Without much thought, Yang Xuan quickly went deep into the Valley of the Dead, and at the same time tried to release the divine sense, looking for the whereabouts of Ji Yuechan.

Originally, the dead souls within the valley would isolate the divine sense. Once the divine sense was released, it would be wiped out by Sword Dao Will. However, as Sword Dao Will was swallowed by Yang Xuan and refining, Yang Xuan’s divine sense could gradually radiate outward. out.

In his soul, everything is clearly visible under the perception of his soul, only to see the huge dead soul within the valley, the white bones all over the ground, many white bones are blown by the yin wind, they are all turned into powder, completely not Re-exist.

Occasionally there are ghosts coming, and Yang Xuan is also suppressed and killed by his bare hands. Yang Xuan is full of vitality and blood. The whole person is like a bright lamp in the night, and countless ghosts and ghosts will be attracted invisibly .

However, many ghosts and ghosts have obviously born spiritual wisdom. They know that Yang Xuan is not to be trifled with, so they dare to take action against Yang Xuan, all of them are the most powerful existence.

Unfortunately, Yang Xuan’s battle strength is too strong, and there is no ghost along the way. If he can get close to his body, he will kill him with absolute strength, the soul flew away and scattered.

“jié jié…”

I don’t know how long, when Yang Xuan passed through the Valley of the Dead and came to a vast blood overseas, a piercing grin suddenly came.

“That’s it?”

Yang Xuan looked up to follow the prestige, and immediately saw a dark shadow at the end of the blood sea.

The demon shadow is ten thousand zhang high, standing on top of a sea of ​​blood, grinning wildly, like a demon of the world who may choose someone to eat at any time, exuding a wave The magical power of horror.

Yang Xuan heard that laughter, and was invaded by the invisible magical power. For a while, he felt dizzy and eyes blurred, his mind was shaking, and he had the urge to acknowledge allegiance to the other party.

“It’s interesting, it can even shake my mind, no matter what, I will go over and see if you are a human or a ghost.”

Yang Xuan settled down, put his hands together, The Six Characters Great Bright Incantation of the Buddha of the West Heaven added body, coldly snorted under his heart, and immediately accelerated and flew towards the depths of the blood sea. During the blood sea boiling, countless ghosts rushed up, and the whole body was covered with a thick blood mist, as if A bloodthirsty Demon, bloodthirsty and violent.

However, what is strange is that these things are not approaching Yang Xuan, but dancing in the air, making a roar at Yang Xuan, which seems to treat Yang Xuan as blood food. You can see delicious blood food that you can’t eat.

“It seems that these ghosts have been controlled by people…”

Yang Xuan whispered, but his face remained unchanged, just spreading his body skills one after another, facing the demon at the end of the blood The shadow flew away, and the demon shadow did not know what it was. It was obviously able to control the many blood mist ghosts in the sea of ​​blood, and had absolute control over these blood mist ghosts.

“Very good, very good, this seat is not mistaken, you human being is not simple, you have the ability to be one of the enchantments under this seat, no, it should be exactly from these enchantments Commander.”

In about 5 minutes, Yang Xuan came to the end of the sea of ​​blood, and was no more than a hundred zhang away from the demon shadow, and with the arrival of Yang Xuan, the demon shadow couldn’t help being nodded. , Jié jié said with a smile.

Yang Xuan didn’t speak either, his gaze flicked over the demon shadow, looked towards a seat on the altar not far away.

A total of 18 altars, suspended above the sea of ​​blood, are full of people standing on them, one by one, or Demonic beast transformation, or holy cultivator, with cold green in their eyes Light, motionless.

“As you can see, these people are all enchantments in this seat. Life and death are within this seat. They have to do what this seat wants them to do.”

The demon’s voice sounded, with a touch of charm, “You don’t need to be nervous, although you are a human, but within the body there is a pure Demon Race bloodline, as long as you are willing to acknowledge allegiance in this seat, This seat does not conclude a soul contract with you.”

“Who are you?”

Yang Xuan solemnly asked, he did not see Ji Yuechan’s silhouette on the altar, in his heart Slightly relaxed at the same time, it is unavoidable to have some doubts.

It stands to reason that Ji Yuechan will definitely be able to encounter it after entering the Valley of the Dead, but Ji Yuechan is not here now, which is undoubtedly a bit strange.

“I am the ancestor of the nightmare, the Demon God who is in charge of the dream.”

“The dream is in charge!”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes and was right there The moment he lost his mind, he felt a strange power that suddenly invaded his heart, dragging his mind into a terrifying dream.

In this dream, there are endless ferocious monsters. These monsters scream continuously and make waves of magic sounds, which makes Yang Xuan’s mind shake involuntarily.

That kind of feeling is like being in purgatory, you may die at any time.

Chapter 1787 Confrontation of Will

“haha, in this Majesty’s dream, this seat is invincible.”

The nightmare ancestor laughed loudly It seems that Yang Xuan has already regarded it as meat on the plate and can be slaughtered by it. He said grimly: “This seat has limited patience and no time is spent with you. Give you 3 breaths time to consider, acknowledge allegiance or death, you choose. “

“With you, do you miss my acknowledge allegiance?”

Yang Xuan coldly said.

“refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, okay, I will give you a little bit of color, let you know the gap between you and me.”

The nightmare ancestor was obviously irritated. He controlled countless monsters and kept hitting Yang Xuan’s mind. These monsters were transformed by his thoughts and were metamorphosis of killing. In the past, cultivators from the Immortal Emperor realm went deep into the Valley of Souls. All died among the dream monsters he created.

Only a few people were wiped out by him and left as slaves, driven by him.

“A group of demons and monsters, dare to stir the wind and the rain in my heart? They will all be destroyed for me.”

Yang Xuan sneered, a terrifying will came to my heart, Suppress and kill many monsters.


The nightmare ancestor shouted.

“In front of absolute power, there is nothing impossible, you can only say that you are too weak.”

Yang Xuan coldly said, he walked in the way, with the strongest will, almost Unshakable.

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