That is the ultimate darkness. There seems to be someone crying softly in the darkness. In the screaming roar, there are all kinds of gloomy, piercing, terrifying sounds like spirits.

When everyone heard those voices, various scenes appeared involuntarily in their minds.

Scene after picture, there are scenes of the tragic death of life, the head flying all over the sky, the unwilling despair, the unwilling despair, and the staring eyes that are inexhaustible. On the same day and at the same time, he suffered an inexplicable killing and robbery, and all became ghosts.

And those dead souls, without exception, carry a strong resentment before death. After death, they turn into ghosts, baring fangs and brandishing claws, with terrible shapes, as if to be destroyed and shredded. all.

“Is it a ghost?”

Yang Xuan whispered and looked up moved towards the dark crack. He soon saw a huge bronze Ancient Ship from that endless Drove out in the darkness and came to this world.

“Ghost ships! And there are so many more!”

Yang Xuan took a deep breath, and his heart was extremely disturbed. He originally thought that only one or two ghost ships would come, but It now appears that his original idea was quite wrong.

“The seal of the world is wide open, which also means a massive invasion of the ghost world.”

Nanxi Lei Ling lightly sighed, and then said: “Let’s go, let me punish me. Kill the ghost, remember, it is difficult to kill the ghost, and only by destroying the only soul heart within the body with the spirit strength can it be completely destroyed.”

“The soul heart of the ghost? “Yang Xuan looked at Jijie Lei Ling with a look of surprise.

“You can think of the ghost’s marriage heart as your human heart, and if a person’s heart is destroyed, he is doomed to not live.”


“It turned out to be like this, I understand.”

Yang Xuan nodded.

“jié jié, welcome to those from the ghost world. This seat is the ancestor of the underworld. It is a blessing in life to be lucky enough to see everyone of the same kind today.”

Is not well-known in the distance In the region, a gloomy laughter resounded through the world.

“It is the ancestor of the dark underworld. As expected, it was this demon that broke the seal of the world, allowing the passage of the eternal silence and the ghost world to be opened in advance.”

Frewned Dao Ren said .

“This demon was transformed by Heart Demon, and Heart Demon and ghost are of the same kind in nature. He would do this and I am no exception. I am afraid that once the ghost world opens, it will let This demon recovers to at the peak period in a short time, that is the real big trouble.”

Dijun Monster Ancestor said solemnly, he knew this when he came to the land of eternal silence from the dark ancestor The demons have ulterior motives, and now they have just been confirmed.

The Dark Nether Ancestor is recognized as a tyrannical ancestor. If it weren’t, it would be impossible to live to the present and not die, so that the Fate Lord could only suppress it, but could not directly destroy it.

“This Old Demon is damned. I will destroy it myself this time.” Yang Xuan gritted his teeth, exuding a cold killing intent all over his body.

Chapter 1835 suppress and kill all domains

“It is not easy to kill this demon. Even if he returns his fleshy body, he will have at least countless ways to resurrect him.” He opened the mouth and said, he didn’t want to pour Yang Xuan’s cold water, but that is the fact.

Don’t say anything else, it’s hard for anyone to have a life-saving method.

Yang Xuan expression coldly, said: “It’s okay, my strength will naturally restrain him. As long as I can suppress it, I have countless ways to slowly consume it.”

He used to prove the Tao, and everything can be born and destroyed in a single thought. On the other hand, the dark ancestor was transformed by Heart Demon. As long as his power is stronger than the opponent, it is possible to swallow it and refining.

In the final analysis, he had long used the dark ancestors as prey, even the ghosts on the ghost ships, he also regarded them as prey, and wanted to swallow them.

“I first entered the Holy Land, and I took this opportunity to stabilize the cultivation base.”

Yang Xuan muttered, looked towards the bronze Ancient ships that sailed out of the dark Ship, a bronze Ancient Ship, the small one is several hundred zhang long, and the largest one is ten thousand zhang long.

“Yang Sector creatures shouldn’t exist, kill me.”

At this moment, a harsh sound like grinding teeth suddenly came from the biggest ghost Ships were uploaded, and at the same time, tens of millions of hideous illusory shadows suddenly rushed out of ghost ships.

The illusory shadow of one after another, some resemble humans, some resemble beasts, and some as a whole are a combination of humans and beasts. Most of them have distorted faces, like demons crawling out of the depths of hell.

“It turns out that this is the ghost!”

Yang Xuan took a long look, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he could see it after a long distance The essence of those ghosts.

“The ghosts transformed by resentment have extremely strong spirit strength. These things are really hard to kill.” Emperor Jun Monster Ancestor said solemnly.

“Amitabha, that is, a ghost, should not come to the underworld to plunder.”

The monk Jingde chanted Buddha’s radiance, and the Buddha’s radiance bloomed all over his body. Buddhism saw Ghosts and ghosts are like aliens. Once they encounter them, they will try their best to overcome them and suppress them.

“Kill, so many ghosts, how many we can kill, it is best to lead the leader, kill them in one fell swoop, in order to resolve this crisis.”

Yang Xuan said, after finishing speaking, he glanced at Ji Yuechan next to him, and said: “The next battle is too dangerous, Yuechan, why not stay here.”

With the trump card of Nirvana Lei Ling, Yang Xuan was undoubtedly worried about Ji Yuechan’s safety.

“No, I will follow you to kill the enemy.” Ji Yuechan shook the head and said: “Don’t underestimate me, I got the inheritance of the ancestor of the saint path, in the inheritance of the ancestor of the saint path, It also happens to have the means to restrain the ghost.”

“Yes, then let’s get together. Well, you follow me, if you really encounter danger, I can also protect you.” Yang Xuan Thought for a while.

“You go, unless the ghost headed takes action, otherwise I will not do it.”

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