“Yang Xuan, you have to stop thinking about it. Anyway, your cultivation base is progressing too fast.”

Ji Yuechan sees Yang Xuan insists on Transcending Tribulation , The eyebrows couldn’t help showing a touch of worry.

Saint Tribulation is difficult, this is not just talking.

From ancient times to the present, many Young Emperor cultivators wanted to go further, and eventually fell under Saint Tribulation, and Saint Tribulation failed, and the cultivation base fell sharply at the minimum cost.

If it is a little more serious, it is more likely to leave a flaw on the Taoist heart, and the worse result is flying ash annihilation, and the body is gone.

“It鈥檚 okay, I have the confidence to survive this tribulation.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand. He has been a man for two lives, and he has a kind of paranoia in his heart. No one can change what has been decided, and of course he is not unsure, otherwise he would not dare to take a risk at this moment.

Some things are indeed dangerous, but there are also chances in the danger. If he takes this opportunity to become holy this time, next time he may not have such an extremely rare opportunity.

After all, no one can guarantee that next time he Transcending Tribulation, he will get help from others, and the most important thing is that he feels a kind of crisis, which does not come from the imminent crisis. The arrival of Saint Tribulation is a kind of inexplicable crisis.

“Since the little friends have said so, then we can only watch the robbery.” Kudaoren smiled and said, and Dijun Monster Ancestor, and Jingde monk, all backed subconsciously Drove a distance.

“Yuechan, you also step back.”

Yang Xuan glanced at Ji Yuechan and motioned for him to back away.

“Well, then you should be careful.”


“Attention, I’m going to start.”

Here, while speaking, a powerful energy burst out from the body, and a burst of brain poured into Yang Xuan鈥檚 within the body, which is equivalent to being in the tank, forcibly pouring its own energy into Yang Xuan鈥檚 In the body.

With the entry of this energy, Yang Xuan’s cultivation base has also directly reached the Immortal Emperor Realm Peak, and then moved towards the critical point of the Emperor Realm and the Holy Realm.

This speed is extremely fast. In the end, Yang Xuan felt an inexplicable movement within the body, as if some kind of shackles within the body were broken through.

“It鈥檚 time for a breakthrough.”

Without bottleneck, Yang Xuan didn鈥檛 hesitate, and immediately inspired the body of Demon God. In an instant, incarnation is a god. Divine Demon Body of ten thousand zhang high.

Very terrifying breath, really strong horizontal Divine Physique! “

Looking at from a distance, the dead people and the others can hardly hide the shock on their faces. The huge and incomparable Divine Demon Body can overwhelm the world, even if they have reached Saint Boundary. , But my heart is still a little difficult to calm down.

hong long long!!!

At this moment, the sky is trembling crazily, and terrible energy is brewing in the underworld, It was a strand of gray thunder and lightning visible to naked eye, but when you look closely, the strands of gray thunder and lightning are mixed with a little colorful color.

“This is the Demon God Thunder of Chaos Heart, what monster is this child? , Unexpectedly attracted the most terrifying chaotic heart Demon God thunder in the world. “

Silent Lei Ling lost his voice, as powerful as he was shocked by the strange thunder that suddenly appeared in the sky.

“Is the Thunder of Chaos Heart Demon God strong? “Ji Yuechan’s heart mentioned her throat.

“Chaos Divine Thunder belongs to the legendary existence, and the Chaos Heart Demon God Thunder is unheard-of. This is simply an extinction. World Thunder Tribulation, simply impossible to cross the past! “

Monk Jingde said with emotion.

“This child is not an ordinary person, the old way believes he can do it. “

Withered people pondered then said, but most of the evildoers are exposed to the heavenly furnace. It can be said that this is Yang Xuan’s killing and robbery. If the Transcending Tribulation is successful this time, then it will be normal in the future. If you can’t get through it , Then everything will stop.

In short, everything depends on Yang Xuan鈥檚 good fortune.

“Chaos Heart Demon God Thunder, it seems that this is the iron heart to destroy me what! “

Yang Xuan looked up at the sky, and looked at the sky fearlessly. The Thunder Tribulation on the sky was brewing, and the mighty power made him feel his mind and body even if he used the Demon God body. It is trembling.

That is a general trend that cannot be resisted. It cannot be described by pen and ink. If it weren’t for his perfection, there would always be a kind of obsession in his heart, I am afraid it would have been unable to resist it.

However, even so, he still felt extremely heavy pressure. This pressure made him breathless and had to sacrifice the Heaven Swallowing Cauldron.


As soon as the Heaven Swallowing Cauldron came out, it quickly zoomed in and suppressed on his divine body, so that his Dao Heart could be stabilized. However, under the increasing pressure of Thunder Tribulation, Heaven Swallowing Cauldron was constantly trembling. Gradually, clear and visible cracks appeared on the surface of the tripod.

The cracks were enlarged, like countless spider webs of horrible to see, spreading across the tripod body, and the entire tripod swallowing tripod from outside to Inside, it also suffered extremely severe damage in an instant.

“I cannot bear the Thunder Tribulation anymore? “

Yang Xuan look pale, but there is no fear in his eyes. This situation was originally in his expectation. If he gave up on himself, then everything would be completely gone.

“The formation diagram of refining God is added to me! “

Soon, Yang Xuan used another kind of hole card to merge a huge formation diagram with the divine body, and even the swallowing heavenly cauldron was smashed by his palm. Melted into the body.

The Swallowing Heavenly Cauldron was originally condensed by his doctrine. As long as his Dao heart is not broken, even if the Cauldron is destroyed, he can recondense it.

Chapter 1832 Supreme Heart Demon

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