Hearing the words of Nirvana Lei Ling, the dark Avatar’s eyes turned vicious in vain, and said: “Okay, then you and I will fight, I want to see you too How strong is Heavenly Dao Incarnation, can it match my Avatar.”

Even if it is against the Dark Hades Ancestor, the Dark Avatar has not exerted its full power, but facing the Netherworld Thunder Spirit, the dark Avatar But he didn’t dare to be careless.

This is the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, the absolute ruler of this world. If he takes it lightly, this Avatar may really be damaged here.

Don’t underestimate this Avatar. This is one of his three incarnations. Once the Avatar is destroyed, his deity will be greatly damaged. Although it will not die, it will be injured. .

“You can try.” Nirvana Lei Ling coldly said, a extinguishing thunder and lightning burst, really destroying heaven extinguishing earth.


The dark Avatar screamed, and the voice turned into horrible sound waves. One after another sound waves are Spirit Attack. As a ghost, what he is best at is Spirit Attack.


The Netherworld Thunder Spirit is fearless, waving a big hand, thousands of extinct thunder and lightning surging, and fiercely colliding with invisible sound waves, there are bursts of heaven-shaking The sound of earth-shattering and the terrifying aftermath swept away, causing the nearest Yang Xuan to retreat several hundred zhang.

Too strong, no matter it is the Netherworld Thunder or the Dark Avatar, he is definitely not able to contend, at least now, he is far from the opponent of these two people.

Chapter 1840 The Terrifying Pure Yang Jinyan

Yang Xuan doesn’t know much about the ghost’s cultivation system, but even so, he can still see the power of the Dark Lord. Before the opponent’s deity arrives, he will be able to kill the Dark Underworld Ancestor in embarrassment, and his strength can be imagined.

And this is just an Avatar. If the deity visits in person, the strength will be more than ten times stronger than that of a hundred times. It is by no means the cultivator below Dao Realm can match.

Of course, the strength of Nirvana Lei Ling is not inferior to the dark Avatar, and even faintly stronger. This is just as long as the Spirit Apostle can block the Spirit Attack of the dark Avatar with the hand See one or two.

“Yang Xuan!”

Ji Yuechan flew up and quickly appeared beside Yang Xuan.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine, and it’s not safe here. We’re still going back a little bit.” Yang Xuan thought for a while. They are now in the center of the battlefield. Once the war really breaks out, just The aftermath is enough to destroy heaven extinguishing earth, even he dare not say it can stop it.

In any case, he has just entered the holy realm. Even though his strength is far beyond the average holy realm, he can’t compete with the dark Avatar.


Ji Yuechan was nodded, and immediately retreated with Yang Xuan all the way to the dead road, where Emperor Jun Monster Ancestor and Jingde Monk were next to them.

At the same time, a group of Underworld Underworld Gods who came with the Netherworld Ancestor also withdrew and rushed back. They were as powerful as the Netherworld Ancestor and were defeated by the Nether Avatar. If they dare not stay here, how dare they More thunder pool half a step?

“What are we going to do now?”

“What else can I do, leave here first, and the dark master is too terrifying, let us stay absolutely bode ill rather than well, Now you can only flee as far as you can, save your life first.”

After a short conversation, a group of underworld gods did not stay long, and one after another moved towards the distance, they flee away, but they did not find it either. He walked in the direction of Nether Ming Ancestor, but chose another direction to go away.

There is no way, the Dark Ancestor was seriously injured, I am thinking about how to restore his strength at this moment, and the Dark Ancestor wants to restore his strength, the best way is to devour the Essence, Qi, and Spirit.

“Are you coming late?”

Far away, Ouyang Jun, the lord of Heavenly God, also appeared in figure, but he restrained his breath and did not dare to appear as a member of the Heavenly God clan Ouyang Jun is the most cautious and cautious of contemporary gods. If it weren’t for this, he wouldn’t just go around when he saw Yang Xuan and Kudaoren and the others.

“Spirit Attack is invalid, then you can only rely on absolute strength to destroy your body, fight!”

On the void, the dark Avatar made a shock to the sky The sky roared, and then people moved. His speed was too fast. He took a step, and the space distance seemed to be empty in front of him. In one step, he slammed into the face of Jijie Lei Ling.

“haha, want to fight me close? Well, let you do what you want.”

Nanxi Lei Ling laughed, before Heavenly Dao Incarnation became the place of eternal silence , He used to be a Chaos Thunder Spirit, who was born to be warlike, but now it’s rare to meet an opponent, so he naturally has to fight quickly.


He punched out, and the world was trembling. The terrifying fist strength, with the destructive thunder and electricity, and the dazzling brilliance, the momentum is huge The blast of the dark Avatar that struck.

“It’s just brute force, how can I kill you!” The dark Avatar seemed to be disdainful, and suddenly split into thousands of people. These tens of millions of silhouettes are not phantoms, but all As an entity.

In other words, at this moment, his battle strength has skyrocketed ten million times.

“All the bells and whistles, let me destroy them all!” Nirvana thunderling screamed, fist strength roared out like a Thunder Dragon, destroying countless silhouettes on the spot.

This is the formidable power of extinguishing thunder and lightning. In the face of this power, everything will be destroyed and fall into nirvana.


At the same time that thousands of silhouettes collapsed, a silhouette dissipated the Thunder Dragon, like a Fiendgod, fiercely moved towards Jixi Lei Ling with a palm The same huge body slapped.

This palm is too fast, even the Netherworld Raiders was a little caught off guard, and could only rely on the Netherworld Raiders to resist, but it was still somewhat unstoppable, and was beaten backwards by the opponent’s palm. Hundred steps.

“You weren’t hurt, who are you?” The dark Avatar stopped on the void, did not continue to make a move, but the expression grave looked at the dying Thunder Spirit not far away.

Slapped him in the front with a full palm, and there is no sign of injury, which makes him feel very difficult.

The opponent’s fleshy body defensive power is too strong, unless his deity arrives, it is simply impossible to kill it.

“I am the Chaos Thunder Spirit, Chaos Realm Primal Chaos Thunder Beast.” Said Nirvana Thunder Spirit proudly. As the spirit of Primal Chaos Thunder Beast, he lost his innate thunder body, otherwise he would be a little one. Dim Avatar, he can kill it with his fingers, as easy as blowing off dust.

“The Primal Chaos Thunder Beast of Chaos Realm, it turns out that your predecessor is Chaos Creature. No wonder, it’s no wonder that you can control the Thunder Spirit and have such a powerful fleshy body. Unfortunately, your body is acquired. Cohesion will make your strength fall sharply, far less than at the peak period.”

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