At this moment, several Elders of the Ancient Demon Valley were also shocked by Yang Xuan’s terrifying Divine Demon Body, and all of them showed expressions of incomparable horror.

“I said, even if you Dragon Transformation, in my eyes, it is just an insect, I can pinch to death with bare hands.”

The loud and magical voice resounded through the world, and then Yang One palm of Xuan’s hand was like a big mountain, grabbing towards the Ancient Dragon below, with great force, causing bursts of explosions from the void.


The speed was too fast. Before Ancient Dragon had time to dodge, Yang Xuan’s big hand grabbed his head and raised it in front of him.

Yang Xuan lowered his head slightly, a pair of magic pupils stared at him coldly, and said: “Do you want to die or live?”

Ancient Dragon’s face flashed through struggle Lulu, in the end can only say: “Demonization Pond has changed many years ago. You can go if you want, but you are in danger. Don’t blame me for not reminding you beforehand.”

This can be considered a disguised defeat.

“The change? What is the change? Tell me clearly, remember, the more detailed the better, if you let me know that you are not true to the truth, don’t blame me to destroy your ancient monster valley To fix the lineage.”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted and said.

“The Demonization Pond was sealed, and once you entered, you couldn鈥檛 get out. This matter is not a secret in Eternal Silence Continent. As for who sealed the Demonization Pond and why he did it, it鈥檚 not I know.”

Ancient Dragon clenching one’s teeth and said: “This is all I can tell you, whether you believe it or not, I have said everything that should be said.”

“Lead the way!”

Yang Xuan hesitated, but in the end he didn’t kill Ancient Dragon, so he threw it out.

“Lead the way, you want me to enter the Demonization Pond with you?!”

The Ancient Dragon smashed to the ground with a bang, and the body recovered its human form.

“You take me to the Demonization Pond first. As for whether you want to go in next, you have to let me go and see before you talk.”



Listening to the meaning of Yang Xuan’s words, it seemed that he didn’t intend to forcefully break the Demonization Pond. Ancient Dragon thought about it and agreed.

Chapter 1818 The weird insect

“Valley master think twice, then Demonization Pond can’t go!”

Several ancients from Ten-Thousand Demons Valley The face of the demon Elder Gu changed.

“Stop talking, I’m determined.”

Ancient Dragon waved his hand. He lost to Yang Xuan, and it was still a miserable defeat. Now if he doesn’t lead the other side, not only he To die, even their Ancient Demon Valley would no longer exist.

In the final analysis, Ancient Dragon is also compelled by circumstances. If it weren’t as strong as humans, if Yang Xuan’s displayed strength was too terrifying, how could he be willing to lead the way for others?

“So, the Valley Master, be careful, I will wait for the return of the Valley Master in Ten-Thousand Demons Valley.” Several ancient demon Elder Gu could say the same in the end.

“Well, you go back, remember, I’m not here during this period, you have to wait to open the valley protection array.”

Ancient Dragon instructed.

“Yes, Lord of the Valley.”

Several ancient monsters Elder Gu are nodded and said that they are Ten-Thousand Demons Valley monster cultivator lineage, not without enemies in the Eternal Silence Continent. , And once people know that they have no leader in Ten-Thousand Demons Valley, they might take some action.

“Don’t worry, I just went to the Demonization Pond to have a look. It won’t delay you for too long.”

Yang Xuan said to Ancient Dragon.

“I hope your words count.”

Ancient Dragon gritted his teeth.

“It鈥檚 not too late, let鈥檚 set off now, and strive to arrive at the Demonization Pond sooner.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand, body moved, and came to stand beside Ji Yuechan. He was also very curious about the Demonization Pond that had changed. After all, the blood ancestor’s deity was trapped under the Demonization Pond.

Furthermore, the time of being trapped must not be too short. This also shows from the side that the Demonization Pond has undergone a change many years ago.

“The Demonization Pond is located in the deepest part of the Celestial Demon mountain range. Two of you will follow me.”

Ancient Dragon recovers his body and flies all the way to the forefront, like a guide With Yang Xuan and Ji Yuechan, they rushed towards Demonization Pond at the fastest speed.

“If you can suppress the Demonization Pond of the blood ancestors, you must not take it lightly, Yang Xuan, you have to be careful, don’t let yourself in to help the blood ancestors.”

Ji Yuechan and Yang Xuan walked side by side, secretly sounding transmission.

“Well, I will.”

Yang Xuan nodded means knowing.


The Celestial Demon mountain range stretches vertically and horizontally more than a hundred thousand li. In the entire mountain range, there are also some monster cultivator forces, but they are all based on the head of the ancient demon valley. , Ancient Demon Valley is also the real overlord in the Celestial Demon mountain range.

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