This is an old man who looks very old, short in stature, with scattered white hair and wrinkled face. The cultivation base has reached Vientiane Realm 3 Heavenly Layer.

Just put the jade box into the storage ring, Yang Xuan didn’t see the slightest panic on his face, and stood up and said with a sneer: “You’re welcome, I’m going to see how your old fart’s is not welcome?”

“courting death.” The old man fly into a rage out of humiliation, the robe is bulging, and the imposing manner is released, oppressing Yang Xuan, to let Yang Xuan unable to move even a little bit.

However, Yang Xuan has no fear on his face, as if he is completely unaffected by the opponent’s imposing manner, half-step sword intent is slightly urged, and an invisible edge appears, forcing the opponent’s imposing manner.

“Very good, didn’t expect that you, a small martial artist in the condensed elementary realm, can resist the imposing manner of the old man!” The old man coldly snorted and said. The imposing manner suddenly rises to the extreme, and I don’t believe that Yang Xuan can stop it.

At the same time, a young man of 3 Heavenly Layer in the realm of the realm was coldly shouted: “Boy, my grandfather is a Vientiane Realm expert. I will hand over the spiritual grass quickly, otherwise I won’t blame our handy hands. Ruthless.”

“haha, a martial artist that’s all of Vientiane Realm 3 Heavenly Layer, dare to call it an expert. Are you afraid of being laughed out of your teeth?” Yang Xuan smiled up to the sky, a half step from the strongest The sword intent gushed out, and forced the old man’s imposing manner aside. Instead, he oppressed the opponent.

“You…” the old man startled, only to feel a little pain in his body.

At the same time, he looked at Yang Xuan carefully, and felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it in the valley within the valley outside the ancient gods.

Soon, he finally remembered something, and his face changed immediately, and he trembled: “You, you are Seven Mysteries Sect Yang Xuan!?”

“Yes , How you want to go directly down the road.”

“cough cough, that, Young Hero Yang, sorry, the old man has a clumsy eye.”

“I just want to think in a clumsy sentence. What’s wrong?”

“Then what do you want?”

Tweet! “

Yang Xuan was about to answer, suddenly there was an unusually loud screaming sound from the distant sky.

This sound is like an eagle but not an eagle. It has a strong penetrating power, even though it is separated. Far away, but it also makes people dizzy and violent.

“Then, what is that! ? “Someone exclaimed, and then everyone looked up and saw a huge monster coming from across the sky.

This is a giant eagle with black air, covering the sky and covering the sun, like a huge black mass. The cloud flies up, it seems to be very far away, it actually reaches the sky in an instant, full of black energy, like a black sun, a kind of terrifying fierce power sweeps the world, shocking people.

” Yin carving! “

Looking at the huge monster hovering above, Yang Xuan’s body was shocked, and his face also showed a terrified look. This is a five-six zhang with head and body length, like an eagle and not an eagle, sharp-tongued, all around A giant beast burning with black flames.

“Xuan Yin carving, what a Demonic beast is this! ? “Not far away, the old man expression is extremely solemn. Although he can’t see the level of the big guy on his head, he also found the terrifying of this beast.

“This is an ancient relic of the head, enough to kill in seconds. The ordinary Celestial Realm powerhouse, please ask for your own blessings. “Leaving a cold sentence, Yang Xuan turned around and left, rushing down the hillside fast as lightning, and even used the blood wings out. His wings fluttered between the fans, turning into a blood shadow, and then went away.

hong long!

At the same time, there was a loud noise behind him, Yang Xuan turned his head and looked around, his pupils tightened, and he saw the Xuan Yin eagle swooping down, where the old man and the others were. There was a big explosion in the place where the trees burst and turned into dust.

Needless to say, the old man and the others are all dead, even if the Xuan Yin carving does not use the Innate Divine Ability, just With a Fleshy body attack, you can kill the ordinary Celestial Realm powerhouse in seconds. The old man and the others have no chance of survival. Under the terrifying strikes, they are destined to be broken into pieces.

“Death Forest is worthy of being a martial artist. Grave, it seems that I have to be careful next. “

Yang Xuan took a deep breath, running desperately all the way, afraid that the Xuan Yin carving would catch up. He understood that it was because he picked the green scales that he would cause disaster.

The luck is not bad, maybe it was because of killing the old man and the others to vent his anger, or it was rare to chase the insignificant little ant, Yang Xuan, but the Xuan Yin eagle did not chase it.

Although In this way, Yang Xuan still dare not take it lightly. He just wants to leave this scary forest as soon as possible. He has already seen that this is definitely a place of death. If you stay here, you will die soon.

After one hour, Yang Xuan step one stopped, I saw that the jungle in front of me was seriously damaged. In a devastated and messy clearing, there were more than a dozen corpses lying all over the place. Each body was shriveled and bloodless.

” Could someone from Nine Nether come in! ? “

Yang Xuan said in surprise, he quickly came to the scene of the incident to check, and he must have done the martial artist taught by Nether, and only the swallowing technique taught by Nether would suck blood. Yang Xuan doesn’t think that some ancient relics or ordinary Demonic beasts only suck blood after killing people, but don’t eat them.

“No matter what, let’s talk with Qin Lan first, but through spirit jade there is never The movement, I don’t know where Qin Lan is? “

Thinking like this, Yang Xuan brows tightly frowns, a little upset, worried about Qin Lan’s accident, but Yang Xuan also understands that he is worried about uselessness, so he can only take one step and count one step. I hope good luck can find Qin Lan as soon as possible. .

An hour later, Yang Xuan still did not walk out of the death forest. This forest is boundless, vast and unimaginable, and I don’t know where the head is.

“Hey, there seems to be a sound of water ahead. . “

Walking forward for a while, Yang Xuan whispered, and faintly heard the sound of turbulent water coming from a place outside the hundred zhang, and places with water are often accompanied by spiritual medicine.


“Come and see. “

Yang Xuan touched the tip of his nose, cautiously passing through a lush and green jungle, a small valley suddenly appeared in front of him, and the sound of water came from the mountain within the valley.

Yang Xuan let out his perception and probed, and found that the mountain within the valley was very calm, not at all abnormal movement, so he was ready to enter the valley.

But his front foot just moved, and his back foot stopped immediately. Then he kicked his legs and jumped into a thicket of weeds while running the Black Tortoise Turtle Breathing Technique, staring at the jungle not far away.

In the sound of crash-bang, two figures flew from the jungle. He flew out and quickly stopped outside the valley.

Yang Xuan looked through the weeds and found that these were two young men in their twenties, all dressed in black cloth, full of breath. It’s cold, no strangers should enter. The cultivation bases are all in the real gang. Among them, the shorter man is 5 Heavenly Layer, and the taller man is 6 Heavenly Layer.

“Nine Nether Sure enough, someone has entered the secret realm of ancient gods! “Yang Xuan’s eyes drenched, relying on the innate Qi Viewing Technique, he can see at a glance that these two people are definitely from Nether Nether.

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