“Okay, with this map, I don’t have to scurry around like a headless fly. I can leave this ghost place as soon as possible, but I will eat a Blood Origin Fruit before leaving to increase my strength. That’s it.”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself, and immediately took out a Blood Origin Fruit from the storage ring and ate it.

Chapter 170 Kill one by one

The pulp of Blood Origin Fruit melts in the mouth, as soon as it touches the lips, it turns into strange energy from the throat down to the lower abdomen, suddenly It turned into a fiery warm current, and finally melted into the blood of the whole body.


Yang Xuan spit out a word beautifully, only to feel that the blood is flowing rapidly all over his body, and the whole body is warm, like being in a hot spring, unspeakable comfort Thai.

hong long long!

When the Blood Origin Fruit in my hand was eaten up, Yang Xuan’s bloodline was boiling, and the sound of dragon’s cry tiger’s roar was surging like a galloping horse.


Yang Xuan suddenly got up, throws a punch, and the air in front of him exploded on the spot. Due to the great power and fast speed, the air was squeezed out, creating a short vacuum.

Soon, Yang Xuan closed his fist and stood, realizing that he was now punching with all his strength, and his strength reached seven thousand jin.

This is not surprising. The Blood Origin Fruit is an ancient Spirit Fruit, which can greatly increase Qi and blood. The so-called Qi deficiency and physical weakness, a person’s Qi and blood is strong, which means that the body is strong and physically strong.

Yang Xuan knows that he has now reached the Body Tempering Realm Sixth Layer blood stage peak. Next, he only needs an opportunity to break through to the Body Tempering Realm Seventh Layer.

Practicing the marrow realm is to train the whole body bone marrow, and the bone marrow hematopoiesis, the more cultivation, the stronger the qi and blood, the greater the fleshly body strength.

“haha, do I really have something to add to the Great Destiny, otherwise how could I find Blood Origin Fruit as soon as I entered the secret realm of ancient gods.”

Yang Xuan smiled proudly, too I did not continue to take Blood Origin Fruit. The effect of this thing is magical, but only the first one will work. If you eat it again, it will not have any effect. It may also cause blood vessels to burst and violent death.

Yang Xuan was a man of two generations. Knowing the effects of Blood Origin Fruit, he naturally wouldn’t do stupid things.

“It’s time to go, and I have to look for Qin Lan.” Without staying in the cave, Yang Xuan quickly walked out of the cave and swept towards the death forest according to the map’s guidance.

The Death Forest is actually not big. With a radius of two hundred miles, an ordinary Ningyuan martial artist will go all out and get out in just half a day.

On the way, Yang Xuan is full of perception, fast as lightning, and wants to leave this ghost forest early, but after driving one hour, he is frowned and noticed that many people are chasing behind him. .

Yang Xuan didn’t think anything was wrong at first, but he changed several directions in succession not long ago, and suddenly discovered that the people behind him were always coming straight to him, like a tarsal maggot, how to get rid of Can’t drop.

“What’s the matter?” Yang Xuan brows tightly frowns, and immediately thought of something.

Magic bone pollen!

That’s right, it’s the devil bone pollen. Yang Xuan carefully inspected his body, and soon found that there was a strange smell on his hands.

This smell is very strange, although it is not audible, but it has a strong diffusion.

“Damn it, it must have been accidentally contaminated with devil bone pollen while collecting the storage ring of the two.”

Yang Xuan cursed secretly, his hands were surging in flames, trying to use Flame Martial Spirit cleaned up the smell on his hands, but the strange thing was that the smell could not be removed at all, as if it had been incorporated into his skin.

“The smell cannot be removed, it seems that it can only kill people.”

Yang Xuan shoots two cold lights in his eyes, kicking his feet, like a vigorous cheetah, flashing around Entering a jungle and lurking, quietly waiting for the enemy.

It didn’t take long to wait. After a few breaths, the sound of breaking wind came. Seven black clothed persons came to the jungle where Yang Xuan was and stopped here.

These seven people are not others, they are the seven people from the previous mountain within the valley. They have been chasing them all the way for Blood Origin Fruit.

At this moment, the headed aquiline nose man coldly said: “Come out, don’t hide, I know you will hide in the vicinity, rest assured, we won’t kill you, but you have to leave something. ”

While speaking, he perceives fully open, radiates a radius of 500 zhang, and any movement within a radius of 500 zhang can be detected by him.

Secretly, Yang Xuan only felt that a strange wave swept across him, but his face was unemotional and he was not panicked at all. With the Black Tortoise Breathing Technique running, he was confident that he could avoid the opponent’s perception .

But this is also temporary, both of his hands are stained with devil bone pollen, presumably the seven people not far away will soon follow the smell to find his hiding place.

“Hehe, do you think we can’t find you if you don’t come out?”

The aquiline nose frowned and the man sneered sullenly, but he was a little bit embarrassed in his heart , Didn’t expect to release his perception with all his strength, but he didn’t discover where the person in the dark was hiding.

In the jungle, there is sometimes a cold wind blowing, no one answers, and no one comes out. Some are just the cold wind blowing the leaves and making a rattling noise.

“Damn it, you’d better get out quickly, otherwise I will catch you, and I will make you worse than death.” A sturdy, full-faced man was obviously angry and impatient Scolded.


coldly snorted, the tyrannical wind in the jungle swept away, a blood shadow flashed away, the head of the man who had just spoken flew down, where the head was broken , A burst of blood spilled out like a fountain.


A black clothed woman was the closest to the tragic death of the man. She was caught off guard and was sprayed with blood. She turned pale on the spot and screamed to the aquiline nose Beside the man, anxious.

“Asshole, do you dare to kill me Junior Brother!?” The aquiline nose man was furious, his face was so gloomy, he felt his full power, but he could not detect where the enemy was, disappear without a trace.

“Who, get out and die.”

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