“No, this Old Ancestor is immortal.”

The nightmare ancestor shouted, and was about to rush out of the Heaven-Swallowing Cauldron , so Yang Xuan slapped him down. , Smashed heavily to the bottom of the Tuntianding Ding, and at the same time, Yang Xuan sat cross-legged above the Tuntianding and read Six Characters Great Bright Incantation.

“Mani Pad Mi Shu

Yang Xuan bears the eternal Taoism, can maximize the power of Six Characters Great Bright Incantation, and accompanied by six huge golden The ancient light talisman was lowered and imprinted on the nightmare ancestor, and the aura of the nightmare ancestor became weaker and weaker.

This is Six Characters Great Bright Incantation, which is born like the nightmare ancestor. The nemesis of demons.

“No, you can’t kill me, I, I am willing to acknowledge allegiance, for you to drive…”

The nightmare ancestor yelled in fear, even The struggling heart is lost. Under Six Characters Great Bright Incantation, he is like a cloud of evil black mist, constantly being dispelled by the sacred and vast golden light. If this continues, it will not take long for his body to be completely Flying ash annihilation, no longer exists.

“If you are to blame, you will blame your good luck, it just provokes me. “

Yang Xuan looked cold and indifferent, the slightest remained unmoved, until the nightmare ancestor’s screams disappeared, the gods were gone, only a white light was left, and he stopped casting Six Characters Great Bright Incantation , That white light is the original power of the nightmare ancestors.

This original power was originally formed by the endless Evil Thought, but under the tempering of Six Characters Great Bright Incantation, it has already become The crystal clear and near-transparent, without impurities, gradually turns the white light into strands of streamer, which is absorbed and refined by the Heaven Swallowing Cauldron, and feeds it back to Yang Xuan.

“What a pure spirit strength! “

Yang Xuan squinted his eyes. He only felt that Divine Soul and Primordial Spirit were both significantly stronger. It was a big supplement.

Meet in Chapter 1789


Evil thought and Evil Thought, or desire to kill, etc., are all obsessions, but obsessions are not all negative emotions.

For example, Yang Xuan, his obsession is The love of his loved ones is never giving up, struggle against the Heavens. For him, he can truly defying heaven changing fate without giving up. Even if this road is full of difficulties and dangers, he will not hesitate and fearless. One way to the end.

“Poor fellow, although his strength is not weak, he is restrained by me and can only be the nourishment for me to become stronger. “

Yang Xuan coldly smiled, the nightmare ancestor was born because of obsession, and was destroyed by obsession, a negative force, all turned into pure spirit strength, became a part of his body, It became the cornerstone of his doctrine.

Different from simple obsession, doctrine is the power of the great avenue. One thought can produce all things, and one thought can eliminate all things. Of course, with Yang Xuan’s current cultivation realm, It’s still far from that level, but it’s also the beginning of his power.

Now he, even if he meets the Dark Nether Ancestor again, he dares to fight head-on with him, although he dare not say he can win Passed the opponent, but it is difficult for the opponent to keep him.

“hong long long! ! ! “

During meditation, there was a violent wave in the distance, and even the whole sea of ​​blood rolled endlessly, stirring up blood waves.

“I hope that Ji Yuechan will be fine… …”

Yang Xuan brows slightly wrinkle, immediately unfolded her body skills, stepped on the huge waves of blood, and rushed all the way forward.

Ji Yuechan should have crossed the blood sea, go Going to another mysterious forbidden area, maybe there is some danger now, Yang Xuan is worried, but the speed is constantly improving.


Several thousands li , On the other side of the sea of ​​blood, is the ruins of a palace.

Yang Xuan guesses a little and knows that this is most likely the mountain gate site of Saint Dao Sect. The Transcending Tribulation failed. Because of the ashes, Saint Dao Sect also split, and then was invaded by many foreign enemies, and finally completely destroyed.

It can be said that this is a battlefield. After a great battle, only this huge piece of land remains. The ruins.

Looking up, the whole palace ruins are full of broken walls and bones. In the wind and whistling, killing thoughts are swept in like a wave, and one after can be heard. Another makes people have one’s hair stand on end.

It’s like a lot of demons and ghosts dormant. They may jump out at any time and choose someone to eat.

Ancient Battlefield, really soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed…”

The ruins are very vast, and you can’t see the end at a glance. Yang Xuan didn’t go far, and met a lot of ghosts, some The ghost even condense part of the flesh and blood, and the body is between the virtual and the real, and it bites Yang Xuan frantically.

Yang Xuan didn’t do anything, but just protected his body with Supreme Yang Divine Fire. A golden flame, the burning void twisted and creaked, and any ghost who dared to approach him became fly ash without exception.

This scene also had a great deterrent effect. Gradually, no ghosts dare to act blindly without thinking. When they see him appear, they even choose to disperse far away, like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

However, not all ghosts are afraid of Yang Xuan. In 5 minutes, Yang Xuan encountered an extremely powerful ghost, and launched a battle with it.

This ghost flesh and blood has independent spiritual wisdom, not only extremely bloodthirsty, but also very good at hiding, and has mastered a lot of tyrannical Divine Ability secrets, and its strength is more powerful than some ordinary holy realms. Favorably.

Yang Xuan also took a lot of effort to fight against it, and finally hit it hard, and then suppressed it with Six Characters Great Bright Incantation, and swallowed Tianding to devour its spirit strength.

After all, a ghost is a ghost, no matter whether it breeds flesh and blood, its original wish is a spirit strength, this thing Yang Xuan will naturally not miss.


Suddenly, deep in the ruins, there was another loud noise. At the same time, a dazzling light flashed in the distance, as if Some kind of Supreme Treasure was born.

Even far away, Yang Xuan felt a strong aura fluctuation. It was not the breath of a ghost, but a breath of treasure, vast and mysterious, powerful and immortal.

At this moment, the surrounding ghosts were completely boiling, looking for the bright light, rushing towards the incident, causing the entire ruins to tremble violently.


In the distance, a cold shout sounded, and then a fierce battle broke out.

“Ji Yuechan is in trouble again.”

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