However, the snake-bird beast quickly became desperate, and even a trace of panic appeared in its eyes. As soon as its sharp claw fell, the prey disappeared.


It screamed in its mouth and was ready to spread its wings and take off. It is the overlord of the sky, flying extremely fast, but when it falls into this dense jungle, its strength will be great The amplitude is weakened.

“Want to go, how could it be so easy?” With a sneer, a sword light flashed by, and then the snake bird beast felt a sharp pain in its neck, staggered and flew several meters high, Lost consciousness and fell down.

“It is said that the snake bird within the body has a little bloodline of the ancient Teng snake. I haven’t eaten this thing yet. I don’t know how it tastes. No matter what, put the body away first. I’m hungry. It’s time to bake it and try it.”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself, and put the snake bird beast’s body into the storage ring.

At the same time, Yang Xuan’s face became serious. He already knew where he appeared.

Death Forest!

Yes, it is definitely a dead forest. Yan Changkong once said that this is an absolute fierce land in the ancient gods’ secret territory. There are countless demonic beasts, and there are sometimes ancient relics.

“bad luck!”

Yang Xuan cursed secretly, but he didn’t panic in his heart. In his opinion, he was at ease when he came. The Death Forest is indeed in danger, but the more The more dangerous places you have, the more you might encounter the legendary Spirit Transformation light.

Of course, this is just to think about it. Yang Xuan doesn’t have much hope for Spirit Transformation. He just wants to find Qin Lan as soon as possible, but the spirit jade on his body is still quiet. Obviously Qin Lan is more than 20 li away from him, and it is possible that Qin Lan is not in the Death Forest.

“Ai, I hope Qin Lan won’t have any trouble.” With a lightly sighed mouth, Yang Xuan chose a direction and went all the way forward.

Half a time, Yang Xuan killed a few Rank 2 Monster Beasts again, and even encountered a black ape as big as a mountain on the way. It was a real ancient relic. Kind of, the level reached at least Level 4, all the way through the jungle, smashing into pieces of forest, crashing into a fierce mess.

Fortunately, Yang Xuan has a strong perception. When he found something was wrong, he immediately used the Black Tortoise Restraining Aura, and got into a bush of weeds to hide, and fortunately escaped.

Rao is so, Yang Xuan was shocked in a cold sweat.

Next, he stopped and went all the way, he didn’t kill the low-level Demonic beast anymore, and avoided it all the way, fearing that the sound of fighting would attract the powerful ancient relics.

I walked like this for one hour, and my eyes were full of dense towering old trees, and there was no way to tell where I was.

Although walking like this is a waste of time, Yang Xuan can’t help it. Although he got the Blood Race’s Innate Divine Ability blood wings and was able to take a spatial flight, it’s an ancient god’s secret realm. Who knows there is There are no ancient relics that can fly. If there is, he will fly into the sky and become a living target.

weng! weng! weng!

Suddenly, there was a strange sound in the distance, Yang Xuan looked up through the gap in the jungle, and you could vaguely see that there appeared a distant sky Black dots.

Those black spots gathered together like a dark cloud. Because the light was a little dim, Yang Xuan didn’t see what it was at first, until the black spots in the sky came to the spot of hundred zhang, he I found out that it was a group of weird black bats.

These black bats are the size of a millstone, ferocious-looking, with red eyes, like ghosts flying out of hell, hideous and terrifying.

Looking intently, every black bat is surrounded by black qi, which is evil and filthy, Yin Qi Sensen.

“What the hell is that!?” When a black bat was swept toward him, Yang Xuan couldn’t help but his scalp was numb, but he was not afraid, and quickly spurred the flame Martial Spirit , Between waving his hands, a flame gushed out and turned into a huge Fire Python, burning scarlet gold flames all over, rushing towards the black bats.

puff puff puff ……

A black bat looks vicious, but the defensive power is not high at all, it can’t stop Fire Python at all. Under the control of Yang Xuan, Fire Python rushed back and forth several times, suddenly the sky full of bats fell from the sky, before they landed, they turned into fly ash.

“Fortunately, I thought I encountered some ancient relics!” Yang Xuan slightly relaxed, and became vigilant in his heart. This is him. Change to another martial artist in the Ning Yuan realm. There will definitely be no bones left behind by the black bat that is hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Standing on the spot for a while, seeing no more black bats, Yang Xuan moved on.

5 minutes of work, there was a bright light in front, and I saw a strange grass growing on a small hillside.

This grass is about a foot high, and it is azure, swaying and shining like a ball of azure flame burning. The most peculiar thing is that there are strange lines on a few leaves, like fish scales.

“Green scale grass!”

Yang Xuan’s eyes light up, and he recognizes what the grass is at a glance.

Divine-Martial Continent, medicinal herb is divided into ordinary medicine, spiritual medicine, and legendary divine medicine, and this green scale is a kind of spiritual medicine, and it is also the top grade in spiritual medicine. Made Grade 5, the main medicine of Spiritual Pill Qingxuan Pill, which is worth a few hundred thousand low grade stones.

This is still the price of 10,000 years ago. Heaven knows whether or not we can find scaly grass on Divine-Martial Continent now. If this grass is extinct, the value is even higher.

“hehe, luck is not bad!” Yang Xuan grinned, and walked towards the green scales, while at the same time he was highly concentrated, fully releasing his perceptual guard.

In addition to refining the Healing Medicine Pill, the green scale grass also has the effect of clearing the heart and mind. Many Demonic beasts like to eat this thing and regard it as a treasure and should not be tainted by other creatures.

Chapter 168 Demon Bone Pollen

Neither too fast nor too slow all the way up the hill, Yang Xuan did not encounter any danger, he did not delay, and came quickly When I came to the green scale grass, the wisps of fragrant assaults the senses, piercing the nose, it was intoxicating.

“Okay, a top grade spiritual medicine is in hand.” Yang Xuan’s mouth was slightly tilted, and he quickly took out a jade box from the storage ring, then dug out the green scale grass and stored it in the jade box stand up.

The medicinal herb, especially the spiritual grass, needs to be filled with jade utensils, so as to keep the medicinal properties of the spiritual grass from disappearing, enough to be preserved for many years.

“Boy, put down the spiritual grass, otherwise you will blame the old man for being rude to you.”

Suddenly, coldly shouted, whiz whiz whiz broke the wind, a group of dozens The man rushed up the hillside and surrounded Yang Xuan in a fan shape.

Most of these people have a true cultivation base, and the leader is even a Vientiane Realm expert.

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