What is persistence ?

Hold on what you think, and act against the sky. The persistence will not be destroyed, and the evil will be invaded.

In fact, the so-called clinging person is a demon in itself, and it is not a demon at the same time. To be precise, it should be Supreme True Demon, just like Buddhism cuts off the obsession with the Buddha who pursues bliss. Supreme Holy Buddha.

However, whether it is Holy Buddha or True Demon, there is no difference in essence. It’s nothing more than the difference that’s all. The ultimate goal is immortality and immortality.

Of course, at the end of the great road, there are different paths to the same goal. As long as Yang Xuan is willing, he can enter the Buddha from the demon at any time. In other words, the Buddha and the demon are just a representation, and everything is between his thoughts.

This is the power of obsession.

Holding obsession, saying that it sounds good is thought and belief, if it is not good, it is paranoia, it is Heart Demon.

“Well, good, very good, you human being is really not simple, and your will is so strong! But the more you resist, the more I will subdue you.”

The voice of the ancestor of the nightmare once again sounded in Yang Xuan’s mind, with an irresistible charm, “Human, you don’t have to struggle anymore. Enter this Majesty’s nightmare world, you just It can be used by me.”

The voice was still there, Yang Xuan’s heart was shaken, and the silhouette of one after another appeared in front of him. Among them were his parents and close relatives, as well as his beloved Qin Lan and other daughters. As the years passed, he gradually left him and turned into dust…

The scenes were clearly and cruelly displayed before him, and it was unclear whether it was real or a dream.


Yang Xuan remain unmoved, killing intent in his heart, like a storm that swept all the world, strangling all illusions.

He has accomplished his way. He can see through the illusion at a glance, and kill the illusion with a single thought. After all, these illusions are nothing but existence, no matter how real the dreams are, they are always dreams.

The nightmare ancestor wanted to use his dreams to make him perish forever, simply wishful thinking.

“Damn devil, I don’t believe that I can’t deal with you.”

The nightmare ancestor both shocked and angry, directly cast the ontology image into Yang Xuan’s heart. , It was a sinister and terrible giant beast. The giant beast was completely dark, with blood red and bloodthirsty eyes, and a series of negative emotions exuded all over the body.

“Wait for a long time, cut it for me!”

Yang Xuan’s heart is shouting loudly, a sharp sword of volition, fiercely cut to the giant beast.


With a muffled sound, there is nothing but nothing but a sharp sword, and nothing is never extinguished. When one sword is slashed, the giant beast is chopped into fly ash.

“Damn, you dare to destroy my Mind Avatar, I want you to die without a burial site.”

The nightmare ancestor roared, Mind Avatar continued to descend, moved towards Yang Xuan The mind, biting away frantically.

“It’s ridiculous, don’t you recognize the reality?”

Yang Xuan’s mind, sitting in his heart, constantly using the sword of will, Avatar of the will of the nightmare ancestor, Killing mercilessly, more than will, he is not afraid of the nightmare ancestor at all, can only say that the nightmare ancestor is too bad luck, so he just met him as a freak.

His will contains terrifying obsession, this obsession is pure killing intent, unless the strength of the will of the nightmare ancestor is far above him, otherwise it will not threaten him at all .

“Impossible, this Old Ancestor is the Demon God who is in charge of dreams. Any will will be swallowed by me…”

The nightmare ancestor could not accept this result, and it is true that he was killed It is his Will Avatar, but the Will Avatar is also a part of his body. As more and more Will Avatars are cut off, his ontology inevitably falls into weakness.

“Zhan Zhan Zhan!”

Yang Xuan ignored the howling of the nightmare ancestor, and continued to slay his will Avatar. In this moment, the will of the nightmare ancestor Avatar. , Didn’t dare to appear again, but Yang Xuan retreated strongly in his heart.

“Ah, you deserve to die, this seat will tear you apart.”

Not far away, the nightmare ancestor roared into the sky, and his eyes burst. Shot out a terrifying blood light.

“Don’t worry, I want to kill you too, this thing is a scourge to live, but before I kill you, I still have questions to ask you.”

Yang Xuan lifts the head , Said while looking at the nightmare ancestor who was about to fall into madness.

“What do you want to ask?” The nightmare ancestor gnashing teeth said authentically, and he calmed down for a while.

“Very simple, have you ever seen such a woman…” Yang Xuan did not talk nonsense, and simply described the appearance of Ji Yuechan. In his opinion, Ji Yuechan must have been here. Here, there are also Ji Yuechan’s weak aura fluctuations, which is absolutely impossible.

“It’s her, it turns out that you are that woman’s lover.”

The nightmare ancestor Dao, he was born in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, and was formed by the infinite Remnant Soul. I’ve been cultivation under the blood seabed all the time, and I really saw Ji Yuechan not long ago, but Ji Yuechan has a heavy treasure on his body, and even he can’t help it, so Ji Yuechan can only pass by.

“Oh, where did she go?”

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows, his eyes couldn’t help passing the nightmare ancestor, looking towards the other side of the blood sea, that piece There is a thick black mist everywhere in the area, which makes people unable to see through. The divine sense is also isolated, which is extremely mysterious and weird.

“hmph, it’s okay to tell you that the woman went to the black fog of death behind this seat, and I’m afraid she’s already dead now.”

The ancestor of the nightmare is coldly snorted.

“Black mist of death?!”

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes. Of course he could feel the terrifying of the black mist, but he didn’t think Ji Yuechan would die, as Lord The descendant of the Mortal World, Ji Yuechan also has the means to save his life, and dares to go deep into the black mist alone.

“Boy, you don’t have to look around. This black mist is the real Danger Land. Even this seat does not dare to set foot easily. As for you, this seat admits that you are strong, but you will Strong, the fleshy body cannot stop the erosion of the black mist.”

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