Chapter 172 Scarlet Ruins

The ruins are very vast. They stretch for no idea how many miles. They can’t be seen at a glance. Looking around, there are rubbles everywhere, broken walls and ruins. The desolate scene is like a secret place that has been abandoned and do not know how many years.

Suddenly, Yang Xuan body moved, and he came to a block of ten meters high and two meters wide, standing on the ground, weathered in front of the stone tablet that I don’t know how many years.

“Blood ruins!”

Yang Xuan looked up and saw a few blood red characters on the stone tablet. Although the stone tablet has long been covered in dust, the blood red characters are still It is clearly visible, murderous intention is awe-inspiring.

“Is it here?”

Yang Xuan’s eyes flickered, he quickly took out the map from the storage ring and said to himself: “Sure enough, this is the bloody ruins. There are countless opportunities inside, but it is also accompanied by great danger.” Just as Yang Xuan was hesitating whether to enter the bloody ruins, a few silhouettes walked out of the jungle not far away.

These people wore the Zongmen signs looking at Moon Sect and God Roaming Sect on their chests. One of the girls whose cultivation base was only the 10th Layer of Ningyuan Realm saw Yang Xuan at a glance and shouted: ” Yang Xuan!”

“Are you?” Yang Xuan turned his head and looked.

“hehe, my name is Liu Yue’er.” The girl was like a deer, moving lightly and vigorously, jogging to Yang Xuan.

“Well, do we know?” Yang Xuan scratched his head, looking surprised at the red-faced and sweaty girl in front of him. I don’t know what this girl means, but I’m doing it with myself. It seems familiar.

“You don’t know me, but I know you.” Liu Yueer’s mouth was slightly raised, her delicate and smooth powder face with a sweet smile.

“Well, I have done a lot of major events recently. They are indeed quite famous.” Yang Xuan touched his nose narcissistically, and at the same time looked at Liu Yueer.

At about 19 years old, she was shiny and supple, her skin was gleaming, she was graceful, curvaceous, because she ran too fast, a slightly round face appeared red, so The more charming she is.

Of course, in terms of beauty, she is not as good as Qin Lan, Su Ziyao, Fang Qingxue and so on. They can only be regarded as the upper-middle posture.

“hehe, you are so funny, no wonder Zi Yao Junior Sister never forgets you.” Liu Yueer said with a smile.

hearing this, Yang Xuan understands, the girl in front of me is probably Su Ziyao’s best friend.

“Just you?” Liu Yueer asked again.

“Well, I was alone as soon as I came in. I ran into some people on the road, but they all died.”

“Yes, it’s too dangerous here. We used to have Hundreds of people, but I came here all the way and encountered many terrifying Demonic beasts, and now only a few of us are left.”

“You are lucky.”

while speaking Several of Liu Yueer’s companions also walked over quickly. This is a combination of three men and one woman. Liu Yueer gave Yang Xuan a brief introduction, and Yang Xuan knew the names of the four.

The three men are Zhou Hu, Lu An, and Cheng Shaofeng.

“God Roaming Sect Zhouhu.”

“God Roaming Sect Luan.”

“hehe, my name is Cheng Shaofeng, and I also come from God Roaming Sect, I have heard of Brother Yang’s heroic deeds for a long time, and I’m willing to go down.”

In this danger lurks on every side, meeting Yang Xuan at a place where you may lose your life at any time, the three of them all seemed very happy. After all, with the shadow of a famous tree of man, Yang Xuan can get the title of Juvenile Killer God. Needless to say, his strength is natural. Walking with him is much safer.

“hehe, Seven Mysteries Sect Yang Xuan, I am very happy to meet the three.” Yang Xuan did not show any arrogant color on his face, and he cup one fist in the towards Zhou Hu, Lu An and Cheng Shaofeng The other hand smiled and looked at the three of them carefully.

Zhou Hu, the name speaks for itself, is tall, with a sturdy back and waist, and is the cultivation base of 4 Heavenly Layer.

Lu An is thin and plain, and is the cultivation base of 3 Heavenly Layer.

Cheng Shaofeng is handsome and handsome, and he is the cultivation base of 2 Heavenly Layer.

Soon, Yang Xuan withdrew his gaze and looked towards the woman on the side of Liu Yueer.

This woman comes from Wang Moon Sect. She is Liu Yueer’s Senior Sister, named Xia Yuwei. She looks 25~26 years old. She is the oldest among the people, and her cultivation base is also the highest. Gang Jing 5 Heavenly Layer.

At this age, this kind of cultivation base, talent is also very good.

Of course, the cultivation base is second. This girl is very beautiful and has a very good body.

At this time, apart from the simple Zhou Hu and Liu Yueer, who are also women, both Yang Xuan, Cheng Shaofeng and Lu An, their eyes are involuntarily affected by her beautiful cheeks and curvaceous Attracted by the curve, secretly swallowing saliva.

“Three stinky men, where are your eyes aimed at the elder sister?” Xia Yuwei also noticed the fiery gazes of the three men, not the least shy, but rather a little proud. Twin peaks.

hearing this, Lu An has a guilty conscience and quickly looked away, Cheng Shaofeng also tilted his head slightly, sorry to stare at others.

Yang Xuan was extremely calm, sweeping Xia Yuwei from start to finish unscrupulously, and couldn’t help but give a secret compliment in his heart.

In his opinion, Xia Yuwei is definitely a stunner, but her face is dignified and beautiful, but she has a charming amorous feelings. The amorous feelings are evident in every gesture. If anyone marries her, Ye Ye Shengge is indispensable.

Of course, this kind of woman’s desire for demand is not small. The average man can suffer no blessings. If he tries to occupy himself, he will definitely be drained of his body.

“I thought there was something great about the young killer god on Stars Island. Didn’t expect was also a shameless person.”

Xia Yuwei gave Yang Xuan an angry look. , The boy’s eyes were too sharp, as if he could see her inside and out.

“cough cough.” Yang Xuan hurriedly coughed: “This, Senior Sister Xia, this is pure appreciation for me. There is not the slightest distracting thoughts, please don’t get me wrong, although I can ‘t be considered what an upright gentleman, but it is definitely not a shameless person.”

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