The other black clothed men were also surprised and angry. If they are facing a big enemy, the enemy is like a ghost. The speed is too fast. They come and go away in a flash. The first companion was decapitated and the dead body was on the spot.


Suddenly, a blood shadow swept out of the jungle not far away and rushed towards a black clothed man. This blood shadow was incredibly fast, like a bloody lightning struck shatter void. Human speed makes it difficult to see what it is.

“Not good!”

The aquiline nose man eyes shrank, shouted: “Junior Brother, get out of the way.”

A black clothed man is almost a condition Fly back like a reflection, and while his silhouette retreated, a cold sword light almost passed through his throat. If his speed was a little slower, it would definitely be a different place.

I found that I almost died tragically, black clothed man face deathly pale, his liver and gallbladder were splitting, but the terrified look on his face has not faded, I saw the blood shadow whizzing, appearing in front of my eyes, and then I felt my own Severe pain in the waist.


With a heart-piercing scream, the black clothed man is dead, his waist clatters with a torn skin and gaping flesh, and a huge opening, blood Mixed with internal organs splashing out, the whole person was stopped by a sword light, and at the same time, a blood shadow penetrated into the jungle at a very fast speed, disappeared.

“Who, come out for me, what kind of ability is sneaky?”

The aquiline nose man roared, his eyes were red, and his murderous intention flashed wildly.

The rest of the people didn’t speak, one by one they pulled out their weapons and moved closer to the aquiline nose man. At the same time, they looked around the jungle and kept on guard, clearly knowing that the enemy would still appear, launching a sneak attack.

“Master, Senior Brother, what the hell is that!?” The black clothed woman trembled, feeling that she had one’s hair stand on end for a while. At this speed, she couldn’t even see whether the other party was a human or a ghost. , How to fight?

Even if you make an attack, you may not be able to hit it.

The man with aquiline nose did not answer, his expression was extremely solemn.

“Senior Brother, what should we do now?” The black clothed woman is anxious. She has the lowest cultivation base among several people. If she is attacked by a blood shadow sneak attack, it is absolutely impossible. The possibility of survival.

“Let’s retreat.” The aquiline nose man waved his hand and greeted the black clothed woman and the others to retreat. The enemy hidden in the dark was too strong. He knew that if he stayed, he would definitely be killed one by one. All die here.


At this moment, the blood shadow reappeared, just like the Asura of Hell, and instantly came to a black clothed man of 4 Heavenly Layer in the realm.

pu chi!

Unsurprisingly, the black clothed man died, and was sealed by a sword and fell straight into a pool of blood, and the blood shadow fell into a jungle.

“Ah, Senior Brother, let’s go, hurry up.” The black clothed woman screamed out of her deathly pale face like paper.


The aquiline nose man was also terrified. He pulled the black clothed woman and turned and left. The other two black clothed men ran along, too terrifying. , They vaguely saw that it was a human with a pair of scarlet wings.

Humans can grow wings! ?

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, a few people even thought they had hallucinations, and their hearts became more and more anxious. They didn’t dare to pursue any Blood Origin Fruit anymore, and just wanted to escape here as soon as possible.

“After chasing me for a long time, how can you leave if you want?” With a domineering coldly shouted, the blood shadow flew into the air and chased up at an incomparable speed.

Fleeing all the way, someone asked with horror: “Senior Brother, is that guy a human or a ghost? Can a human really grow wings!?”

As soon as the man with aquiline nose was about to answer, his face changed wildly: “Junior Brother, be careful.”

However, it was too late.

A blood shadow chased him, and the person who spoke just now died. He was beheaded by a sword light. Two bloody bodies were scattered on the ground, which was terrible.

“Beasts, stop and go!”

With a roar, the aquiline nose man killed him, and a clear blue palm blasted out between his hands, and the terrifying Ice-Cold Qi bloomed , The speed of the blood shadow could not help but drop.

“Go.” The blood shadow burst out, and a scarlet gold flame gushed out.

“bang! ”

The powerful palm strength collided with the flames and produced a big explosion. Within ten zhang, strong winds roared and sandstorms flew, the black clothed woman and another The black clothed woman backed away quickly, still feeling horribly uncomfortable between the ice and flames.

“Take the life.”

A coldly shouted, the explosion center, the aquiline nose man glowed brightly all over his body, and he didn’t know what secret technique was used, his palm fell, and a film was formed The Cold Ice Palm slammed into the shadows not far away.


The blood shadow flickered and disappeared from the place, avoiding the sky full of palm strength, and showing a figure not far away. Isn’t it Yang Xuan or who?

Relying on the blood wing and the sword technique, his battle strength doubled, skipping grades to kill people with no difficulty, but the blood wing speed was very energy-consuming, and he had to put it away.

Chapter 171 Human heart is unpredictable

“Okay, very good. Although I don’t know what’s going on with your pair of wings, it seems that you can’t keep pushing “Yu Tian gnashing one’s teeth said, he is no one else but an aquiline nose man.

“You are right, but even without this pair of wings, it is easy for me to kill you all.” Yang Xuan said indifferently.

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