At the same time, a huge monster roared from the distant sky.

This is a big golden-yellow bird with a length of five-six zhang, sharp beak and sharp claws, and its wings vibrating, covering most of the sky. Its huge body is so vast that it makes people tremble.

Human beings are too small compared to them, even ants are not even counted, they flew all the way, covered in golden flames, and the scene was terrifying.

hong long!

A few people just listened to the loud roar above their heads, and the big bird went away immediately. The direction should be to the death forest. Yang Xuan understands this big bird It should be hunting in the death forest.

“Huh, it’s dangerous. If we slow down, it will definitely become the big guy’s belly food.” Cheng Shaofeng said with lingering fears, the whole person is like a flat ball. Sit on the ground, panting heavily.

Zhou Hu and Lu An were also very scared. After taking two deep breaths, Zhou Hu asked: “Brother Yang, that big bird is a relic from ancient times?”

“Well, that is the Sun Golden Crow, the descendant of the Sun God bird. It can vomit Supreme-Yang True Fire for its own use. It has actually discovered us just now. Maybe we are too weak and not enough to cram between our teeth. Do it.”

After hearing this, Liu Yueer body trembled, holding Xia Yuwei tightly with both hands.

“Okay, Yue’er, don’t listen to his nonsense. The Sun Golden Crow is an auspicious beast. Under normal circumstances, it will not attack humans.” Xia Yuwei reached out and patted Liu Yueer’s back. Fiercely glared at Yang Xuan.

“hehe, Sister Yuwei is right, I just made a joke to scare you.” Yang Xuan said with a smile.

hearing this, Cheng Shaofeng smiled bitterly on the faces of several people, Yang Xuan’s joke is not funny at all, they were scared into a cold sweat just now.

“hmph, don’t make this kind of joke in the end, otherwise I will give you endless.” Xia Yuwei glared at Yang Xuan.

“Well, I was wrong, but we have to be careful next, if we encounter any bloodthirsty ancient relics, then we will be in danger.”

After finishing the sentence, Yang Xuan said with a slight embarrassment: “Well, sister Yuwei, the Sun Golden Crow has also gone far, can you move your body now, your thing is deformed when it is squeezed on my arm.”

Speaking, she lowered her head and glanced at the giant peak on Xia Yuwei’s chest.

“You shameless.”

Xia Yuwei yelled at her, only to realize that her most proud place was on Yang Xuan’s elbow.

“Why am I shameless? This is such a big place. There are so many places to hide. Who will let you squeeze to my side.”

Xia Yuwei was speechless, pulling Liu Yue’er walked far away and warned the little girl: “Yue’er, that kid is a pervert. Then stay away from him. Don’t let him take advantage.”

“Senior Sister, what are you talking about?” Liu Yueer’s pretty face blushed, her uneasiness faded a little.

“Well, everyone cultivated Breath Restraining Technique, right?” Yang Xuan coughed dryly.

“Of course, cultivated.” Xia Yuwei glared at him unhappily. Cheng Shaofeng, Zhou Hu, Lu An, and Liu Yueer were successively nodded, all expressing cultivated Breath Restraining Technique.

This is not surprising. Before entering the secret realm of the ancient gods, the head teacher of Three Great Sects will require Direct Disciple cultivation a Breath Restraining Technique, so entering the secret realm of the ancient gods is much safer.

“In that case, let’s continue on the road.” Yang Xuan didn’t say much, he went all the way into the scarlet ruins, and no one was seen on the way. The scarlet ruins are too big, see you It’s normal for people.

After one hour, a big pit appeared in front of it. This big pit was unimaginable. It stretched for many miles, and it was not yet close. A breath of death assaults the senses, which made people shudder.

“Yang, Brother Yang, let’s take a detour.” Cheng Shaofeng said trembling with fear, this big hole is too terrifying, like a Burial Ground buried with countless experts, lifeless, below I don’t know how many people are buried.

“No hurry, let’s take a look and talk about it later.” Yang Xuan boldness of execution stems from superb skill, he went directly to the edge of the big pit and looked down. The bottom is not an abyss, only a few ten zhang deep, in the eye There is a ruined wall, and occasionally some weathered buildings can be seen.

“If I guessed correctly, this place should have been a huge city in the past. I don’t know why it collapsed and formed the current scene.” Xia Yuwei said next to Yang Xuan.

“Well, it’s possible.” Yang Xuan nodded, his eyes stunned, and there was a human skeleton in a rocky ruin not far below, and the skeleton did not know that it was a man. It’s a female, and it’s decayed.

A glance at the rubble ruins, Yang Xuan couldn’t help being sucked in a cold breath. He found that there were more than one bones, but many, each of which was gray and black, completely decayed. .

“So many human bones!?” Zhou Hu, Cheng Shaofeng and the others followed Yang Xuan’s gaze and looked towards the rocky ruins. They also saw the bones. They only felt a scalp. hemp.

“Everyone, I am going to go down and have a look. If you don’t want to follow me, then we will part ways here.” Yang Xuan opened the mouth and said.

“smelly brat, do you want to go down to hunt for treasure?” Xia Yuwei said.

“Uh, yes, there are so many human bones below, there must be treasures left behind.” Yang Xuan was taken aback, still nodded.

“Then you don’t want to leave us, what are we entering into the ancient god secret realm map, not for treasure hunting.”

“And you, are also ready to follow me? ”Yang Xuan looked towards Cheng Shaofeng, Zhou Hu, Lu An, Liu Yueer.

“Senior Sister Xia I’ll go there.” Liu Yueer held Xia Yuwei’s arm and refused to let go.

“Here you are not familiar with the place, let’s follow Brother Yang.” Zhou Hu, Cheng Shaofeng and Lu An looked at each other and decided to follow Yang Xuan.

“Okay, let’s go down.”

Yang Xuan did not delay, and fell down the rugged ramp, and then cautiously entered the piece of human skeletons Rocky ruins.

Soon, Yang Xuan came to a human skeleton and reached out and touched it lightly, and the skeleton instantly turned into fly ash.

“The higher the martial artist’s cultivation base, the more tenacious the skeleton. It seems that the cultivation base before this life is not high, at best it is a very ordinary Vientiane Realm martial artist.” Yang Xuan analyzed.

“This Brother Yang also knows!?” Cheng Shaofeng’s eyes widened, looking at Yang Xuan like a ghost, he had heard of Yang Xuan’s name a long time ago, didn’t expect Yang Xuan In addition to being powerful, there are so many things that he knows, but with a touch of his hand, he can judge the cultivation realm of a human skeleton during his lifetime.

“This is the most basic thing, you brat remember to read more books in the future.”

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