Along with Ji Yuechan’s desperate voice, but in an instant, Yang Xuan’s entire body was overwhelmed by endless thunder and lightning, and there was a thunderous sound from it, which was 10,000,000 li.

For a long time, the thunder and lightning dissipated, and the huge thunder sea, as if it had never appeared before, faded thoroughly, leaving only a huge and broken body, standing on the verge of collapse and on the sky.

“It’s okay, very good!” Seeing that god-like body, Ji Yuechan’s face suddenly showed unconcealed joy.

“Really strong Divine Physique!”

Ku Dao Ren, Emperor Jun Monster Ancestor, Jingde Monk turned around and pulled, and couldn’t help exclaiming, so many Primal Chaos Thunder Tribulation , Even can kill Yang Xuan, the strength of Yang Xuan’s Demon God is evident.

“Dao Xin is immortal, Divine Physique is immortal, I am Saint!” Yang Xuan muttered to himself, Divine Physique, who was injured, quickly recovered and became far beyond the past. At the same time, his body There is also a breath of immortality radiating.

That is the breath of Saint, but unlike the ordinary Saint, he was sanctified by witnessing the Tao, and his whole body is full of hegemonic and evil charm. Like a thought can dominate good and evil. .

Chapter 1834 Darkness Comes

“One thought is born, one thought is extinguished, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, the years and years are withered and prosperous, all between my thoughts.”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself, after passing Thunder Tribulation and aspiring to the Holy Land, his mood became extremely strong.

This kind of power comes from his heart, his spirit, and his Taoist heart. He even has an incarnation mansion, the feeling of being able to master everything, Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth.

This is not an illusion, let alone an illusion, but he can really do it.

“To be precise, this should be the power of clinging. What I think in my heart and what I think can affect the external environment.”

Yang Xuan’s eyes flashed brightly. , Subconsciously released his spirit willpower, and immediately discovered that the ten thousand li area has become its own domain.

In this area, his spirit is highly concentrated and condensed. The whole person seems to be the master of the whole world. It can make the space static, change the Time Flow Speed ​​arbitrarily, and suppress and kill at his fingertips. All creatures.


His fingertips separated a little, and a certain void suddenly exploded, and a huge black hole appeared.


He raised his hand, lightly waved, and the black hole quickly gathered inward and disappeared without a trace.

“Really strong, the world moves by my will, this kind of power is simply unmatched!”

Yang Xuan spreads his arms, all around the void is twisting and deforming, Then quickly calmed down again, as if I had never appeared before

“Congratulations, little friend, successfully stepped into the Holy Land, from now on, we will be among the same generation.”

The ancestor of Emperor Jun laughed heartily, sincerely happy for Yang Xuan.

Before, Yang Xuan was especially valued by him, but this kind of value is only a kind of Senior’s view of outstanding juniors, but now it is different. Yang Xuan has already achieved the great path and has become like him. Saint.

Saint is Saint. No one cares about the other person’s cultivation time, and no one cares about the other person’s age. In front of Saint, age and so on have long become clouds.

“Sacred dynasty, immortal, my little friends can survive this catastrophe this time, really gratifying.”

Ku Dao people also opened the mouth and said congratulations.

“Amitabha, the little friend deserves to be the Inheritor of the Buddha of the West, and he really has a great Good Fortune, great good fortune.”

The monk Jingde puts his hands together, chants the name of the Buddha, and Saint Ye It is equivalent to Bodhisattva. Regardless of strength, Yang Xuan at this moment is completely capable of standing on the same position as him.

“To be sanctified by witnessing the Tao is really rare in eternity. You brat is very good. No wonder my lord admires you so much. Let me help you become sanctified in this world.”

Nirvana Lei Ling also spoke.

“It’s just a fluke, the kid still has a long way to go in the future, and you also need multiple pairs of support from Seniors.” Yang Xuan dropping from the sky, smilingly looking at Emperor Monster Ancestor, withered Dao Ren, Jing Buddhist monk, extinguish Lei Ling and the others said.

“Yang Xuan, you are fine.” Ji Yuechan flew up, making no secret of the joy on her face.

“With your company, how can I be willing to let you go? Don’t worry, I can’t be better now. Even if I face the dark ancestor, I am confident that I can be a positive opponent.”

Yang Xuan said with a smile, stretched out his hand and stroked Ji Yuechan’s profile.

“You behave yourself, so many people watch it?” Ji Yuechan’s pretty face slightly red, grabbed Yang Xuan’s big hand that was causing trouble.

“We are a husband and wife. Who can make irresponsible remarks if they are close to each other?”

Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“Well, you are now Saint, and you will definitely be able to use it in the next catastrophe.”

Nanxi Lei Lingdao.

“Didn’t Senior say that someone attacked Jiebi’s seal? According to Senior, how long can Jiebi’s seal last?”

Yang Xuan asked, this was also the presence of other people. Every one of the things that he cared about couldn’t help but look at Nie Ji Lei Ling.

“The seal of Jiebi has been broken.”

Nannihilation Lei Ling said truthfully after being silent: “So, we all have to prepare for the invasion of the ghost world.”

The voice of the Nying Thunder Spirit was still there, and at the end of the void, a huge void crack appeared. At the same time, endless darkness escaped from the void crack.

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