“If the tripod is destroyed, it can be recast. If the heart of the Tao is broken, it cannot be restored.”

Yang Xuan’s face flashed with determination, and he destroyed the tripod. Speaking of, it caused a heavy injury in an instant, and nothing else, his Dao Heart was first cracked.

Even with his Divine Demon Body, countless wounds are clearly visible. At this moment, his entire body is like a huge porcelain, which may be shattered at any time.

Fortunately, there is a formation diagram outside his body to protect his body, but this situation is getting stronger and stronger with the pressure of Thunder Tribulation, and it is also destined to be impossible to persist for too long. .

This is the Chaos Heart Demon Thunder Tribulation, far more powerful than the pure Chaos Thunder Tribulation.

To put it simply, he not only has to do Thunder Tribulation, but also Heart Tribulation at the same time.

“Heart Tribulation is difficult, and it is often accompanied by great horror. You have to be careful, kid. If your will becomes loose, then this Saint Tribulation will truly become a killing for you. “

Nanxi Lei Ling reminded that, in fact, there is no need to remind him, Yang Xuan also understands that he is in big trouble, and a careless person may be consigned to eternal damnation.

“Yang Xuan!”

Ji Yuechan burst into tears and was full of worries. When she saw the Thunder Tribulation that Yang Xuan was about to face, she could not help but secretly pinch for Yang Xuan. A sweat.

This so-called Chaos Heart Demon Thunder Tribulation is too terrifying, simply not what an ordinary cultivator can contend, even since ancient times, Ji Yuechan has never heard of anyone crossing Saint Tribulation. It will attract such a terrifying and peerless Thunder Tribulation.

“The evildoer is jealous of the sky, everything can only be made by this child.” Kudao people sighed, and now they are isolated from the scope of Thunder Tribulation, even if they want to He didn’t have the ability to help.

Strong behavior, I am afraid that it will be affected by Thunder Tribulation, and will be destroyed by one after another Chaos Heart Demon Thunder Tribulation to fly ashes.

“Crisis and opportunity coexist. The Heart Demon Thunder Tribulation of Chaos is terrifying, but if Transcending Tribulation is successful, it will also be ascending to the skies with a single leap.” Monk Jingde put his hands together, far right Yang Xuan exclaimed: “Any Heart Demon will hurt Dao’s heart. Since young friends cultivated Six Characters Great Bright Incantation, you might as well try it on display. Maybe some effects may be possible.”

“Yes. , I also have Six Characters Great Bright Incantation.” Hearing what the monk Jingde said, Yang Xuan immediately read Six Characters Great Bright Incantation silently, and as Buddha’s radiance rune spit out from his mouth, his heart changed. There is an unprecedented peace.

Six Characters Great Bright Incantation, originally has the effect of meditation, under Yang Xuan’s full effort, this Buddhism secret technique has revealed its incomparable effect.


Void vibrates, and soon there will be a tribulation thunder descending. It is a huge, gray and colorful thunder and lightning, from the depths of the sky. Came out.


Rao Yang Xuan was defensive, and he was still slashed by this tribulation thunder with a focus on the outside and tender inside, smoking all over his body, and even countless illusions arose in his mind.

Obviously, these illusions are his Heart Demon, and his obsessions are extremely deep. Once these obsessions get out of control, infinite Heart Demon will be derived, continuously destroying his Dao Heart from within.

“My heart is like a rock, all evils will not invade, and all demons will destroy themselves.” Yang Xuan muttered, ignoring the Heart Demon that appeared in Dao’s heart. No matter how powerful Heart Demon is, it also comes from his heart. As long as he is determined, no Heart Demon can shake him.

“Heart Demon is still second, this chaotic Heart Demon Thunder Tribulation, the most threatening to me, after all, is Chaos Divine Thunder, this Chaos Divine Thunder is too destructive, even if I inspire the body of the Demon God, He also unites the body with the Heaven Swallowing Cauldron, and it may not be able to resist it.”

Yang Xuan expression grave, he knows his own situation best.

bang bang bang!! !

At this moment, there was a series of tribulation thunder dropping from the sky, and Yang Xuan’s body was blasted with a brainstorm, and the body of Yang Xuan’s Demon God was blasted with holes.

“Star Swallowing Technique!”

“Big Life Technique!”

Yang Xuan did not dare to neglect, and immediately performed two holy techniques of healing, he could not He cared about Heart Demon, but didn’t dare to ignore the trauma he suffered. However, even if he used two healing holy techniques, the body’s repair speed was still very slow.

It’s not that the Star Devouring Art and the Big Life Art are not strong enough, but that his body has been damaged too severely, especially since what he has experienced is the Heart Demon Thunder Tribulation of Chaos, that one after another Chaos Divine Thunder The power contained is difficult to cure even if it is the secret healing technique that goes against the sky.

“Is it true that heaven is going to kill me?”

“No, I, Yang Xuan, two lives, have never encountered any danger, how can I die here? I die here? Under the shit Saint Thunder Tribulation?”

Feeling the trauma suffered by the body, Yang Xuan’s heart also inevitably loosens and becomes less firm, but this lack of firmness is just Fleeting.

After all, he is going to practice the Tao. The deeper his obsession, the stronger his Taoism. The two are completely complementary to each other.

“Since the repair can’t catch up with the healing, then I can no longer do useless work, just swallow them all. As long as the Divine Soul Inextinguishable, even if the fleshy body is destroyed, I can recast a stronger god Body.”

With the consciousness of putting it to death and reborn, Yang Xuan simply abandoned all defenses, so he used a huge body to carry the tribulation thunder above his head.

And his posture seemed to agitate the Thunder Tribulation in the dark. For a while, a huge boundless sea of ​​thunder appeared above his head.

That is the sea of ​​chaos, and there is a colorful five-colored brilliance brewing in the center of the sea, just like the Immemorial Ferocious Beast that can choose people to eat at any time, and has a terrifying aura that takes in the soul.


Gradually, the five-colored brilliance even turned into a human face. To be precise, it should be a very distorted, hideous, as if gathered between Heaven and Earth’s Evil Thought, resentment, make people feel scalp hairy from a distance.

“What’s that?!”

Dijun Monster Ancestor sucked in a cold breath. If Chaos Divine Thunder just made his heart tremble, that twisted and hideous face , It was enough to make him feel palpitations.

“Heart Tribulation Transformation!”

Ku Dao Ren, Jingde monk, also changed their colors. The two have lived for endless years, and they are also experienced and knowledgeable, but they have never I have seen that Heart Tribulation can transform human faces.

The face of that person is as big as a mountain. Although he has a mouth, nose and eyes, he simply can’t see his face due to the distortion of his facial features.

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