“The dog can’t spit out ivory, who is going to be a mandarin duck with you?”

“Haha, why are you shy? You will be my Yang Xuan woman sooner or later, Don’t worry about Qin Lan. Although she looks cold, she is actually very good at talking. In the future, she will definitely be a good sister who can talk to you.”

Yang Xuan laughed heartily, holding Su Ziyao and jumping out The grass, cautiously deep into the misty mountain range.

After creating Spirit Transformation and baptism, Yang Xuan’s perception range has been greatly increased. He can clearly detect any wind and grass within 500 zhang, and he has avoided several Demonic beasts one after another.

After 5 minutes of effort, Yang Xuan suddenly stopped, took out the map from the storage ring and looked at it, his face couldn’t help showing a surprise: “Our chance is here.”

“What chance?” Su Ziyao asked

“Have you seen the valley in front?” Yang Xuan pointed his finger at the valley in front.

“See, is there anything weird?” Su Ziyao asked in a puzzled way. In her opinion, the valley ahead is very ordinary. There are no one thousand but eight hundred in the misty mountain range. There is nothing surprising.

“According to the map, this mountain within the valley should grow a kind of ancient fruit.”

“True or false, and the map you have Where did you get it from?”

“This is from a martial artist taught by Nether Nether.”

while speaking, Yang Xuan body moved, holding Su Ziyao Yingying’s unbearable slender waist quickly entered the valley in front of him. He had already probed down with perception just now. The mountain within the valley was not dangerous, so he was so bold.


In the depths of the valley, on a piece of land near the bottom of the cliff, a peculiar Fruit Tree two meters high grows sturdily. The Fruit Tree is green all over with the top growing. Each of the five dragon eye size fruits is like emerald, crystal clear and near-transparent, extremely attractive.

“What Spirit Fruit is this?” Su Ziyao was surprised.

“This is Bodhi fruit, do you remember the Torch Dragon bird just now? If I’m right, then the animal should live on this mountain within the valley, and these Bodhi fruit are it Baby.”

“What did you say, then you dare to come in?” Su Ziyao was startled. Yang Xuan is pulling his teeth out of a tiger’s mouth. If the Torch Dragon bird suddenly turns back, they will both People really have to be a pair of doomed mandarin ducks.

“Don’t worry, the beast has gone out for hunting and will definitely not come back in a short time.”

“Then what is the function of this bodhi fruit?”

“This, it has a great effect. This fruit is a very magical Spirit Fruit in ancient times.”

“What exactly does it do?”

“Very simple This fruit can clear the heart and mind. When a martial artist eats a bottleneck when he encounters a bottleneck, he has a great chance of making a breakthrough and stepping into the higher realm. “

“So amazing!?”

“Of course, otherwise I won’t risk a mortal danger to come here.”

Speaking of this, Yang Xuan jumped up and swept away five bodhi fruits. , And then urged the blood wings, took Su Ziyao out of the valley, and flew towards the misty mountain range mountain range.

He didn’t dare to fly too high, for fear of attracting ancient relics.

“You, your pair of wings!?” Su Ziyao was stunned all the way through the air. She couldn’t believe that what she saw in front of her was true. Originally, Yang Xuan’s encounter with Spirit Transformation left her alone. Surprised enough, who knew Yang Xuan actually grew a pair of bloody giant wings.

For a while, Su Ziyao only felt that she couldn’t see through Yang Xuan. This kid is so evil, a human being can actually grow wings.

“Let’s find a place to rest first, and I’ll explain to you later.”

Yang Xuan didn’t say much, and flew all the way to the depths of the misty mountain range, that end The Torch Dragon bird is definitely another existence in the Overlord level in the misty mountain range. After returning, I found that the Bodhi fruit he was guarding had been looted. It is no wonder if it is not violent.

What Yang Xuan can do now is to stay far away from the valley so that it will not be affected.

It is worthy of Blood Race’s Innate Divine Ability. Blood Wing’s claim to be extremely fast is really not blowing, but Yang Xuan’s cultivation base is still a bit too low, flying out of several dozen li’s true within the body. Yuan is not enough to mobilize blood wings. Fortunately, he and Su Ziyao are far away from the valley, so they should be considered safe.

With a sigh, Yang Xuan quickly put away his blood wings, took Su Ziyao to find a cave at the foot of a big mountain in front, and went into it.

The cave is not big, and there is no Demonic beast inside. Yang Xuan moved a boulder to block the entrance of the cave, and then he meditated in the cave to adjust his breath to restore the true yuan consumed.

Su Ziyao didn’t bother Yang Xuan either. She sat quietly beside him, resting her pointed chin with her hands, and staring at him without blinking.

Although Yang Xuan still wears a human skin mask, the appearance of Yang Xuan has already penetrated into her mind. Gradually, her eyes show obsession. She understands that she likes Yang Xuan in her heart. But Yang Xuan already has Qin Lan, and Qin Lan is much more beautiful than her. She always feels that she is not as good as Qin Lan, and she has a faint feeling of inferiority in her heart.

“Little thief, do you really like me?” Su Ziyao muttered to herself, and even began to wonder whether Yang Xuan liked her or her body.

“Don’t think about it, of course I like you.”

Suddenly, a soft voice came, Yang Xuan eyes opened, and he reached out and pulled Su Ziyao into his arms. Slowly said: “Yao’er, do you remember the first time we met, at that time you could not wait to kill me.”

Chapter 189 Overestimate one’s capabilities

“You’re right, I wished to kill you at the time. It was the first time I was taken advantage of by a stinky man when I grew up.”

“Well, am I smelly?”

“It smells so bad. Stay away from me.”

“Well, it smells a bit sweaty, but men, how can you compare to these fragrant women?”

Speaking, Yang Xuan said resolutely, “Yao’er, I really like you. This heart can be proved by the world, the sun and the moon can be mirrored, the mountains and rivers can be seen, as long as you can stay with me, even if you want me to lose my life 20 years I am willing.”

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