifying that people just feel that they have one’s hair stand on end.

“Speak out and follow the law, this is the Great Divine Ability that can only be mastered by the Holy Realm!”

Suddenly, someone thought of something and suddenly exclaimed.

According to legend, once the cultivation base reaches the holy realm, every word and deed can resonate between the world and the earth, creating an irresistible general trend. In the face of this general trend, all cultivators below the holy realm are ants, and they will kill them.

“The ancestors of the Fu family are straightforward and have no intention of being an enemy of the little friend. He also asked the little friend to show mercy and spare his life.”

Soon, there will be the old Immortal Emperor opened the mouth and said.


The ancestors of the Fu family were also very remorseful, and were busy begging for mercy.

“I thought you Old Guy was hard-hearted and didn’t expect too. Don’t blame me. If you want to blame, you are bad luck and provoke me.”

As Yang Xuan spoke, the body of the ancestor of the Fu family disappeared a little bit, and in a blink of an eye, it disappeared from the face of the earth.

“Let’s go, everyone should go quickly.”

Everyone saw this scene, and they all turned around and fled. This is an invincible fierce person. Staying here, maybe you don’t know how to die, even Long Chen, who hates Yang Xuan, is forcibly pulled away by Li Zhanteng.

Yang Xuan breakthrough to the Immortal Emperor realm, the strength has obviously become more terrifying again, if they don’t leave, I am afraid they will really not be able to leave.


“Is this the power of the dominance, it is really unmatched!”

On the Huangtian Peak, Yang Xuan dropping from the sky, mumbled Muttered to himself: “With clinging to the Dao, the obsession is immortal, you can control everything, and you can speak with one word. It is better than the Immortal Emperor, and you have to fly ash annihilation.”

Nian Hua Dao can reverse Yin and Yang. Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth, even if it is a side World will, cannot shake Yang Xuan’s will.

It can be said that if he wants to kill someone, he just needs to move his mouth, and he doesn’t need to do it himself.

“Junior, you are very good. Although the road ahead is dangerous, Soul Destruction will die if one is bad, but if you dare to act on behalf of heaven, you are worthy of being the heir of this Old Ancestor.”

In Yang Xuan’s emotions, an old voice rang suddenly and clearly passed into Yang Xuan’s ears. Yang Xuan came back to his senses, and the complexion was slightly changed.

“Who is talking to me?”

“haha, the deserted peak is left by this Old Ancestor, the whole deserted temple is also built by this Old Ancestor, you say this Old Who is Ancestor?” With a loud laugh, a slightly illusory silhouette appeared out of thin air on a battlefield not far away.

He was an old man, he was dressed in burlap and linen, and he didn’t have any imposing manner on his body. The only pair of eyes seemed to have seen through the blue sea turned into mulberry fields. The Moon Wheel turned into mulberry fields. Underestimate.

“Senior is the great ancestor of the wilderness, no, to be precise, it should be a ray of thoughts from Senior.”

Yang Xuan was surprised, his face gradually calmed down, Can Nian that’s all, even if he wants to disadvantage him, he is confident that he can leave safely.

“Yes, this is indeed a ray of remnant thoughts of this Old Ancestor, and you brat can elicit the remnant thoughts of old man, and it is enough to show that you are connected to me.”

old man nodded road.

“Dare to ask Senior where he is now, but he has already transformed into the Tao?”

“Transformed into the Tao? Do you brat curse me to death?”

The old man was snorted and lightly snorted after speaking, saying: “The old ancestor is the proving power of immortality. Looking at the whole world of immortality, those who can kill me can be counted on one’s fingers, waiting for you to reach immortality in the future. The world will know.”

“It turns out that Senior went to the immortal world…”

Yang Xuan suddenly said, “I wonder if Senior can talk to my Junior about the immortal world. Situation?”

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