But Yang Xuan is also a little confused, not sure how the people taught by Nether got into the secret realm of ancient gods.

“Could there be more than one teleportation gate!?”

For a moment, he thought of a possibility.

I have to say that Yang Xuan is very smart, and he really guessed it right. There are indeed more than one legendary light gates in the secret realm of ancient gods, but two.

One of the light gates is located in the nest of the Nether religion. Thousands of years ago, the Nether religion was destroyed, but there are still a few remnants escaped. Those people didn’t know how to find it, and they built the nest in it. An opening point in the secret realm of ancient gods.

“Hehe, the Vice-Sect Master is really well prepared. If it weren’t for the devil bone pollen, how could our senior and junior brothers meet so quickly.” At this moment, the short man opened the mouth and said.

“The devil bone pollen is a treasure. The Vice-Sect Master doesn’t have much in his hands. We also have a high cultivation base to get a share. Whether many Junior Brothers can get together depends on luck.” Gao Said the man.

“Senior Brother, according to the map, this valley should be the place where the Blood Origin Fruit grows. This fruit is an ancient Spirit Fruit. It can greatly increase our vitality and blood without any side effects. It’s not like we devour martial artists and spend a lot of time refining.” The short man took out a map from his arms and looked at it.

“Well, but don’t act blindly without thinking, I will use my perception to check it out. After all, Blood Origin Fruit is an ancient Spirit Fruit, and there are often powerful Demonic beasts and even ancient legacy guardians nearby.”

While speaking, the tall man let out his perception and not only explored the situation of going down the mountain within the valley, he even explored Yang Xuan and other places. This is also his caution and fear Someone hides as a siskin in the dark.

Yang Xuan lay motionless in the grass, and the Black Tortoise Turtle Breathing Technique was always running. There was no aura fluctuations in his body, and he was not afraid of being detected by the opponent’s perception, and the other party did not detect his existence. It was just a cold stone when it swept away.

“hehe, really heaven helps me, the valley is not at all dangerous, maybe the Demonic beast guarding the Blood Origin Fruit or the ancient relic left temporarily.” The tall man said with a smile, His face couldn’t hide the excitement.

“Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and pick it. Now that a thousand years have passed, there must be Blood Origin Fruit within the valley.” The short man urged impatiently.

“Well, let’s go.”

Then the two rushed into the valley.

“Blood Origin Fruit, this is a great opportunity, how could Young Master miss it, and if I met Nether teaching martial artist, I have to solve it.”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself, body moved, and quietly entered the valley.

He is not in a hurry at all, even if the two picked the Blood Origin Fruit, he still has the ability to murder to seize the treasures.

Chapter 169 Ancient Spirit Fruit

Killing Nine Nether and teaching martial artist to seize the treasure, Yang Xuan has no sense of guilt in his heart, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth that goes deep into the valley, and he sees it soon Two men, one tall and one short, stopped a dozen feet away.

This valley is not big, it is estimated that it is only a few hundred zhang in a radius. In the depths of the valley, a small waterfall pours down from a 1000-meter-high mountain top, forming a small pool below.

The water pool is clear, misty, lush forests around the pool, and on a bluestone covered with moss, a strange plant swings in the wind.

This plant is one meter tall, with thick rhizome arms and densely packed blood-colored lines on it, like scales. On the top of the plant, there are seven or eight fist sized, tender and dripping red fruits.

“There really is Blood Origin Fruit!” Yang Xuan eyes shined, surprised and happy, and didn’t rush to snatch it. He hides his figure in a patch of grass and watches the change.

“haha, Blood Origin Fruit, and there are as many as eight!”

Ahead, the short man couldn’t stop laughing, and rushed up to prepare The whole plant is overgrown with Blood Origin Fruit, pull up by the roots.

However, at this moment, the mutation protrudes.

A green brilliance shot out from under the water pool. The green brilliance was too fast and came suddenly. The short man was already careful enough to run his true essence to protect his body, but his Body Protection True Origin couldn’t stop it at all. It was destroyed by Green Guanghua, and Green Guanghua came to his neck in an instant.


There was a hysterical scream, and there was a half-meter long, thin fingers, a poisonous snake wrapped around his neck. This poisonous snake took a bite. He bit his neck and refused to let go.

“Senior Brother, help me!” The short man shouted for help, with fresh blood dripping around his neck, and his face turned pale green, obviously poisoned.

“Dead!” The tall man didn’t see his death, he waved his long sword and slashed at the poisonous snake.

pu chi!

With a muffled sound, this long sword is definitely an extremely sharp middle grade Treasure Item. The poisonous snake can’t stop it at all. It was cut off by half of its body, but the terrifying thing is that only half of it is left. Body, its mouth still didn’t loosen, two sharp fangs fiercely pierced into the short man’s neck, as if rooted inside.

“Get out of my way!”

The short man was cruel, grabbed half of the poisonous snake with his hand, and pulled it out. In the sound of crash-bang, he The two blood holes in the neck spurted with blood.


The short man sat down on the ground and hurriedly called to the tall man: “Senior Brother, you, don’t you have a Grade 4 Detoxifying Pill in your storage ring? Give it to me quickly.”

“Junior Brother, this poisonous snake is definitely an ancient relic, and the Grade 4 Detoxifying Pill may not be able to detoxify you within the body!” The tall man shook his head, his face was indifferent.

“Senior Brother, what do you mean by this? We have known each other for several years. You were seriously injured more than half a year ago. I even took out the Grade 4 Spiritual Pill to save you, you, you now How can you see death without saving?”

The short man roared in anger and fear. He already felt that the toxin is spreading rapidly within the body. I am afraid that it will not be long before he will have violent death. , Is also anxious.

“Junior Brother, don’t blame me, the ancient gods’ secret territory is too dangerous. My Detoxifying Pill has to be kept for life-saving purposes. And you, just die with peace of mind. Don’t worry, your blood I will keep Origin Fruit for you.”

“pu!” The short man vomited blood.

“Junior Brother, don’t get angry, otherwise it will only aggravate the spread of toxins. By the way, after you die, I will take care of your Liner Junior Sister for you. Tsk Tsk, Liner Junior Sister is also a beauty , Senior Brother, I have been coveting for a long time. When I leave the secret realm of the ancient gods this time, I will be able to fulfill my long-cherished wish after a few tricks, haha!” At the end of the conversation, the tall man laughed happily.

“Ling Xuan, you, you are so cruel, I will not let you go if I be a ghost.”

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