“Life and death are up to you, Zuo Lao’er has to intervene.” Coldly snorted, Fu Hongyun shot and stopped Zuo Wuzhou’s attack, only to see two huge palms in the air The collision exploded, and a stormy sea-like energy storm erupted. Many people who were too close were thrown out one after another, vomiting blood, screaming, screaming, and chaos.


At the same time, there was a scream from a distance. It was Hong Wuque’s voice. Many people looked intently and saw Hong Wuque being punched out by Yang Xuan. The blood spurted wildly.

“The killing puppets refined by Immemorial Powerhouse are really amazing!” Yang Xuan muttered to himself. After combining with the puppets, he was comfortable and full of explosive power. The portrait can rely on pure fleshly body strength to break through the sky and enter the endless starry sky.

“Go to hell!” Just as Yang Xuan felt about it, the Nangong angel made a broken finger. A golden finger pierced the void and shot towards Yang Xuan’s right eye. Obviously he had seen Yang. The weakest part of Xuan’s body is his eyes.

Unfortunately, he underestimated Yang Xuan’s fleshly body strength.

“pu!” Yang Xuan didn’t hide, he slapped it off with a palm, and pointed to shattered, fragile like a piece of paper.

“How is it possible!” Nangongtian was terrified, and Yang Xuan was invincible, even as powerful as a broken finger.

“Kill!” Yang Xuan ignored Nangongtian and strode towards Hong Wuque. Just as Hong Wuque got up, he saw a golden silhouette approaching him.

“no!” At this moment, Hong Wuque was terrified. He only felt that death was so close to him. He didn’t care about the pain all over his body and tried to dodge, but he was still half a beat slow. Yang Xuan’s fists were swift. Like electricity, a punch hit his chest.

Boom ka!

The chest exploded and the flesh and blood flew, Hong Wuque’s mouth uttered a heart-piercing scream, but the sound stopped abruptly as soon as it came out, Yang Xuan cheated As he walked up, he hugged his head with both hands and twisted, and with a pu chi, a big head flew out, and the blood gushed out like a fountain, extremely dazzling.

All this was done between the rising of the rabbit and the falling of the bird. When Zuo Wuzhou came back to his senses, he found that Hong Wuque was dead.

“Why is it like this!?” Zuo Wuzhou was going crazy, and the people who looked at Moon Sect were also crazy. This result made them unbearable. Everyone had red eyes. One who looked at Moon Sect Extremely talented, the hope of the Zongmen just died. He died in the hands of Yang Xuan, but he turned his head off and killed him.

“Little beast, damn you!” Zuo Wuzhou burst into tears, grief-stricken, and shouted at the famous Moon Sect Vientiane Realm Elder on the side: “Kill Yang Xuan, you must never let him live. Leaving the secret realm of the ancient gods.”

“Who dares to act rashly, kill without mercy.” Fu Hongyun coldly shouted, releasing the killing intent all over, sweeping the world.

Beside him, the four Seven Mysteries Sect Vientiane Realm Elder are also drawing their weapons and ready to go. Once Zuo Wuzhou and the others change, they will all without the slightest hesitation. Never let Yang Xuan have three long and two short.

Yang Xuan is extremely talented and has amazing battle strength. As long as he lives, he will be able to carry forward Seven Mysteries Sect. Even if they die here, they must protect Yang Xuan thoroughly.

Over there, Yang Xuan’s golden light faded away. Although his cultivation base has greatly improved and his spirit has improved a lot, his previous battle with Nangong Tian also consumed a lot of spirit, and now he has joined the battle puppet. One, he can only hold on for seven or eight seconds, and in such a short period of time, it is not bad that he can kill Hong Wuque in one fell swoop.

In addition, with the tragic death of Hong Wuque, the letter Martial Spirit also disappeared, and he can now activate Zhenyuan.

“How could it be possible that Hong Wuque died.” Nangong Tian disheveled hair, cold hands and feet, looking at Hong Wuque’s headless body, he already felt that Death Aura was approaching.

“Nangongtian, you also go to die.” With a loud shout, Yang Xuan rushed to Nangongtian, all over his body, killing intents and sword intents gathered, and the power directly taught people to fear.

“One against two, killing one person and seriously wounding one person, this kind of beauty is called peerless, disregarding the past and present, even if it is placed in Zhong Prefecture, I am afraid that few people can compare it.” Vientiane Realm’s senior martial artist commented .

The crowd did not speak, and it was difficult to calm their hearts. Yang Xuan’s battle strength was too terrifying, which can be described as Star Sea Domain younger generation Number One Person.

“Yang Xuan, even if I die, I have to pull you back.” Nangongtian’s eyes are scarlet, state seems crazy, he releases golden sword energy all over his body, and rushes towards Yang Xuan like a landslide and tsunami.

Yang Xuan expression is indifferent, the blood light on the ribs flashes, the blood wings of Blood Race’s Innate Divine Ability finally manifested, rushed out with a swish, and the figure shuttled through the heavenly sword qi , Came directly to Nangong Tian’s body, cut out with a sword.


Blood blossoms bloom, and a left arm flies down.

“Ah!” Nangongtian screamed, clutching his severed arm and quickly retreated.

Yang Xuan pursued and killed, regardless of the bloody wings falling into the eyes of others, vowing to kill Nangongtian and get rid of this despicable villain who dared to hurt his own woman.

“What, is he still a human? He actually has a pair of blood-colored giant wings!” Many people exclaimed, vaguely seeing the blood wings on Yang Xuan’s ribs, and their faces showed incredible looks. Of shock, even the people looking at Moon Sect are stared wide-eyed, and Yang Xuan is too evil. Wings grow out of his ribs, which is incredible.


Blood wings are called extreme speed, but they are not blown out, especially when Yang Xuan cultivation base makes great advances, using true essence to mobilize blood wings, that speed is faster.

In the blink of an eye, he chased to Nangong Tian’s body, slashed out with a single sword, showing his invincibility.

pu chi!

Nangong couldn’t dodge the sky, and took another sword. Yang Xuan’s chest was almost stripped away by Yang Xuan’s sword. The whole person was slashed out, and blood poured out wildly.

“Ah, Yang Xuan, this is what you forced me. I will be perish together with you.” Nangongtian howled miserably, calling out the bottle gourd of Qiankun and throwing it at Yang Xuan.

weng weng weng!

A series of dull sounds came, and the Qiankun bottle gourd gave out a dazzling light and cracked constantly, a breath that made people palpitate to fear from inside Came.

“Yang Xuan, retreat quickly, he wants to Self-destruction Life Source Martial Spirit.” Fu Hongyun said with a change of color.

hearing this, the crowd trembles, Self-destruction Life Source Martial Spirit, this is a suicide attack, even if it can kill Yang Xuan, Nangongtian will pay the price of unimaginable, the worst The result is that Divine Soul is destroyed.

Chapter 199 The Dragon and the Phoenix are auspicious

“Retreat!” Yang Xuan also saw something was wrong, and his bloody wings fluttered and quickly retreated.

“Blast!” At the same time, the Nangong Tianmu was about to split, and with a furious roar, the universe bottle gourd suddenly exploded, tens of thousands of golden sword energy, like a flood of gate opening, toward all directions snapshot.

For a time, there was a chaos in the audience, and almost everyone tried to resist the golden sword energy.

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