“I don’t know who that person is?”

“You don’t need to know this. When you go to the world of immortality, you will know everything.”

Here, the great desolate ancestor did not say much, just said: “Well, the old man has little time left, so you can pass your complete great desolation formula. As long as the great desolation formula is cultivated, you are the descendant of the old man. Here is a Teleportation Talisman. In the future, when you come to the world of immortality, you can use this talisman to immediately go to the deserted world, when the time comes your Senior Brother, Huangtian will welcome you as a teacher.”

“Huangtian? Senior is talking about the Celestial Emperor?” Yang Xuan raised his brow.

“Well, it’s him, this kid is the Direct Disciple of the old man. It was from the old man that he learned the first half of the Great Wilderness Art, and you can get the half left by the kid Inheritance can be considered to be destined to this Old Ancestor.”

Speaking, an ancient amulet flew and steadily landed in Yang Xuan’s hands. At the same time, Yang Xuan also had an extra Share information, this is the technique of cultivation of Dahuang Jue 9-Layer.

“Many thanks Senior.”

Yang Xuan bowed to thank him, and then he felt lost, and hurriedly said: “disciple Yang Xuan, many thanks Master.”

“haha, well, you are much better than the Senior Brother. It is the luck of the old man to accept you as a disciple. If you let the Old Monsters in the immortal world know, you must envy the old man.”

The great ancestor laughed heartily, and then waved his hand: “Go, this world will change drastically in the near future, when the time comes, the channel connecting the immortal world will be opened, waiting for you as a teacher in the immortal world.”

The voice is still there, the remnant thoughts of the great ancestors have disappeared between Heaven and Earth, and at the same time, Yang Xuan only felt that the sky was spinning, and then he appeared outside the barren mountain forbidden land.

“The world has changed greatly, the passage of the immortal world is opened…”

Yang Xuan stood outside the barren mountain, his expression fluctuating, he did not doubt the words of the great desolate ancestor, after all, the great desolate ancestor The deity is somewhere in the immortal world, and since the other party bluntly said that the world has changed, there will never be a mistake.

However, why the heaven and the earth changed and why the passage of immortality was opened, which made him puzzled, but he also understood that once the passage of immortality was opened, countless people would enter through this passage. Immortal world.

Chapter 1782 Flick to obliterate

“Hey, how come out!?”

“Damn it, my inheritance, obviously, it’s almost a bit, now It’s all gone.”

“Forget it, it’s good to be able to come out alive.”

Outside the barren mountain, one after another brilliance flickers, everyone who enters the deserted temple is An irresistible force was transmitted, and many people could not conceal their disappointment in their conversations, and some even shouted angrily because they missed the inheritance.

Every time the Desolate Temple is opened, there will be inheritance on the peaks of inheritance. These inheritances are left by the great ancestors, maybe some secret technique, maybe some Great Divine Ability, everything , Are enough to make people soar.

Unfortunately, the people who can truly gain inheritance are undoubtedly the experts in the expert, such as Li Zhanteng, Long Chen, and some older Immortal Emperors, all have the ability to win one or two inheritance.

But this is a minority after all, and more people often go home empty-handed.

“Hey, that kid, he has also come out.”

“He must have obtained the Great Huangjue, otherwise the Huangtian Temple will be impossible to close early…”

“Go, everyone, go as far as possible from this guy.”

At this moment, everyone also discovered Yang Xuan, and his face was involuntarily showing tension, with Yang Xuan The terrifying strength of, really want to kill, all of them present have to die.

“Go, let’s go back to the middle domain first.”

At this moment, several older Immortal Emperors glanced at each other, and they all took the following discipline clansman and evacuated quickly. There are Li Zhanteng, Long Chen and other young Heaven’s Chosen in the Middle Territory, and the others came back to his senses, and they also took off one after another, flying immediately into the distance, it seemed like they were fleeing.

Yang Xuan expression is indifferent. He watched the crowd go away. He didn’t mean to do anything at all. He stood there and was silent for a moment, then took a look at the map that Bleeding Ancestor gave him, and then he chose a direction. , Unfold the big Void Technique, break through the air at the fastest speed.

The most urgent task is to find the heart of eternal silence.

This is the great inheritance of Taoist Eternal Silence, Yang Xuan is bound to win, and where the Heart of Eternal Silence may exist, it is undoubtedly the most mysterious forbidden land.

The Desolate Abyss Forbidden Land is located in the Central Region. It is an endless abyss that has no bottom and is shrouded in mist all year round.

No one knows how deep this abyss is. For so many years, no one has ever been able to come up to the abyss. It is the most terrifying Great Ominous in the land of eternal silence. Land, let people get away with it.

“Not good, that guy will catch up!”

“What to do, is he really going to kill people?!”

“It’s over, we’re dead Now, I know this child will not let us go.”

Soon, a group of people on the road trembling all over, fell into inexplicable panic, just because Yang Xuan was flying towards them. Come, look at that posture, I’m afraid it only takes a moment to come to them.

“Junior is bully intolerably!”

Among the crowd, an elder Immortal Emperor saw Yang Xuan coming by himself, and couldn’t help but yell, obviously he was done desperately. He planned to fight, but before he could take a shot, Yang Xuan passed over his head, whistling away without stopping.

“What’s the matter, I just left?!”

Someone was startled, and then relaxed again. Anyway, this is a good thing, and my life is finally saved.

“Looking at the direction, he is obviously going to the middle domain…”

“hmph, I wait for the Great Influence, in the middle domain, there are holy realm powers. He really If you dare to go to the Middle Territory, it is self-defeating.”

The Middle Territory, the largest area in the ancient wilderness.

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