Here, there are Heavenly Thunder Sect, Divine Astral Gate, Li Family, Jiang Family, Long Family, etc. Great Sect, Great Family, and as news spread in the Desolate Temple, it is also Zhongyu caused great waves.

A young junior singlehanded into the Desolate Temple, and even killed several older Immortal Emperors inside. This thing is really earth shattering, which is incredible.

What’s even more shocking is that the man also got the great desolation of the great desolation ancestor, and after that, he went straight to the middle domain.

“I’m so mad, I don’t want to kill someone, and I dare to come to our Central Region alone. Doesn’t he worry about being killed by the Holy Realm from all sides?”

” According to legend, the young man surpassed the Immortal Emperor’s battle strength, and he didn’t know whether it was true or false.”

“It must be true. If I really don’t have any ability, I don’t dare to come alone.”


For several consecutive days, all parts of the Central Region were not peaceful. In the restaurants of immortal cities, there were countless people talking about this matter, and even many people held a portrait in their hands.

On the portrait, a white clothed youth stands proudly with deep and cold eyes. Although it is only a portrait, it can also make people feel the white clothed youth out of the ordinary.

“It’s him, exactly the same as on the portrait. Oh my god, this child came to our Thunder Cloud City. Is he not afraid of being besieged by Heavenly Thunder Sect?”

This One day, a white clothed youth came to Thunder Cloud City, and Thunder Cloud City, because of this person’s arrival, also fell into a boil.

Thunder Cloud City is the immortal dao Dapa Heavenly Thunder Sect under the jurisdiction of the immortal city. It is only a trifling several thousands li from the gate of Heavenly Thunder Sect. In Thunder Cloud City, Heavenly is always there. Thunder Sect cultivator guards here.

Don’t talk about anything else, Pangbo, the City Lord of Thunder Cloud City, is the person of Thunder Clouds Sect. He has the cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor, and Pangbo learned that the immediate appearance of Yang Xuan is turn pale with fright. , As soon as the enemy is approaching, immediately preach to the following people: “Quickly, send a message to the sect, and let the sect send someone to it immediately.”

After that, the body moved, out of the City Lord Mansion, I found Yang Xuan soon, but didn’t dare to approach him.

Who is Yang Xuan?

This is a fierce person who can kill the Immortal Emperor with his bare hands. Even if Pangbo has a cultivation base of the Emperor Realm 7th Layer, he dare not look down on it.

“Already gone?!”

Walking all the way in Thunder Cloud City, ignoring the crowd or looking surprised or terrified, Yang Xuan slightly sighed, if he had not felt Ji Yuechan before For a thread of aura, he will not come to Thunder Cloud City.

No matter what, I released divine sense and searched in Thunder Cloud City, but I couldn’t see the beautiful woman, which shows that the other party has already left.

“There seems to be no one around Ji Yuechan. I think he should be separated from Lord of the Mortal World…”

Yang Xuan thought for a while, and people also went away. Flying away from Thunder Cloud City, I noticed someone following, Yang Xuan face turned cold, shouted: “Since I don’t want to come out, I don’t have to come out.”

The voice is still there, with a backhand wave, Zhijin broke through the air and left.


Far away, a silhouette as if was struck by lightning, a blood hole appeared on the eyebrow.

“It’s the City Lord, what’s wrong with him!”

Nearby, some people recognized Pangbo instantly and exclaimed.

“So fast!”

Pang Bo vomited blood and fell softly to the ground. His face was full of incredible horror. Before he could dodge, he was caught Yang Xuan killed with one finger in the air and died unwillingly.

“Dead, the City Lord was killed!”

“How is this possible, the City Lord is the powerhouse of the imperial realm, he was killed like this.”

“Let’s run, this Thunder Cloud City is going to change the sky!”

The crowd dispersed in a rush, face pale, did not dare to approach Pangbo’s body, Pangbo died too miserably , I felt horrified from the bottom of my heart, and I was afraid that staying here would cause serious disaster.

Chapter 1783 Valley of the Dead

In the ancient wilderness, northwest of the Central Region, there is a stretch of mountains that is shrouded in thunder fog all year round.

In the thunder and fog, you can sometimes see electric lights flashing, making bursts of roaring loud noises, deafening, as if it can tear this world apart, making people afraid to step into it.

This mountain range is exactly the Tianlei mountain range, a terrifying place full of thunderbolt, but this area, but there are countless Thunder Beasts.

To be precise, it should be Thunder Beast.

In Tianlei Mountain, many Demonic beasts can spit out thunder and lightning, strengthen themselves, and at the same time can use the power of nirvana to cultivation.

It can be said that in the same level, the wild Thunder Beast is much stronger than the ordinary wild beasts. This power is manifested in the fleshy body. After all, the body is tempered by lightning all the year round. The body naturally contains violent power.

However, no matter how strong Thunder Beast is, it is only a beast raised in captivity, and the person who raises Thunder Beast in captivity is Heavenly Thunder Sect, one of the Super Influences of Zhongyu.

Heavenly Thunder Sect set up Sect for millions of years. The mountain gate is located at the deepest part of the mountain range of Tianlei. Since ancient times, Heavenly Thunder Sect cultivator will go out to hunt Thunder Beast or take its inner core. Refining medicine, or tame it as a riding pet.

On this day, the main peak of Heavenly Thunder Sect Mountain Gate, a magnificent and ancient hall, has gathered hundreds of people, all of whom are Heavenly Thunder Sect Elder, and the lowest cultivation base has reached Immortal King Realm, all of them are tyrannical.

In addition, Heavenly Thunder Sect currently heads Yao Wenshan, also sitting high.

At this moment, Yao Wenshan didn’t speak either, just a gloomy face, showing the anger in his heart. As for the heavenly Thunder Sect below, the many Elders are also complexion ashens, showing cold light.

No one didn’t expect that their Heavenly Thunder Sect would be bullied to this point. This is exactly to hit their Heavenly Thunder Sect in the face. If the murderer cannot be captured this time, they Heavenly Thunder Sect will become the laughing stock of outsiders.

“Damn it, kill me Heavenly Thunder Sect Elder and True Disciple in the Desolate Temple. Not to mention, dare to come to my Heavenly Thunder Sect jurisdiction to be aggressive, it’s simply bully intolerably.”

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