It’s just that among these monster cultivator forces, the overwhelming majority monster cultivator still maintains the Demonic beast form, which may be related to the evolution of the Demonization Pond.

“Several 100,000 years ago, the Demonization Pond was blocked, which also made it more difficult for my monster cultivator lineage to transform. Among them, my Ancient Demon Valley is fortunate. I have a large reserve of transforming pills, which can make clansman advance Transformation, but other monster cultivator forces are different. Because there is no transformation pill, transformation needs to reach Immortal King Realm.”

Ancient Dragon opened the mouth and said in front.

“Immortal King Realm can be transformed?!” Ji Yuechan asked in surprise.

“The Eternal Silence Continent has the rules of the Eternal Silence Continent. Naturally, it is different from the Immortal World outside the world. Here, if Demonic beast wants to be transformed, it takes a long period of cultivation to break the rules. “

Ancient Dragon said.

Yang Xuan didn’t care about these, and asked: “How long will it take to reach the Demonization Pond?”

“Quickly, at our speed, we will soon reach the Demonization Pond. ”

Just in Ancient Dragon while speaking, the front is gradually becoming wider. It is a plain in the mountains. The edge is not visible at a glance. In the deepest part of the plain, the void is faintly distorted, as if it can turn everything The creatures are torn apart.

“Space prohibition!”

Yang Xuan squinted and said that space prohibition is definitely the most terrifying of all prohibitions, even he dare not underestimate it.

“Yes, that’s a space restriction, and the Demonization Pond is located behind that space restriction.” When Ancient Dragon said this, he also deliberately slowed down his speed. He once broke into that space. Banned, but had to retreat quickly before going far.

There is no other reason. It is too dangerous inside. With his cultivation base and strong physique, he can’t bear it. If he dares to go deeper, he will inevitably obliterate the space.

“Enough, I can only bring it here, and if I go further, I will be trapped in space restriction. When the time comes, it is not easy to figure it out.”

Not long , Ancient Dragon stopped and didn’t dare to move forward.

“Demonization Pond is related to your monster cultivator lineage, you are not going to explore it inside?” Yang Xuan glanced at Ancient Dragon.

“Don’t tell me, that place is too dangerous, and I don’t want to go to death.”

Ancient Dragon shook his head with a firm attitude.

“Well, since you refuse to go, let’s go back and forth from anywhere, but don’t blame me for not telling you. Even if you return to Ten-Thousand Demons Valley alive today, it will be equally difficult for you soon. Survival, including the many monster cultivators in your Ten-Thousand Demons Valley, will also suffer a catastrophe.”

Hearing Yang Xuan’s words, Ancient Dragon’s eyes dazzled and said: “Your words fit the meaning. , Is it possible that you still want to do it to me and Ten-Thousand Demons Valley monster cultivator?”

“You are mistaken, it is not that I want to do it to you, but this world will have a A catastrophe.” Yang Xuan said.

“What kind of catastrophe, can you tell me more clearly?”

“This matter is not clear. If you want to believe me, you will pass this news out and let the entire Eternal Silence Continent All are ready for battle.”

Yang Xuan didn’t wait for the Ancient Dragon to come back to his senses, so he took Ji Yuechan and flew straight into the space restriction ahead. I didn’t know the space restriction. How big is it? Yang Xuan and Ji Yuechan just entered, they felt like they were in a quagmire, and even their actions became extremely difficult.

That kind of extremely distorted space made both of them feel a huge pulling force, tearing them to pieces with their souls.

“This restriction is not weak, Yuechan, you go inside to hide first.” After walking for a while, Yang Xuan took out the Heaven Swallowing Cauldron and signaled Ji Yuechan to enter the inner space of the Cauldron.

Self becomes a space in the Tuntianding Ding. Among them are Yang Xuan’s Life Source World, Qin Lan, Su Ziyao, and his parents, and a group of friends and relatives are all cultivation in it.

“No, I’ll be with you.” Ji Yuechan shook his head.

“Being obedient, speaking of strength and physique, I am far better than you. You and me will only distract me.”

When Yang Xuan said this, Ji Yuechan briefly He hesitated, but in the end he could only be nodded, and after Ji Yuechan entered the Heaven-tunneling Cauldron, Yang Xuan’s flight speed also accelerated in vain.

This piece of prohibition is indeed very strong, but it is difficult to threaten him. After all, he himself cultivated the big Void Technique and mastered the Space Law. Although the can’t be considered is so profound, it is a little bit His pulling force can’t help him.

“This kid…”

In the distance, watching Yang Xuan alone and quickly disappearing into the space restriction, Ancient Dragon’s face is also difficult to hide the look of shock.

“Hey, there are still creatures in it, what is that?!”

Flying the time it takes half an incense stick to burn, Yang Xuan suddenly discovered A group of small black spots appeared in front of them. They were almost transparent insects, as if they were living in this space restriction, not affected by the space restriction at all, but looked like a fish back in water.

“Strange insects in the space ban, these guys are probably very difficult to deal with. I can still avoid them. Don’t just touch them.”

With this thought, Yang Xuan’s entire figure was quietly integrated into the void, but what shocked him was that those insects could actually pass through in the sky, and even locked his position, chasing him like a locust.

Chapter 1819 The prohibition of terror

whiz whiz whiz! ! !

A large group of insects, the number is almost as many as tens of thousands, and the larger ones are also fist sized. Although they don’t seem to have a flesh and blood body, the voids that are cut in the flight are all creaking. As if the emptiness is about to be torn apart, it is very difficult to deal with at first glance.

“What kind of insect is this?!”

Yang Xuan frowned slightly. Originally, he wanted to make a detour with the big Void Technique and not get too entangled with these insects, who Thinking that the other party was so good, he immediately chased him in his position and whistling.

In that way, it is clear that he is regarded as delicious food i, to hunt him, it is irreconcilable.

“I have reduced my breath fluctuations, and didn’t expect still can’t avoid it, but how did these insects find me?”

Yang Xuan feels very puzzled about this , In the end, seeing that he couldn’t escape, he could only choose to turn around to fight.

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