Yu Tian was so shocked that he could only use his sword to resist.


At the moment the two swords collided, Yu Tian was shocked and flew out, vomiting blood, and his breath was utterly weak.

“haha, you are too weak, impossible to withstand a single blow.”

Yang Xuan laughed, his fleshly body strength is already big, eat a Blood Origin After Fruit, the fleshly body strength has increased to seven thousand kilograms. This tremendous force is supplemented by vitality and half-step sword intent. The lethality has increased exponentially, and Yu Tian can’t stop the serious injury.

“Yang Xuan, I’ll accept it today, how about we stop here?” Yu Tianqiang said, holding back his anger and killing intent.

“Stop it, that won’t work, you must die.”

Yang Xuan spit out a cold word, his bloody wings fluttered, chased up, and used the sword technique.

“bully intolerably.”

Yu Tian’s state seems crazy, rising up to resist, swinging the black light sword in his hand, shaking Yang Xuan’s golden light sword hard.


The black light sword was broken, and could not stop the edge of the golden light sword. One of Yu Tian’s right arm was also cut off. He screamed and quickly retreated, and fled with all his strength.

“I said, you can’t escape.”

Coldly snorted, Yang Xuan was calm and composed, while pursuing with his blood wings, he raised the golden light sword above his head.


Soon, the golden light sword emitted a strong light, erupting like a round of the sun, and a majestic air force locked for more than a day.

“No, how is it possible, am I going to die here.” Yu Tian trembled physically and mentally, his face was ashes, cold from head to toe, he felt that he could not hold the sword.


Yang Xuan coldly shouted, slashed with a golden light sword in his hand, and a scarlet gold sword energy appeared, cut it forward, showing off one’s ability.

“break for me!”

Yu Tian screamed and rested, resisting with all his strength, he waved the black light long sword in his hand, and several icy sword energy whizzed out and struck The sword energy collided.

hong long!

Heaven-shaking, the explosion of Earth-shattering cry, scarlet gold sword energy, cut through several ice sword energy, like a hot knife through butter Killed, just listen to pu’ sound, Yu Tian’s head flew down, his eyes were wide open, resentful and unwilling.

“You can die under my flames, and you can squint when you die.”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself, immediately complexion slightly changed, angry shouted: “Who, get out Come out.”

“haha, Young Hero Yang don’t get angry, the old man just happened to pass by.”

A silhouette came out from the jungle not far away, with white hair scattered, Wearing a yellowish robe, this old man looks quite old, with sharp eyes like an eagle, as if he could pierce people’s hearts.

“Who are you?”

Yang Xuan solemnly asked, also confiscated the blood wings, suspended in the air, and looked at the old man seven or eight meters away. This old man is absolutely It’s an expert, let’s not talk about that fierce pupil, its cultivation base has reached Vientiane Realm 8 Heavenly Layer.

Facing such an expert, even if Yang Xuan has blood wings and flames, he can’t deal with it, but he can see that the other party shouldn’t be from Nine Nether, and he vaguely feels that this person is familiar .

He cast his eyebrows in deep thought, carefully recalled in his mind, then he thought of something, and asked: “Your Excellency is Sect Elder within the God Roaming Sect?”

“hehe, no Wrong, the old man Qian Zongming is from the god Roaming Sect.” Qian Zongming smiled nodded, a pair of eyes stared at Yang Xuan’s blood wings and looked up and down, the more he looked at the heart, the more unstable he became.

Don’t say he is not calm, anyone who sees Yang Xuan’s strange blood wings coming out of his ribs will not be calm, because it is impossible for a human to grow such a pair of bloody giant wings.

“I have seen Elder Qian.” Yang Xuan stood in the void and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand towards Qian Zongming.

“Young Hero Yang is polite.”

Qian Zongming waved his hand, looking harmless to humans and animals, and asked: “Young Hero Yang, is the person you killed just now? From the Nine Nether teacher?”


“It’s no wonder then.”

Qian Zongming seems to have encountered something, to Nine Teacher Nether was not too surprised when he appeared. He pondered for a moment and said to Yang Xuan: “Young Hero Yang, this forest of death is extremely dangerous, how about we get together?”

“hehe, Elder Qian joked, you are the expert of Vientiane Realm 8 Heavenly Layer. The boy and you can only be a drag on you, so I’m leaving.”

The voice is still there, Yang Xuan turned around and left, simply Neatly, with the bloody wings waving, it looked like a blood-colored bat, disappearing in a flash, and there was no time for Qian Zongming to answer.

“hmph, this child is cunning, I originally wanted to kill him for treasure, didn’t expect him to be so vigilant.”

Qian Zongming’s expression was gloomy and he didn’t chase him. Yang Xuan, he has already seen that Yang Xuan’s blood wings are very strange, they can burst out of extreme speed, even if they are chased, they may not be able to catch up. Moreover, here is the death forest. If there is too much movement to attract the ancient heritage, then It’s dangerous.

Yang Xuan didn’t know what Qian Zongming was paying attention to, but the so-called unpredictable heart, he didn’t want a stranger to follow him.

After one hour, Yang Xuan finally walked out of the death forest and entered a vast ruins.

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