“Yes, Senior Sister Xia, we all appreciate it.” Cheng Shaofeng echoed.

“Forget it, just watch it if you want, and don’t need to be sneaky. Anyway, my old lady won’t lose a piece of meat.” Xia Yuwei rolled the eyes, her eyes fascinating and charming.

In addition, her voice is also very nice, giving people a very immature feeling, completely inconsistent with her age.

As a person grows older, there will be slight changes in his appearance, body shape, or voice, but Xia Yuwei’s voice flows like a mountain stream, clear and sweet, just listening to her voice and not looking at people. Everyone would think that she must be a young girl of eighteen years.

“Senior Sister Xia is more beautiful and has a more beautiful voice. In the future, whoever can marry Senior Sister will wake up with laughter.” Cheng Shaofeng laughed, he did not tell lies, Xia Yuwei is indeed charming , If that man could marry her, he would be willing to die for ten years.

“Hey, you brat is sweet mouth.” Xia Yuwei smiled sweetly, becoming more proud in front of the peak, Cheng Shaofeng suddenly increased his heartbeat, and said dry mouth: “I am not sweet, but speak frankly.”

“How about you marry me?”

“Of course I would, but Senior Sister is definitely kidding me?”

“Look at your virtue. If my old lady wants to marry, she must marry a hero like Sword God Gu Tongxuan. How can she like you, a pretty boy with hairs not even grown yet?” Xia Yuwei pouted.

Cheng Shaofeng smiled bitterly, he knew Xia Yuwei was joking to herself.

“Well, guys, I am going to enter this ruin. I don’t know what you plan to do next?” Yang Xuan said resolutely, looking around at the few people present.

“I’ll follow you.” Liu Yueer blurted out, as if she had settled on Yang Xuan.

“cough cough, Young Lady Yue’er, this ruin is very dangerous. I’m afraid it is a bit wrong for you to follow me.”

Yang Xuan coughed dryly, although there is beauty to accompany the road Just kidding and so on is not lonely, but Liu Yueer’s cultivation base is too low. Carrying her is equivalent to carrying an oil bottle, and taking care of her in danger.

“Where’s elder sister, isn’t it right for elder sister to follow you?” Xia Yuwei lifted the hair on her forehead, her red lips lightly opened, her breath was blue.

“Well, two of you can follow me, but the ugly words are at the forefront. If you encounter danger, I can only ask for self-protection. You can only ask for more blessings.” Yang Xuan said bluntly.

“Really a ruthless fellow. Don’t worry, Yue’er Junior Sister and I are not weak women without the strength of a chicken. We don’t need your protection.” Xia Yuwei said slightly angrily.

“Where are you?” Yang Xuan ignored Xia Yuwei’s angry eyes and looked towards Zhou Hu, Cheng Shaofeng, and Lu An.

“Uh, that, Brother Yang, my cultivation base is too low. Going around in the ancient secret realm is purely courting death. I’d better have a company with you. Don’t worry, although I am not strong enough , But there is still some ability to escape, which won’t drag you down.” Cheng Shaofeng scratched his head.

“Where are Brother Zhou and Brother Lu?” Yang Xuan asked.

“We will follow you too.” The two said in unison, both preparing to be a company with Yang Xuan. From the perspective of the two, the danger lurks on every side of the ancient gods is more than one person. A piece of strength, and Yang Xuan’s strength far exceeds the cultivation base, and he will be much safer with him.

“If that’s the case, let’s go.”

Yang Xuan didn’t talk nonsense any more, and stepped deep into the scarlet ruins.

Xia Yuwei, Liu Yueer, Zhou Hu, Cheng Shaofeng, Lu An did not delay, and quickly followed along.

Along the way, Yang Xuan also explained the situation of the scarlet ruins in detail. After Cheng Shaofeng heard that there were countless opportunities in it, his eyes flashed and he rubbed his hands and said: “Opportunity and so on. I like it. If you can get an ancient Supreme Treasure, then it will be developed.”

“Don’t always think about the baby, or you won’t know how to die.” Xia Yuwei said in an angry voice.

“Senior Sister Xia’s lesson is that I just said it, to be honest, I regret entering the ancient god secret realm now. It is too dangerous here.” Cheng Shaofeng smiled bitterly. Soon there was no more words, and several people followed Yang Xuan with Xia Yuwei.

The scarlet ruins are huge, with a simple and desolate atmosphere, and a dead silence.

This is also normal, the ancient god secret realm is the dojo opened by the ancient powerhouse. The so-called dojo is the place for preaching and solving puzzles. In the current words, it is the Sect residence.

Yang Xuan understands that Ancient Era is definitely a Heavenly Paradise like hidden land of peace and prosperity. However, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields has become dilapidated and desolate, just like a desert The world.

Chapter 173 Skeletons are everywhere

“Little Yang Xuan, this ruin is so big, which direction should we go?” After tea time, I saw it was still in ruins, Xia Yuwei Dai frowned slightly and asked.

“You can pass through the blood-colored ruins all the way forward.”

“After the blood-colored ruins, where is it, we can’t go so aimlessly, right?”

” p>

“The ancient gods’ secret realm is divided into three areas, the death forest, the blood-colored ruins, and the misty mountain range. We can pass through the blood-colored ruins and misty mountain range to reach the ancient god died during meditation. If it is good luck, After passing the trial set by the ancient gods, it is possible to get the inheritance of the ancient gods.”

“How do you know so clearly!?” Xia Yuwei opened her beautiful eyes wide and looked at Yang Xuan in surprise. The kid is too evil, and he knows the ancient god secret realm well.

Yang Xuan smiled without saying a word, while Cheng Shaofeng was curious about the misty mountain range: “Brother Yang, where is the misty mountain range? Is there a danger of death forest there?”

“The danger of the misty mountain range far exceeds the death forest. It is a mist filled with dense mountains of Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth. There are spiritual medicines everywhere, and there are many dangerous places, and there are many ancient relics. , If we encounter unfortunately, then we can only let our fate.” Yang Xuan said truthfully.

“So dangerous!?” Liu Yueer was so scared that she almost jumped out of her heart, her face pale and panic.

“Don’t be afraid of Yue’er, Senior Sister will protect you.” Xia Yuwei reached out and put her arms around Liu Yue’er, a big sister style.

“Stop talking, find a place to hide.” A light shout, Yang Xuan jumped into a patch of rocks of varying heights and hid.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yuwei not even think, pulling Liu Yueer to Yang Xuan’s side, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, a pair of proud giant peaks just hit Yang Xuan’s arms .

A beautiful touch of ecstasy came, Yang Xuan could not enjoy it either, moved towards Cheng Shaofeng, Zhou Hu, and Lu An who were still in a daze not far away coldly shouted: “Still there. What are you stupefied? Do you want to court death? Hurry up and find a place to hide.”

“Oh, good.” The three came back to his senses and hurried to hide in the stones pile near Yang Xuan stand up.

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