“I have already left the secret realm of the ancient gods, how did she leave?”

“This is a long story, and I won’t be clear about it for a while, let’s learn about it later. Tell.”

Yang Xuan sighed, and did not want to announce to the public that Qin Lan was the reincarnation of the Supreme.

Furthermore, even if he said it, those present might not believe it, because it was too unimaginable.

“Pervert, what you said is true?”

“Yes, is sister Qin Lan really all right?”

Shen Yuexin and Su Ziyao hurriedly When he came to Yang Xuan’s side, the two women hadn’t noticed at first, but at this moment, they realized that Qin Lan hadn’t come out of the ancient secret territory.

“hehe, why, you two also suspect that I killed Qin Lan?” Yang Xuan smiled miserably. Others suspected him that it didn’t matter, he just treated it as a dog barking, and would not take seriously.

But Shen Yuexin and Su Ziyao also doubted him, so he couldn’t accept him, and his heart was extremely bitter.

“Yang Xuan, you misunderstood me, how could I suspect you?” Su Ziyao complexion changed, almost crying aggrieved, not knowing what happened on Shenfeng, why Yang Xuan followed gunpowder Like a barrel, it burns at a point.

“Yeah, how can great aunt suspect you?” Shen Yuexin raised her eyebrows and said with some dissatisfaction. She also saw that Yang Xuan’s state was not right, and there was a tendency of cultivation deviation.

“Okay, let’s go. Qin Lan’s affairs will come back to the sect.” Yan Changkong waved his hand and took out the colorful flying boat.

“jié jié, Sect Master Yan, wait a minute.”

Suddenly, some feminine laughter came. A man with a rickety figure, a black robe, and a golden mask on his face, The white haired old man with only two sharp eyes came out from the sky, standing proudly above the valley.

“Your Excellency is such a high cultivation base, I don’t know your surname and name!?” Yan Changkong hugged cup one fist in the other hand and asked expression grave. At a glance, he could see that the other party’s cultivation base was actually Reached the 2 Heavenly Layer.

“Si Mingxuan, Nine Nether teaches Vice-Sect Master.” old man indifferently said.

The people in the valley hearing this suddenly changed their expressions. No one didn’t expect that the old man who claimed to be Simingxuan was actually the Nine Nether who taught the Vice-Sect Master. The older martial artists present were all cultivated. The not weak Qi Viewing Technique has already seen that Si Mingxuan’s cultivation base has reached the 2 Heavenly Layer.

This kind of cultivation base, except for Yan Changkong, no one within the valley can stop the opponent.

Thinking about this, many Vientiane Realm and Celestial Realm expert brow beaded with sweat, like a big enemy, I am afraid that the people from Simingxuan will be unkind and will kill them.

Not only them, but many young people are like this. Although their cultivation base is too low to see how high Si Mingxuan’s cultivation realm is, the breath exuding from Si Mingxuan is too strong. , Making them feel short of breath.

“Nine Nether teaches Vice-Sect Master!” Yang Xuan’s eyes dazzled. He didn’t expect that Si Mingxuan Guiyijing 2 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base was actually only Nine Nether teaching Vice-Sect Master.

In other words, Nine Nether taught Sect Lord cultivation base absolutely surpassed Si Mingxuan. As for what realm he has reached, it is unknown.

“Nine Nether taught the Vice-Sect Master. No wonder there is such a high cultivation base.” Yan Changkong’s silent nodded was surprised in his heart. He obviously has the same idea as Yang Xuan. , Knowing that Nine Nether’s cultivation base for teaching Sect Lord must surpass Si Mingxuan.

Set his mind at ease, Yan Changkong continued: “Your Excellency came here alone, shouldn’t you come here for the sake of murder, right?”

“If you want to kill, Si Mou will do it long ago. Now.”

“Why do you come here?”

“Simple, Si Mou is going to borrow someone from Sect Master Yan.”


“Yang Xuan, this child got the ancient god inheritance, and killed me many Direct Disciples in Fengyunxia, ​​I must take him away.”

“This I’m afraid not.”

“It seems that Sect Master Yan is going to fight with me?”

“I am not your opponent, but I really want to fight hard, sir I can’t please.”

“jié jié, are you threatening me?” Si Mingxuan gave a gloomy smile, and said to the god Roaming Sect Sect Master Tu Tianjue: “Tu Sect Master, Si A certain wait will entangle Yan Changkong, can you help me capture Yang Xuan?”

Chapter 207 The Great Character Is Coming

“No problem.” Tu Tianjue is very simply. The way.

“Tu old fogey, when did your god Roaming Sect take refuge in the teaching of Nether!?” Yan Changkong was surprised and angry.

“Tu Tianjue, what are you!?” Even looking at Moon Sect’s rivers and sky was shocked. Absolutely didn’t expect Tu Tianjue dignified, the leader of the dignified faction, would willingly take refuge in Nine Nether teaches.

The Master of Two Great Sects is still so, let alone the other people in the valley, even the few gods Roaming Sect Celestial Realm Elder, many Direct Disciple, are all surprised and completely unaware When did Tu Tianjue turn to Nine Nether to teach?

“Youdao is a talented person chooses a patron of integrity. Now Nine Nether is a powerful religion and expert as clouds. If my god Roaming Sect resists, it will only end up with a ruin.” Tu Tianjue expression indifferent way.

“hehe, Tu Sect Master really understands the righteousness, don’t worry, when I teach Sect Lord to leave the customs, you will be rewarded a lot.” Si Mingxuan laughed, his eyes fell on Jiang Shuitian: “a Wise man submits to circumstances, I wonder if Sect Master’s Wang Moon Sect will be taught by Nine Nether?”

Jiang Sect’s face is gloomy and uncertain, and he didn’t rush to answer.

“Okay, okay, okay,” here, Yan Changkong has a spring thunder, and he even said three good words. He has seen endless killing intents. He has already seen it. There will be a battle today. , Xu Sheng is not allowed to lose, otherwise Seven Mysteries Sect will also be destroyed.


Just as Yan Changkong was preparing to fight to the death, a deafening whistling sound came, and a black cloud came from a distance. It’s a long way, but everyone can feel the baleful qi entrained in the black cloud.

“What a heavy baleful qi!” Yang Xuan heart shivered with cold, this baleful qi is really terrifying, and I don’t know whether the existence in the dark cloud is a human or a demon, but no matter what it is, everyone who comes Very powerful, even stronger than Simingxuan.

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