This is the fate of most cultivators. When Heavenly Might really comes, the fate of many people will be controlled by Heavenly Might in the dark. How about defying heaven changing fate?

Not to mention, this is Heavenly Dao in the Land of Eternal Silence. The Divine Thunder erupted out of it. There is a source of death in it, and it can easily annihilate everything.

“It’s too slow. Although my body can swallow the tribulation thunder and turn the power of the tribulation thunder into its own, this speed is not fast, and the power of the tribulation thunder is destroying me all the time. Body, if it weren’t for my body with Demon Sovereign blood and strong enough physique, I’m afraid I would have died long ago.”

“No, this destruction speed is too fast, even if I have healing holy The technique is far beyond the speed of my body’s recovery. How long I have been impossible to hold on, and then if I can’t find within the body as soon as possible, this tribulation thunder will soon be blasted by the 2nd 3rd tribulation thunder.”

Yang Xuan’s mind changed rapidly, thinking quickly about the countermeasures, but couldn’t think of any way for a while. After all, he was just an imperial cultivator, even if it was a cultivator who was stepping against the sky, he was in charge of Initial Mastery. It is also difficult to exert the strongest power that swallows Heavenly Dao.

To devour Heavenly Dao, relying on his obsession, the stronger the obsession, the stronger he swallows Heavenly Dao. The two can be said to complement each other. However, although his obsession is strong, there is ultimately a limit. Beyond this limit, his fleshy body and even Divine Soul will completely collapse.

“It’s useless, this Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation is aimed at this palace, and even this palace has no certainty to resist, you don’t need Final Struggle.”

Lord of the Mortal World spoke from a distance, his voice was cold and merciless, without any emotion.

But be that as it may, she doesn’t want Yang Xuan to die like this. Anyway, Yang Xuan is also Ji Yuechan’s love type. Even if Yang Xuan wants to die, he must be killed by Ji Yuechan himself.

Thinking of Ji Yuechan, Lord of the Mortal World couldn’t help but moved towards the distant Sacred Road Mountain, only to see that as time passed, Ji Yuechan’s divine light had gradually faded. Seeing that the inheritance is about to be completed.

“What is this inheritance, it can erase the Source Imprint that the main palace stays in Ji Yuechan within the body……”

Lord of the Mortal World looks at Ji Yuechan, can clearly The feeling of Ji Yuechan’s changes, especially her Source Imprint staying in Ji Yuechan within the body, is getting weaker.

To know this Source Imprint, but she took a lot of effort to plant Ji Yuechan. Once Source Imprint disappears, she will lose control of Ji Yuechan.

“I can’t just watch it like this, I have to find a way to stop this.” Lord of the Mortal World frowned, and soon she made a decision. She body moved and quickly bypassed Yang Xuan, smash the protection of the holy road mountain with one palm.

With the loss of the mountain protection ban, Shengdao Mountain is also unable to stop Lord of the Mortal World. Lord of the Mortal World just flickered and came to Ji Yuechan.

But it was just close, no matter how she acted, it was difficult to get close to Ji Yuechan. The divine light outside Ji Yuechan, with a terrifying force, just blocked her out.

“Damn, this palace has spent a lot of effort, is it really going to lose this dao fruit…” The face of the man in the red dust is extremely ugly, Ji Yuechan is related to her to prove Dao Road, and it is really lost With Ji Yuechan’s dao fruit, she will be cut off if she wants to prove the Tao.

“My palace does not believe that this layer of divine light cannot be attacked.” Lord of the Mortal World is also a fierce person, frantically attacking, but what makes her desperate is that no matter how sharp her attack is, Also can’t break this layer of divine light.

“Yuechan, I woke up quickly for the teacher…”

“Have you heard, my palace wants you to wake up quickly.”

Lord of the Mortal World I was upset and shouted again and again, but Ji Yuechan’s eyes closed tightly, and she didn’t even notice it, and she didn’t mean to wake up at all.

