“Eternal life world, you still don’t know too much, the place is very deep, once you go there, you don’t think about it, but with your ability, if you can To truly prove the Tao, you may not be able to gain a foothold in the immortal world and become an immortal Taoist in the future.”

“It is said that the land of eternal silence is opened by the Taoist eternal silence. I don’t know if this is true or false?”

“This matter is naturally true. The Taoist Eternal Silence is one of the immortal Taoists in the immortal world, but he has fallen into a deep sleep.”

“In a deep sleep?”

“Don’t be surprised, the cultivation base has reached Dao Lord Realm, and the fleshy body Primordial Spirit is already Inextinguishable Immortal. This immortal power is simply impossible to die. In fact, the place where you are in eternal silence is the place of eternal silence. A strand of Avatar is transformed.”

“What, the place of eternal silence is only transformed by the Avatar of the Taoist Lord of Eternal Silence.”

Yang Xuan was shocked when he heard this. Undoubtedly, he originally thought that the Taoist Eternal Silence had already disappeared, so he became a world, but now it seems that he was wrong, not only wrong, or very wrong.

Chapter 1781 Receiving disciples

“The road to proof is long, and only by becoming the master of the Tao can you build the Tao, and be truly Undying and Inextinguishable, Eternal Immortal.”

The great ancestor was lightly sighed and said: “Unfortunately, there are not many people who want to reach this step since ancient times.”

“Listening to the meaning of Senior, it seems that there are not many ways in the immortal world. Lord?”

Yang Xuan squinted his eyes. He knew nothing about the immortal world, so he was naturally curious.

“What is the Taoist master? That is the true top power, coexists with the heaven and the earth, you brat really treat that kind of existence as the big carrot and cabbage!”

Zu Qing snorted, looking up and down Yang Xuan and said: “Boy, I have to say that you are really bold and dare to prove the truth. Do you know how dangerous this is?”


Simplicity is paranoia, and complexity is madman, true madman, without the will to no stronghold one cannot overcome, without almost arrogant self-confidence, without contempt for the grandeur of Only I Am Supreme , Simply dare not go this way.

This road can be described as a crisis step by step. If you are careless, you don’t know how to die.

“There are thousands of avenues, all of which can be proved, and all are full of thorns. If the road ahead is really smooth, wouldn’t everyone be able to prove?”

Yang Xuan shook the head, saying: “The so-called proving the Dao is nothing more than proving the heart. To prove the Dao heart with my heart, and the heaven and the earth with the Dao heart. Then the world is my heart, and my heart is the world.”

“The world is huge, far less simple than you think. You can only say that you brat has a good fate and was born in this world. You really want to be born in the immortal world. You have already died and can’t die anymore.”

“The will of heaven and earth in the immortal world? Senior is the Heavenly Dao of the immortal world?”

“Yes, the birth of a world will gradually derive will, and the immortal world is naturally no exception, but In the world of immortality, the will of heaven and earth is stronger, and no one dares to despise it.”

“Junior’s way, isn’t it accepted by Heavenly Dao in the world of immortality?”

“Don’t worry, you It is not a creature born in the immortal world, even if you go to the immortal world in the future, it will not be obliterated by the immortal world Heavenly Dao, but you or the old man belong to Outsiders, and as an Outsider, cultivation in the immortal world will be difficult. .”

“What do you say?”

“There are too many to say, to give the simplest example, in the world of immortality, some young and talented Heaven’s Chosen came to the breakthrough. You will be blessed by Heavenly Dao when you are in the Immortal Emperor realm. Even if you are seriously injured and near death, you can use Heavenly Dao Strength to repair your injuries and resurrect from death.”

“How is this possible, aren’t those people Is it difficult to be killed by someone?”

“hmph, this is of course not absolute. If an old man strikes a certain immortal world Heaven’s Chosen, there are a hundred ways to make the other party fly ash annihilation instantly, but no When it comes to as a last resort, the old man doesn’t want to do it either.”

The great ancestor paused, and didn’t say much about it. Instead, he said: “The land of eternal silence is not simple, you Brat can come here, and it is also a great opportunity. If you can find the inheritance of the Taoist of Eternal Silence, you may not be able to condense the Tao in the future and become the Taoist of the eternal world.”

Dao Master is also called Dao Ancestor. Any Dao ancestor represents the ultimate in a certain avenue. It is the incarnation of the avenue and can be connected with the immortal world. Heavenly Dao sits on an equal footing.

“The inheritance of the Taoist Eternal Silence? Senior refers to the legendary Heart of Eternal Silence.”

Yang Xuan said subconsciously after seeing his eyes light up.

“Yes, it is the heart of eternal silence. This thing is transformed by the Avatar of the Taoist Lord of Eternal Silence. It contains a ray of origin of the avenue of nirvana. As long as you can refining it, you can ascending to the skies with a single leap, successfully comprehend the avenue of nirvana.”

“A ray of origin can let Junior master the avenue of nirvana?!”

“Master? you Brat can’t help thinking too much, I can only say that it will allow you to step into the threshold of the Avenue of Nirvana. You can study the Avenue of Nirvana in the future, and you can prove it based on this.”

“so that’s how it is, according to legend The Taoist Eternal Silence masters the two avenues of dying and eternal life. I don’t know if this is true or false.”

“No, it’s not. To be precise, any avenue to the extreme can lead to eternal life. For example, the Dao Master of Eternal Silence, is to prove the Dao with the Dao of Nirvana, and finally reincarnate from death, realize a ray of immortal law, and condense the Tao.”

“A ray of immortal law?”

“You heard right, it is a thread of immortal law. Without this law of immortality, it is also impossible to condense the Dao Body. The Dao Body is transformed by its own Dao and is different from the Noumenon. As long as the Dao Body is immortal, even the Noumenon Annihilation can also be resurrected by the Dao body. This is also the root cause of Dao Lord Realm’s Inextinguishable Immortal.”

“So, the Dao Lord might also die?”

“Of course, but the premise is that the Dao body is destroyed, otherwise you can’t die.”

“So, Junior understands.”

“What do you understand?”

“It’s nothing, I just feel that Dao Lord Realm is not the end of cultivation, not real immortality.”

“hehe, you brat is very smart, indeed, above Dao Lord Realm, there is The legendary Immortal Divinity Realm, unfortunately, it is too difficult to prove immortality. In the world of immortality, apart from the rumored one, there is no second person in this world who can do it.”

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