Si Mingxuan saw the dark cloud, first it was startled, and then there was joy in the back. He bowed and said: “Welcome to Sect Lord.”

“What, Nine Nether taught Sect Lord to come. Is it!?”

“Hey, he won’t come for Yang Xuan, right?”

“It shouldn’t be wrong.”

Mountain within The valley, the crowd was in an uproar, no one didn’t expect that a Simingxuan was not enough. Now even Nine Nether teaches Sect Lord. For a time, many people looked towards Yang Xuan with a touch of sympathy, such a terrifying powerhouse When it comes, Yang Xuan will undoubtedly die.

“No gift.”

The majestic voice resounded through the world, resounding like thunder, I saw the black cloud surging up and gradually dispersed, revealing the true face inside. , That is a black robed old man.

This person is tall, full of silver hair, sallow complexion, wrinkles piled up, and a pair of eagle-like eyes seems to have blood light flashing, and his body is full of baleful qi, which is breathtaking.

He is no one else, it is Nine Nether who taught Sect Lord, named Gai Nine Nether, who is much older than Yan Changkong.

As he appeared next to Si Mingxuan, the mountain within the valley was deadly quiet, and many people did not dare to breathe. Some young people with a low cultivation base were even shiver coldly and panicked. To the extreme.

Yang Xuan is also brow beaded with sweat, and Nine Nether does not know the reason for the cultivation technique. It still kills too many people, and the baleful qi too terrifying from his body, although Yang Xuan is determined, but After all, he only has the cultivation base of 5 Heavenly Layer in True Gang Realm.

At this moment, Gai Nine Nether’s eyes were half-squinted, and he glanced condescendingly at the people in the mountain within the valley, causing the crowd to feel a tremor of heart, almost suffocating.

In a moment of effort, his eyes widened, and his gaze finally fixed on Yang Xuan: “You just say Yang Xuan?”

“Yes.” Yang Xuan expression No change, he raised his head and looked at Gai Nine Nether.

“Boy, you are very courageous!” The voice was still there, and an invisible pressure fell from the air and fell on Yang Xuan, trying to crush him.

“My courage has always been great.” Yang Xuan coldly shouted, his voice shook the sky, his spine straightened, as if he hadn’t been affected by the Nine Nether imposing manner.

“Yes, under the pressure of this Majesty’s imposing manner, I can still face doesn’t change. It really looks like a young murderer!” Gai Nine Nether was slightly nodded, and then he said: “Boy, this seat also No, come with me.”

“Why?” Yang Xuan blurted out, with three simple words, but with the “Force” of hard to describe, like a demon coming to the world , Stands here.

hearing this, many people secretly squeeze sweat for him, this kid is really bold, and even Nether teaches Sect Lord not to pay attention. Does he think Yan Changkong can keep him?

Yang Xuan expression is stern, like no one else, staring at Gai Nether fearlessly, the “Force” all over his body is rising.

To kill the enemy on the battlefield, you need to work hard.

Similarly, martial artist cultivation is the same, the weak is weak.

The so-called air here is the imposing manner.

Since ancient times, a person who can step into the supreme and dominate the side, who has not cultivated unyielding and invincibility since childhood, if facing the powerhouse, he is afraid of his head and feet, and weakens his imposing manner. Difficulty.

Of course, Yang Xuan is so powerful, in the eyes of others, it is overestimate one’s capabilities, courting death.

But Yang Xuan heart is like a clear mirror, the other party named him to take him away. Even if he kneels and begs for mercy, the other party will never let him go. Anyway, the ending is the same, so why not be arrogant.

“Yang Xuan!”

Su Ziyao whispered, his pretty face was pale, her hands were holding his arms nervously, Shen Yuexin did not speak, but her face was full of worry , I’m afraid that something will happen to him, but Nine Nether taught Sect Lord. Neither girl thinks that Yan Changkong can withstand it.

“haha, for what reason, just rely on me to build Nine Nether is a powerhouse, and you are just a little real martial artist.” Guy Nine Nether smiled to the sky, and said Yang completely Xuan is regarded as an ant, an ant that can be manipulated at will.

“But the cultivation base that’s all of Guiyi Realm 7 Heavenly Layer, put it in Zhong Prefecture, you are nothing, and there are many people who can destroy you at the fingertips.” Yang Xuan sarcastically, he cultivated innate Qi Viewing Technique, although the cultivation base is not high, it also sees the cultivation base of Nine Nether.

“Hehe, you are right, my cultivation base in the outstanding Zhong Prefecture is really nothing, but Star Sea Domain can deal with this Majesty’s and there are still few people to come.”

Gai Nine Nether extremely angry laughed back, his eyes became more and more cold, he was also a character who has lived for four 500 years, and his qi training has always been very good. There are few things that can make him angry, but Yang Xuan is He repeatedly humiliated him in the face of everyone, and True Fire moved in his heart.

“old ghost, don’t take yourself too seriously, if you take a shot at Barbarian Race High Priest, one blow will kill you violent, and Divine Soul will be destroyed.” The tyrant shouted.

“Barbarian Race High Priest!” Gai Nine Nether’s smile on her face narrowed, her eyes narrowed into a thin slit, and she carefully looked at Yang Xuan side bully, and asked: “Are you a clansman?”

“Yes, I’m a clansman, and I’m a Barbarian Race Young Patriarch. If you old ghost dare to move half of my brother’s hair today, I will definitely want you Nine Nether to disappear on Stars Island. “Man Ba ​​stood tall, in order to save Yang Xuan, he also had to report his identity, hoping to make Nine Nether a little jealous, dare not to act blindly without thinking.

“Big brother.” Yang Xuan was moved and surprised. He thought that the barbarian was just a talented Barbarian Race martial artist. Who knows that the barbarian has such a big backing, it is actually Barbarian Race Young Patriarch.

“This guy is actually Barbarian Race Young Patriarch!” Mountain within the valley, the few older martial artists who know Barbarian Race were equally surprised.

Barbarian Race, talented, especially the direct lineage, within the body flowing with the purest bloodline of the ancient barbarians, once it grows up, it will definitely be the dominant powerhouse. .

“Hehe, interesting, didn’t expect you to be Barbarian Race Young Patriarch. In addition to taking Yang Xuan away today, I have to ask you to visit my Nine Nether for a few days. “The gloomy Nine Nether said with a smile.”

“Your Excellency is bullish intolerably, Yang Xuan is my Seven Mysteries Sect disciple, how can you say take it away and take it away?” Yan Changkong finally spoke with a loud voice, full of anger, although Knowing that it is not the opponent of Nine Nether, and even his boss Mingxuan does not have much chance of winning, but as the leader of the school, he can’t watch Direct Disciple being taken away by Nine Nether.

“You are Yan Changkong, if your Seven Mysteries Sect parent is still alive, you will have to avoid him 30%, but you still can’t.” Gai Nine Nether shook her head with disdain. Ready to grab Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan gained the inheritance of the ancient gods and awakened the strange Martial Spirit. He is bound to win these two distinct things.


However, before he could take action, the sky trembled violently, the air current swept across, and a treasure ship flew across the sky quickly.

This treasure captain is about hundred zhang in length and ten zhang in width. The hull is sealed with primitive patterns, and the whole body is glazed in color. It is extremely luxurious. Compared with the colorful flying boats in the sky, it is completely insignificant. It’s incomparable.

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