This power is Source Power, to be precise, it should be the source of the doctrine.

What is clinging?

In Yang Xuan’s view, it is a kind of will, an unyielding will that is rather jade fragmented than complete. The will is immortal and can shake the world.

Of course, different people have different views on “holding.”

For example, Buddhism regards “attachment” as a defilement barrier. The more profound Buddhist cultivator among them, the less obsessions in the mind, and when all obsessions in the mind are cut off, that is the so-called The six roots are in a state of purity and great freedom.

Unfortunately, there are very few people who can truly reach this state.

“I hold the law and enforce the law on behalf of the sky. I am destined not to be accepted by the world. A side World has the will of a side World. I want to be above the sky and the earth, and the road ahead is naturally unpredictable.”

“But what about this? I, Yang Xuan, is a clamor of iron and bones. I don’t respect the gods of heaven and earth. I only take myself as the center. What I think, think, say, and do all represent my determination and will. “

Yang Xuan secretly thought that with his tenacity in his roots, he could already find himself faintly rejected by heaven and earth. This rejection is extraordinary, like innumerable living beings. An anomaly of, will be obliterated and driven away by the will of heaven and earth.

“Perseverance to the Dao, this is rarer than the legendary retrograde, Young Master must be careful in the future.”

Through Elderly Tian lightly sighed.

“I will be careful.”

Yang Xuan nodded.

“The origin of the doctrine is very strong. Even the old man can’t tell how strong it is, but one thing is certain. The origin of the Young Master is far surpasses. In the category of Heavenly Grade.”

Through Elderly Tian, ​​he thought for a while and said.

“Heavenly Grade? The origin is still divided into grades?!”

“Of course, Grand Dao Source, after all, is related to their own Dao, the strength varies, the formidable power It is also the difference between Heaven and Earth. Even if some holy cultivator condense the Grand Dao Source, its Grand Dao Source is at most Xuanhuang Rank 2, and it’s not bad that it can reach Earth Grade. As for those that can condense the origin of Heavenly Grade People, that’s the real as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.”

“There are a lot of things that the old man knows. If you don’t say it, I don’t know that Grand Dao Source is also divided into Heaven. , Earth, Profound and Yellow Tier 4!”

“Young Master didn’t know, my Old Master Immortal Emperor Tong Tian once used the Emperor Realm cultivation base to successfully cultivation a Grand Dao Source, and In order to increase the number of Grand Dao Sources, my Old Master has traveled to the Ten Thousand Realms to find information about Grand Dao Source.”

“so that’s how it is.”

Yang Xuan hearing this, I didn’t think too much, Immortal Emperor Tong Tian is a great emperor after all. After a long life, he knows a lot. Of course, Immortal Emperor Tong Tian can condense Grand Dao Source before entering the holy realm. This talent is also rare in ancient and modern times.

Unfortunately, no matter how high the talent is, after all, body dies and Dao disappears.

And people like this, from ancient times to the present, will not be few. It can only be said that they were unlucky and died on the way of preaching.

“With Grand Dao Source, the next Thunder Tribulation will not help me.”

Yang Xuan took a deep breath and looked up at the sky full of thunderclouds , I only saw two Divine Thunder in the thundercloud blasting down, but at this moment, his expression could no longer see the slightest fear.

Not only did he have no fear, he also went up against the thunder and rushed into the two Divine Thunder alone.


The heavens and the earth trembled, the terrifying dying Divine Thunder exploded on Yang Xuan’s body, and the one after another tribulation thunder was like a monstrous flood, constantly Invade his body.

No, it cannot be said to be an invasion, but it should be said that it was swallowed by him. This swallowing speed is extremely fast. As countless tribulation thunders are absorbed by his body, the Source Power of his within the body has also changed from the previous Eighteen has become a full twenty-four.

A total of twenty-four Source Power, just like one after another torrent, rushing in his body within the body, constantly tempering his fleshy body and Divine Soul, and after this tempering , His fleshy body Divine Soul has also become stronger.

Even the cultivation base has been rising steadily, reaching the peak of the imperial realm in a short time, only one step away from the holy realm.

But the distance of this step is like a gap in the sky. It takes an opportunity to pass smoothly.

“This is not dead, but with the help of Thunder Force, the cultivation base has been raised…”

At the top of the Holy Road, Lord of the Mortal World frowned. She was originally I no longer pay attention to Yang Xuan, thinking that Yang Xuan is bound to escape the disaster, but now it seems that she still underestimates Yang Xuan.

“Opportunity? This Thunder Tribulation is not an opportunity for sanctification…”

Yang Xuan sat down again in midair and released his own one after another in charge of the origin, to impact the thundercloud above, causing the thundercloud that was about to dissipate to gather frantically, forming an even more vast thundercloud.

At this moment, the heaven and the earth were dead and silent, except for the rolling thunder in the thundercloud, no other sound came out.

“I still want to take advantage of the Transcending Tribulation, proving to be holy, it is act recklessly!”

Lord of the Mortal World sneered, with her eyesight, how could she not know Yang Xuan wanted What to do, but Yang Xuan’s crazy behavior is destined to be caused by the more terrifying Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation, and even eventually turned into fly ash under the Heavenly Dao Thunder Tribulation.

One hour, one hour!

The thunderclouds above the void have been gathering crazily, and they have been accumulating power, and after an hour, the coercion has reached an incredible level!

The pressure is too strong, even if it is on the Holy Path Mountain, even if the pressure is not against others, it still makes Lord of the Mortal World feel throbbing.

“This madman!”

Lord of the Mortal World squinted, because she had already cut off her passions, she was also in unprecedented horror at this moment.


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