So many ghosts are attracted, if Ji Yuechan is the one who leads the treasure in front, then the danger Ji Yuechan is about to face can be imagined.

Yang Xuan hardly thought about it, unfolded the Kunpeng Wing directly, and hurried away as quickly as possible.

At the end of the ruins, there is a ten thousand zhang mountain peak. The entire mountain peak is densely covered with vegetation, lush and green, like a fairy mountain, incompatible with the barren scene of the entire ruins.

Yang Xuan came to the foot of the mountain and found that the entire mountain was surrounded by endless ghosts, and he was moving towards the barrier that shrouded the mountain and launched a fierce attack.

At the same time, on the mountain peak, a shadow was faintly visible. It was a woman with a cold breath, with a green silk like a waterfall, and a red lotus mark on the eyebrows releasing divine splendor, protecting the whole body.

In her all around, several ghosts condense flesh and blood, like humans and non-humans, ghosts and not ghosts, are attacking them, but no matter how strong these ghosts are, it is difficult to break the divine splendor outside the woman’s body.

The divine splendor, like a curtain of water, spread all over the woman’s body. All attacks that submerge into the divine splendor will be wiped out by the divine splendor.

But as time goes by, that layer of divine splendor is dimming a little bit, and even the red lotus mark on the woman’s eyebrows is gradually disappearing…

” Ji Yuechan, what did she do here alone, is she attracted by some treasure on this mountain?”

“I don’t want to, I will save people first.”

Yang Xuan shook the head, his figure swept over countless ghosts, came to the outside of the restriction, and passed straight through. This restriction was extremely powerful, but it was a kind of spiritual barrier, and Yang Xuan could not be stopped simply.

Yang Xuan only took one step and successfully surpassed this barrier. During the period, the restraint was touched, and a terrifying Power of Slaughter came out, but was swallowed by his body.

At the same time, the whole person didn’t stay for a moment, and flew up all the way. It didn’t take long to come to Ji Yuechan’s side, and Ji Yuechan joined forces to kill all around a few Yin Soul Destruction.

Until now, Ji Yuechan had time to look at Yang Xuan on the side, her expression became very complicated, “It’s you, why are you here, and why are you saving me?”

“I found your remaining breath and followed it all the way. As for why I want to save you, it’s very simple, because you are my woman.”

Yang Xuan smiled and said.


Ji Yuechan face turned cold, didn’t expect Yang Xuan dared to tease her, and suddenly a cold light shot out in her eyes.

“You are not my opponent, I advise you not to do it.”

Yang Xuan remain unmoved, with a smile on his face, he asked casually: “You How about that Master, who is not with you?”

“hmph, you should be thankful that my Master is not here, otherwise I would have died a long time ago.” Ji Yuechan is coldly snorted, he is very kind in words In her memory, Yang Xuan is a heartless man, her Heart Demon. Only by killing Yang Xuan can she perfect Dao Xin.

“Don’t look at me like that, I’m not your enemy.”

Yang Xuan smiled bitterly, Ji Yuechan’s memory was tampered with by Lord of the Mortal World, no matter what he said, I’m afraid It’s hard to change anything, but he still has to say something that should be said.

Chapter 1790 Heavenly Thunder Sect is killed

“You go, I don’t want to see you.”

Ji Yuechan’s pretty face is cold, and the cold light flashes in his eyes, saying “Do you know that I want to kill you all the time. I didn’t expect you to appear in front of me now.”

“You think you can kill me, I will never fight back.”


Yang Xuan Road.

“Really, then you stand still, and I will take your life.”

While Ji Yuechan spoke, she waved her palm to kill, without any reservation, just listen With a muffled bang, Yang Xuan remained motionless and took the palm.

“Damn it!”

Ji Yuechan regressed again and again, both shocked and angry in her heart, Yang Xuan’s fleshy body is too strong, even if she did her best, she could not hurt him Cents.

“I gave you a chance. You can’t kill me. You can’t blame me.”

Yang Xuan grinned, and suddenly put out his big hand, taking advantage of Ji Yuechan’s whole body Hold your arms in your arms.

“Let it go!”

Ji Yuechan can’t get out of struggling, and being so frivolous by Yang Xuan, she almost burst into flames in her eyes.

“You hate me so?”

Yang Xuan brows slightly wrinkle, lightly sighed, and let go of Ji Yuechan.

Ji Yuechan stepped back two steps, angrily said: “Yes, I hate you, hate your ruthlessness, hate your abusive sentiment, in my eyes, you are a despicable person. “

“Ruthless? Excessive emotion? Hehe……”

Yang Xuan wanted to laugh, but couldn’t laugh at all. He said: “Your memory has already been Master tampered with it. I won’t argue with you, let alone get angry because of it. After all, it’s all my fault. I was too weak to keep you behind.”

Looking at the top of the peak, there is a flickering light, flickering, and can’t help but say: “This mountain is the residence of Saint Dao Sect’s gate. If I expected it, there should be Saint Dao Sect’s secret treasure on the mountain.”

“Why, do you still want to compete with me for the secret treasure of this place?”

Ji Yuechan sneered.

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