This scene was seen by Yang Xuan, and he couldn’t help but relax secretly. He is now powerless to defend himself, and simply doesn’t have the ability to protect Ji Yuechan. Fortunately, Lord of the Mortal World exhausted every means. , Also failed to break through the divine light on Ji Yuechan’s body.

“Yuechan seems to have something to do in a short time It shouldn’t be, I still think of a way to get through this tribulation.”

Just as Yang Xuan thought, An old voice suddenly rang in his mind, “What a terrifying tribulation thunder, but unfortunately Young Master has not yet broken through the holy realm, and has not yet condensed Source Power. If you have Source Power, you should be able to speed up this refining speed.”

“Tong Lao, are you awake? By the way, what Source Power did you say about Tong Lao?”

Yang Xuan’s heart moved, and his thoughts immediately communicated with Tong Elderly Tian.

“When Young Master encounters danger, the old man naturally dare not continue to fall asleep. The Source Power that Old Yu said in the mouth is naturally the power that the Holy Land can master.”

Through Elderly Tian paused, he said: “The origin is a certain transformation of one’s own power. The power formed by this transformation contains one’s own Essence, Qi, and Spirit, and when the cultivator’s cultivation base enters the holy Circumstances, you can merge Essence, Qi, and Spirit with mana into one, turning it into a more powerful original force.”

“The fusion of Essence, Qi, and Spirit is the original source…”


Yang Xuan muttered to himself, the so-called Essence, Qi, and Spirit refers to the will, blood, and Divine Soul. The three are indispensable. If a cultivator has only powerful energy and blood, Divine Soul, although Battle strength is monstrous, but the will becomes a weakness.

Weak will. To put it simply, Dao Xin is not firm enough.

“I’m in a clerical manner, and my will is indestructible. As for my blood, Divine Soul, I have already reached the limit I can reach at this stage. It is entirely possible to combine Essence, Qi, and Spirit with Mana is merged, and cultivation has produced his own Source Power.”

Yang Xuan’s light flashed, in an instant, he already had an idea, and immediately gathered his own Essence, Qi, and Spirit. He blended into his own magic power.

Originally, this kind of fusion can only be achieved by reaching the Holy Land, only because the Holy Land might experience Thunder Tribulation baptism when crossing Saint Tribulation, and under Thunder Tribulation, this can be accomplished. Kind of fusion probability.

Of course, most of the cultivators in the imperial realm can only use within the body condense or several sources when they go through the Saint Thunder Tribulation. This is related to the foundation of each person’s avenue. .

Generally speaking, the stronger the foundation of the avenue, the stronger the foundation, and the more original strength it can condense.

“My mana is strong, and it is not at all inferior to the ordinary holy realm, and my will, blood, and Divine Soul are far reaching the level of the holy realm, even the ordinary holy realm. The cultivator is not equal to me, and with the help of Divine Thunder, I might be able to condense Source Power in advance.”

The more Yang Xuan thinks about it, the more he thinks this is feasible, and immediately Motivates the thundering Thunder Force within the body, and integrates Essence, Qi, and Spirit into one’s own mana.


At this moment, if there is thunder in Yang Xuan within the body and a violent explosion, the scene is like Splitting Heaven and Earth Apart. Gradually, the violent explosion is attributed to Calm, with more than a dozen grayish streams, was also born out of thin air in Yang Xuan’s body, flowing endlessly along his limbs.

“This is the origin, there are as many as Eighteen, and my origin seems to have a will of almost unyielding, there is nothing wrong, this is the origin of the Dao, the real Grand Dao Source .”

Yang Xuan was secretly happy, and at the same time, he also understood that the reason why everything went so smoothly was because he was a cultivator. Under the trend of unyielding, he could accomplish what others couldn’t. The feat of condense own Grand Dao Source in one fell swoop.

Chapter 1799 Nine Zhuan Dao Heart Pill

“Is this the origin…”

Yang Xuan sits cross-legged, looking inside his body, you can Clearly see the Eighteen gray streamer within the body, and even feel a terrifying power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth from it.

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