After speaking, paused, loudly said: “If there is a lie, call me consigned to eternal damnation.”

hearing this, Su Ziyao Emei wrinkled and stretched out his hand to cover his Mouth, angrily said: “Who wants you to swear?”

“Do you believe me?”

Yang Xuan asked tenderly.

Su Ziyao’s pretty face is red, but her heart is a little sweet, because she can feel that the man in front of her really likes her.

“Hehe, your blushing look is so beautiful!”

“You guy always speaks without seriousness.”

“Why am I not serious, What I said is true, Yao’er’s blushing look is really beautiful, and I can’t wait to take a bite.”

“Oh, really, then I will compare with your Fairy Qin from Seven Mysteries Sect Who is more prettier?”

“This is hard to say, I have to take a closer look.”

The corners of Yang Xuan’s mouth are slightly cocked, creating an arc of evil, carefully. Look at the beauty in front of you.

17-18 years old, with an egg-shaped face, eyebrows like spring mountains, deep eyes like deep water, beautiful Yao nose, and rhombohedral lips like arcs. Although there is no powder on the face, it can’t be covered. Her beauty.

“What are you looking at, honestly, who is more beautiful, Qin Lan and I?”

Su Ziyao gritted her teeth.

“You are all beautiful, just like Chunlan and Qiuju. It’s hard to distinguish autumn colors.”

Yang Xuan didn’t talk nonsense either. Su Ziyao and Qin Lan each have their own beauty, Su Ziyao The charming of Qin Lan, the nobleness of Qin Lan, whoever is beautiful, and being able to accept two women as women, Yang Xuan also has ten thousand zhang pride in his heart.

“hmph, if you talk nicely, you know how to say nice things to deceive me.”

Su Ziyao glanced at Yang Xuan and said, “Little thief, if you really like me, give it to me One year.”


“Nothing, I need time to think about it.”

“What else to think about, I’m a peerless It’s hard to find a good man with a lantern. Yao’er will never want to leave me in this life.”

After that, she hugged Su Ziyao and said softly, “Don’t think about it, you and Qin Lan are equally important to me. I don’t want to lose any of you.”


“Should I swear to God?”

“No need, I believe You.”

Su Ziyao shook her head and nestled in Yang Xuan’s arms like an endearing little bird.

“Good Yaoer, I want you to be my Yang Xuan’s woman in this life, next life, and next life.” Yang Xuan is domineering and authentic.

“I promise you.”

Su Ziyao released her mouth, replied complied insignificantly, and dropped her head in shame.


Yang Xuan smiled triumphantly and took out a Blood Origin Fruit from the storage ring.

“What is this?”

“This is Blood Origin Fruit……”


After one hour, two People came out of the cave and went deep into the misty mountain range.

On the way, Yang Xuan was very careful, fully aware of the movement, exploring the movement within a radius of 500 zhang, and did not encounter any danger, but the misty mountain range is extremely vast, it is not easy for him to find Qin Lan , I can only rush to the place where the ancient god died during meditation while looking for Qin Lan.

Time flies, after avoiding a few ancient relics, the two went deep into the misty mountain range more then 200 li.

“hehe, little beauty, I advise you to hand over the baby obediently, otherwise we will be caught by our several brothers, and teach you not to be awkward every day.”

“Asshole, great aunt can’t spare you.”

Suddenly, there was a quarrel from the jungle in the distance, making Yang Xuan step one stopped.

“What’s wrong?” Su Ziyao asked.

“Nothing, I met an acquaintance, I have to save her.”

“hmph, is it a woman?”

“cough cough, is a woman That’s right, but she and I are natural enemies.”

Yang Xuan gave a dry cough without delay, used a shadow escape, hugged Su Ziyao’s slender waist and rushed over, leaving behind countless people along the way. Ying, just a few breaths of effort, the two came to the scene of the incident.

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