The gloomy Avatar turned his eyes and looked towards Yang Xuan, a pair of eyes slightly mocking.

“I let you down, I never thought about running away.” Yang Xuan said coldly.

“If you don’t run away, it’s going to be a battle, but, with your strength, you are far from being able to match the deity. As long as the deity takes action, there are at least a thousand ways to let you disappear from the face of the earth. “

The dim Avatar said, after speaking, he changed his mind temporarily and said: “Well, this deity will give you a chance to survive. You, acknowledge allegiance to the deity, become the tenth battle under the deity seat. What do you think?”

Chapter 1839 War Begins

The dark Avatar, standing up in the sky like a god or devil, stares at Yang Xuan with a slightly downward gaze.

As one of the Three Great Giants in the ghost world, there are countless ghosts in his territory, but there is a lack of warriors who can stand alone, but most warriors have good strength.

For example, the ninth general can be called the expert in his territory, but unfortunately, the number of such experts is very small until now.

“Aren’t all the warriors under your seat ghosts?” Yang Xuan slightly startled, as if he didn’t expect the other party to conquer himself, which was a bit unexpected.

“Yang Xuan!” Ji Yuechan shouted, with a worried look on her face. She knew Yang Xuan’s temperament and character, and she knew that Yang Xuan would never choose to compromise.

If you don’t agree, you will only have to fight. But after seeing the Old Demon of Netherworld Ancestor, but also punched out by the other party, and can only run away in embarrassment, Ji Yuechan will inevitably help Yang Xuan. worry.

This dark master is too strong, even if it is only an Avatar, not the deity, it is by no means a match for the cultivator of the Holy Land.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” Yang Xuan waved his hand, speaking calmly. It is not that he has no hole cards. After all, on the five-color altar, he once got a big talisman.

The great destruction amulet left by the Lord of Eternal Silence, the formidable power can be imagined. Even if the deity of the Dark Lord comes in person, it is impossible to resist. It is precisely because of this that Yang Xuan has Confidently faced the Avatar dominated by the darkness alone.

An Avatar that’s all, dare to come here to show off one’s military strength. It’s really anxious. At worst took out, you can destroy it.

“There is only one opportunity, how about you, would you like to submit to me?”

The dim Avatar opened the mouth and said here.

“I am a human, but you are a ghost. Can humans and ghosts coexist?”

Yang Xuan wondered.

“There are a total of nine warlords under the seat of the deity. Among them are ghosts and human cultivators like you. If you don’t believe me, you can ask the ninth warlord behind me.”

Hearing the words of the Dark Lord, the ninth warlord immediately yelled at Yang Xuan: “acknowledge allegiance, human, you can be favored by Sir Ruler, gifted to you as a warrior, it is also a great fortune for you. Don’t make yourself mistaken.”

“I’m talking to your master, you don’t have the right to talk, so let’s go cool.” Yang Xuan frowned coldly snorted and said.

“This child is not allowed to hide the evil heart. Keeping it is a disaster. Please also Sir Ruler to suppress and kill it on the spot.” The ninth war general was very angry and wanted to slap Yang Xuan to death.

Of course, I just think about it. In terms of strength, he is really not an opponent of Yang Xuan. At least Yang Xuan’s strength will naturally form great restraint on him, and he is unable to fight against it. .

“pipe down, the deity has its own opinion.”

The dim Avatar scolded.

hearing this, the ninth warlord expressed fear and no longer dared to speak indiscriminately.

“This deity has limited patience, humans, quickly give me an answer.” The dark Avatar turned his eyes and looked towards Yang Xuan.

“Since you want an answer, then I’ll tell you, I refuse.” Yang Xuan didn’t even think about it, then he slightly hesitated, then laughed suddenly, and said:” Don’t rush to do it, then you will only die faster.”

“Haha, interesting, very interesting.”

The dim Avatar was amused, but his eyes It was extremely cold, revealing a terrifying light, and the ruler of the dignified ghost world, comparable to the existence of Dao Realm, was teased by an ant-like human, which made him already out of anger.

This is totally unbearable, no matter how much he cherishes his talent, he decides to put Yang Xuan to death.

“It seems that you don’t want it anymore. Forget it, then I will give you a ride for free and let your Avatar be buried here.” Yang Xuan said, immediately preparing to use the Great Destruction Talisman.

“You think you can kill me, just try it.” The dark Avatar roared.

“I don’t need anyone else to kill you, I’m all alone.” At this moment, a huge thunder sound suddenly sounded, and with this thunderous sound, the extinguished thunder spirit is like a mountain The huge body suddenly appeared on the sky.

This caused an astonishing natural phenomenon. I saw that the sky was filled with horrible dark thunder and lightning. It was the nirvana thunder and lightning. A breath of great nirvana emanated, making the whole world tremble.

“Senior, you…” Yang Xuan couldn’t help being taken aback when he saw the arrival of the Nirvana Thunder Spirit.

“This person is not easy to deal with, so let me kill him. I slept for many years. I haven’t worked with anyone for a long time. Today I just moved my muscles and bones.”

Lei Lingdao, of course he knows that Yang Xuan has a big destruction talisman, and because of this, he does not want Yang Xuan to use it prematurely. After all, this is something his master, Taoist Eternal Ji, personally refines. Enough to kill the deity of the Dark Lord, not just an Avatar.

In order to kill an Avatar, it’s really not cost-effective to waste this big destruction talisman, but if it can attract the opponent’s deity, the situation is completely different.

“Are you the Heavenly Dao Incarnation of this world?” The dim Avatar vision freezes, the expression is somewhat dignified.


Nodded Thunder Spirit.

“The deity came here not to destroy this world. Even so, you still want to stop me?” The dark Avatar asked with a frown.

“No matter what your purpose is, my lord’s world will not allow you to wait for the ghost of Yin Sector to set foot. Since you are here, there is no need or leave.”

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