“I have always been confident in my fleshy body.” Yang Xuan shrugged, exuding a terrifying killing intent.

The crowd marveled, Yang Xuan still has to fight even now, is he not afraid of falling here?

But Yang Xuan’s courage is really admirable. Many young geniuses don’t know whether he can continue to show off his edge, or whether he is alive or dead after this battle, but the name Yang Xuan It has been deeply reflected in their minds and cannot be erased.

Nangong Tian’s pupil light is like electricity, looking at Yang Xuan standing opposite, he asked in a cold voice: “Yang Xuan, can you still fight?”

“I am angry now The sea is sealed and my strength is greatly reduced. It is a good time to kill me, but you ask me if I still want to fight, don’t you feel a little hypocritical?” Yang Xuan shook his head amusedly, with a strong irony in his words.

“It seems that you are ready to fight.” Nangongtian didn’t get angry, and looked at side Hong Wuque at each other, looking at the murderous intention in each other’s eyes.

“Nangongtian, stop, give up this battle.” Fu Hongyun suddenly said.

“hmph, Fu Laoer, why didn’t you stop it before, but now it’s better. When you see Yang Xuan is in danger, you jump out. How can it be so easy?” Zuo Wuzhou coldly shouted, He originally wanted to stop it, but after seeing Hong Wuque’s Martial Spirit, he suppressed it.

In his opinion, Yang Xuan’s Qihai is blocked, which is equivalent to half-waste, and the fleshy body alone is definitely the opponent of Hong Wuque and Nangongtian.

In this battle, Yang Xuan is destined to die.

“Leo Lao’er, do you want to fight with me?” Fu Hongyun to get really angry.

“War is war. We haven’t fought in several decades. When I’m afraid you won’t make it?” Zuo Wuzhou refuse to yield an inch.

hearing this, Fu Hongyun is about to answer, Yang Xuan loudly said: “Fu Elder, don’t worry, there will be nothing wrong with the discipline.”

After speaking, he said again: “Yes Now, please also Fu Elder pay attention to the old dog Zuo Wuzhou for me, don’t let him intervene in the battle between me and Nangong Tian and Hong Wuque.”

Chapter 198 Danger Land Strikes Back


“Yang Xuan, you…” Fu Hongyun opened his mouth. After noticing Yang Xuan’s determined eyes, he gritted his teeth and said: “Okay, the old man will stare at Zuo Wuzhou.”

“haha, let’s fight, hurry up and tell the life and death.” There was a sudden laughter from the team of the god Roaming Sect.

This is a purple clothes old man with a strong figure, a haze expression, and a cultivation base reaching Vientiane Realm Peak. This man is named Lin Xiaotian, who is the god Roaming Sect. Several Vientiane Realm with the Captain Old Chinese have the highest cultivation base. People, Fu Hongyun and Zuo Wuzhou’s faces became gloomy when they heard his laugh, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

“Hey, don’t linger, hurry up and start the war. When you decide the victory or defeat, the trial of the ancient gods is about to begin.” The courageous god Roaming Sect disciple also yelled right now. , A matter of no concern to oneself hangs up high, watching the show.

“Asshole!” Shen Yuexin cursed, her small face turned blue, Qin Lan and Su Ziyao’s faces were not very good-looking, and the two women looked towards Yang Xuan with concern.

It just so happened that Yang Xuan also looked at them, with a bright smile on his face, which meant to make them feel relieved.

However, this smile fell in Hong Wuque’s eyes, and he could not help but say with a smile: “You can still laugh when you die.”

“Who lives and who dies? See the real chapter under your hand.”

“Oh, you are now sealed off, is it possible that you think you can deal with me and Nangongtian?”

“It is not difficult to kill you “Yang Xuan no longer hides his clumsiness, the battle puppet and the fleshy body are united, and his body is full of golden light violently and extremely vigorously, flooding his body and rumbling.

“en!?” Nangongtian and Hong Wuque changed their colors, and they both saw that Yang Xuan was wrong.


not even think, the two of them drove at full speed, rushed towards Yang Xuan, and all kinds of means came together to kill him, although he is now angry Hai was sealed, unable to urge True Qi, and his strength was drastically reduced, but neither Nangongtian nor Hong Wuque were extremely careful, afraid that he would have any special methods.

The two shots are also ruthless, Nangongtian urges the universe to move the bottle gourd, a golden sword energy is horizontal between the waves, densely packed, dazzling, each sword energy is cast like immortal gold, with amazing sharpness.

Hong Wuque resorted to trump card’s ultimate move, swinging a long knife in his hand, and nine icy Blade Qi strokes shatter void, killing his life fiercely.

The two extremely talented players tried their best to kill Yang Xuan. Everyone in Yunhaiwai was shaken. Almost all of them held their breath. I wonder if Yang Xuan can stop it, if it can’t. Live, a demon like the sun at high noon will fall here.

“smelly brat, get away!” Shen Yuexin exclaimed, her heart beating wildly, Qin Lan and Su Ziyao did not speak, but their bodies tightened, and the worries in their hearts became stronger, even the bully expressed seriousness , Her expression is tense, and she is afraid that Yang Xuan will have two shortcomings.

“You think you can kill me, break for me!”

“hong long!”

Suddenly, there was a violent drink accompanied A loud deafening sound shook the world, the earth shook, the sea of ​​clouds rolled, a golden silhouette pair of fists struck continuously, the shadows of the fists flew, and the golden sword energy and the Blade Qi were all shattered, and they were crushed dry weeds and smashing rotten by the golden fists. The destruction of wood, impossible to withstand a single blow.

“What!” Nangong Tian and Hong Wuque were shocked, and they saw a golden silhouette rushing towards them, the speed was incredible.

Boom! boom!

The two didn’t have time to dodge, they were knocked out by the golden silhouette. It was only a moment. They didn’t know how many bones were broken, and they were splashed with flesh and blood and suffered heavy injuries.

The crowd took a cold breath, as if there was a thunder exploding in their minds, they became blank, staring blankly at a golden silhouette standing proudly on the ground.

What is that?

A golden man!

Everyone doesn’t know what it is, but it’s kind of certain that the golden silhouette is Yang Xuan, and he doesn’t know what means he used. The whole body is covered with a layer of strange metal, which is like Gold is generally golden, golden-yellow, lustrous shine, dazzling, exuding terrifying power.

“Damn, are you a ghost or a man!?” Hong Wuque roared, the blood on his face faded, Yang Xuan was really terrifying, even though the air was sealed, Danger Land could still fight back, hurting himself and Nangong seriously day.

“Of course I am a human, and you are about to become ghosts.” The voice was still there, Yang Xuan moved, and the speed reached the extreme, like a golden lightning shot through the sky, almost instantly, others He came to Hong Wuque and punched out.

“You dare to be a beast.” Zuo Wuzhou roared angrily, and slapped Yang Xuan with a palm.

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