Anyway, he has the cultivation base of Immortal Emperor Nine Layers Heaven, and his strength is far beyond the cultivation base, and his abilities are against many ordinary Saints , so he can’t deal with it. A group of insects walking in the sky?

However, when launching an attack, I was shocked to find that these insects are actually immune to most of the external energy attacks. In other words, unless the power is far beyond the limit that the opponent’s body can withstand, it is impossible to kill it.

“I really don’t believe in this evil.”

Yang Xuan came to the anger, and with a punch with boundless force, he crushed the void with a powerful blow, and flew to the forefront. There are at least hundreds of insects, but those insects that burst apart will soon reunite in the sky.

“If you blow it up, you can recondense it, how can you kill it?!”

“That’s all, if you can’t kill it, then swallow it all.”

While thinking, Yang Xuan waved his big hand, summon came out of Swallowing Heavenly Ding, swallowing a large number of insects in the future, and swallowing all the brains in Swallowing Heavenly Ding, the internal space of Swallowing Heavenly Ding was large enough, although Swallowing Heavenly Ding could not refining these insects immediately, but As long as it takes a long time, it can always be digested slowly.

“It’s finally clean now.”

Seeing that all the insects have entered the Swallowing Ding, and seeing that the Swallowing Ding is always intact, Yang Xuan’s heart is slightly relaxed, Then release a Strands of Divine Sense to search for the memory of a larger insect in the Tuntianding.

“Sure enough, these insects were all born in this restricted space, and it can also be said that they were incubated by this restricted control. Of course, to be more precise, they were all originally called Void God. The insect egg of the insect was later put into this restricted space.”

This is the information Yang Xuan obtained through searching his memory, but unfortunately in the end he didn’t know who was banning this film. The space puts the insect egg of the Void God bug, why did it do this?

But one thing is certain, the person who puts the Void God insect egg is very likely to be the sealer of the Demonization Pond.

“The blood ancestor was trapped under the Demonization Pond, and the Demonization Pond was sealed, is there a connection between the two?”

Yang Xuan’s thoughts spread, I always felt that this thing was weird everywhere, and he was even more wary of the blood ancestors. The Old Guy said he wanted to ask him for help, but who knew there was no conspiracy.

“Blood ancestors rigorous schemes and deep foresight are definitely not kind, I really can’t help but guard!”

“No matter what, go to the Demonization Pond and talk about it first.”


After hesitating for a while, Yang Xuan made a decision. He immediately moved towards the Demonization Pond at the fastest speed and flew away. He went to Demonization Pond. He was purely curious, and he did not decide whether to save. Blood ancestor.

There are too many incidents in this world to save people. Yang Xuan really believes in the blood ancestor so easily, then he has been cultivated in these years.

This piece of prohibition has a lot of space. At the speed of Yang Xuan, it also took a full 5 minutes of work to be able to shuttle past and arrive at a Desolate Land.

Speaking of barrenness, it is because there are no people here. When you look into it, it is like a desert. The wind and sand are accompanied by an inexplicable breath, making Yang Xuan’s heart tight.

The breath is too strong, it seems to be able to suppress everything, so that Yang Xuan, who first arrived here, feels that his whole body sinks, and it becomes extremely difficult to walk.

“I haven’t seen the Demonization Pond yet.”

Yang Xuan whispered, he could only take hard steps and walk forward step by step. The inexplicable breath also became more and more tyrannical, making him difficult and having to slow down one after another.

When it came time to see the body was hard to bear, he even aroused the Demon God body, only to feel a little less uncomfortable.

“Hey, there is a pool of blood in front of me. I am afraid it is the Demonization Pond.”

In the depths of the Desert, when Yang Xuan came here, he first saw the front The huge blood pool is almost boundless, and the depth of the blood pool is unknown. It is isolated from the divine sense exploration, and the inexplicable breath comes out from the blood pool.

“Blood ancestor, I’m here, you come out quickly.” After a hundred zhang distance from the blood pool, Yang Xuan stopped and didn’t try to move forward. The blood pool was obviously laid down. The terrifying prohibition.

In fact, the inexplicable breath is released by the invisible restriction of naked eye. It is better than Yang Xuan also has an incomparable feeling of palpitations. He has a strong premonition of deep in one’s heart.

That is, once you fall into the blood pool, you will never be able to come out again.

“My little friend is finally here, haha, I am not dead!” The blood ancestor’s voice soon sounded, but no one appeared.

“What’s the matter with this Demonization Pond, and who has placed a ban and sealed off this place?” Yang Xuan asked, not seeing the blood ancestor come out, which was also in his expectation.

“I don’t know, this Old Ancestor was lucky enough to find this place in the early years. I wanted to go to the bottom of the blood pool to take something away. Whoever thought that as soon as he entered the blood pool, he was suppressed inexplicably and completely blocked. Died under the blood pool.”

The blood ancestor said.

“How can I help you get out of trouble?” Yang Xuan asked again.

“Simple, the little friend only needs to destroy the ban, this Old Ancestor can break the seal.”

“You let me break the ban? Do you think I can do it? “

This prohibition is restrained and not obvious, and even divine sense cannot be captured. Yang Xuan doesn’t think he can break away from the outside world.

“It’s okay, the old man has been trapped here for many years, and he has been studying this restriction day and night. I have already discovered the weakness of this restriction. If it weren’t, the old man would also be impossible to break free with an Avatar.”

“Since your Avatar can come out, then your ontology should also come out. Why do you need to do it again?”

“My little friends don’t know, Avatar can come out because of this The Avatar of Old Ancestor is not strong, but if it is my body, once dare to rush into this prohibition, it will instantly be fatal.”

“This prohibition is so terrifying?”

“It is not terrifying, but horror. If the old man reads it correctly, this prohibition can even trap and kill some ordinary Dao Realm powers.”

“Even Dao Realm powers The prohibition that can be killed, is this someone’s handwriting?”

Chapter 1820 and the tiger’s skin

“Demonization Pond is the forbidden area of ​​Monster Race, could it be a Monster Race’s Dao Realm power? Or is this the handwriting of the Taoist Master of Eternal Silence?!”

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