Yang Xuan looked up at the treasure ship, his face could not help but showed a surprised look, because this glazed treasure ship is definitely a top grade Spiritual Artifact, both defense and speed far exceed the colorful colors of Yan Changkong Flying boat.

In Yang Xuan’s view, if this ship is urging the defensive shield, the powerhouse in the home state can’t be destroyed in a short time. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as Copper Wall Iron Bastion.

“This, this is the top grade Spiritual Artifact treasure ship!” Suddenly, Celestial Realm senior martial artist cry out in surprise.

“What, this treasure ship is a top grade Spiritual Artifact!” The people in the mountain within the valley learned that this glazed treasure ship is a top grade Spiritual Artifact, and they all sucked in cold air.

Who is it?

What a great driving force!

I actually own a top grade Spiritual Artifact treasure ship!

This is the top grade Spiritual Artifact. No one in the entire Star Sea Domain can get it. Even in Zhong Prefecture, there are not many people who can get the top grade Spiritual Artifact.

But now, a glazed treasure ship that far exceeds the Flying Spirit Boat of Three Great Sects in terms of appearance and size has actually appeared in front of them.

At this moment, everyone understands that another big shot has arrived.

With a bang, the glazed treasure ship roared and stopped at a spot above the valley at the hundred zhang high.

At the same time, the mountain within the valley was violently windy, many people shook their bodies, and a few people were staggered.

“Hehe, I thought I was a step late, and didn’t expect to be here at the right time.”

Suddenly, there was a laughter that made people feel like spring breeze. Disappeared, and where the treasure ship disappeared, a man and a woman appeared out of thin air, standing in the void.

Chapter 208 My name is Emperor Tian

This pair of men and women, men 24~25 years old, wears a silver white satin gown, wears a silver scabbard, and is untainted by Even a speck of dust, the black hair moves with the wind, it is indescribably elegant and free and easy.

His figure is extremely slender, his dark eyes are deep, the corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, and he always carries a faintly discernable smile. His appearance is even more beautiful than that of a woman.

The woman is slightly younger than him, 20 years old, in her early 20s, wearing a snow-white dress, peerless grace and elegance, exquisite features, and loving body. She is pretty, graceful and graceful. The faults seem to be God’s most perfect artwork.

She just stood there, with a small smile on her jade cheeks, her skin was white and shiny, like suet jade, her face was beautiful and flawless, and her beauty was suffocating. The eclipse.

“What a handsome man, what a beautiful woman!” The crowd’s eyes condensed slightly, as they stared at the Divine Immortal couple in surprise. They don’t know what their origins are, and the next year will not be big. , But can stand in the void.

At this moment, even Gai Nether was taken aback, and he was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, cup one fist in the other hand and said: “The two are young , The cultivation base is not low, I don’t know where it came from?”

“We are from Sword God Palace.” The man’s voice is not loud, and there is no breath leaking from his body, but his dark eyes are deep. Like a Wang Youtan, it shows that the strength is deep and unmeasurable.

“What, Sword God Palace!” The mountain within the valley, the crowd shook, and everyone couldn’t believe it.

Sword God Palace was founded by Sword God Gu Tongxuan. Although it has not been developed for a long time, it is now one of the super Sects in Zhong Prefecture. It has many inheritance martial arts and is a young man who is interested in martial arts in mainland China. Martial Arts Holy Land in mind, I don’t know how many people want to enter the Sword God Palace.

However, as the mainland super Sect, Sword God Palace has a very high threshold for recruiting disciplines. It is not an exaggeration to use ten thousand li to describe it. Ordinary young people don’t even enter the Sword God Palace. , Even if you want to enter the Sword God Palace to do miscellaneous tasks.

“Sword God Palace, no wonder the cultivation base is so high!” Yang Xuan suddenly understood, but his face still couldn’t hide his surprise.

The woman won’t talk about it, the cultivation base has reached Celestial Realm 3 Heavenly Layer, an absolute genius.

But compared with men, women’s talents are somewhat not up to par. It’s no exaggeration for men to describe them as evildoers, and they don’t know how to cultivation. The cultivation base has reached unity.境3 Heavenly Layer.

24~25 years old will be able to reach 3 Heavenly Layer. His talent is not much worse than Yang Xuan’s previous life. You must know that Yang Xuan’s previous life is also a rare genius in the world, even when he is about the same age as a man. It’s like the eight Nine Layers Heaven.

“haha, it turned out to be a genius from Sword God Palace, disrespectful and disrespectful.” Guy Nine Nether came back to his senses and said with a smile.

“Your cultivation base is not low, I don’t know how to call it?” The man asked indifferently.

“This old man is called Nine Nether, from Nine Nether, and Nine Nether also teaches Sect Lord, and he humiliated Sword God as Senior not long ago.” Yang Xuan pretended to cover Nether. .

“The little beast is so nonsense. When did you humiliate Sword God?” Guy Nine Nether was extremely angry, almost angry, although he was a lord of the cult, but I also know who can provoke and who cannot provoke, how dare you humiliate Sword God Gu Tongxuan.

“hmph, Old Guy still wants to quibble. You clearly said that Sword God is just a blow out. If the cultivation realm is comparable to yours, it will be defeated.” Yang Xuan said so convincingly. thing.

Hearing this, the people within the valley are speechless. Yang Xuan’s trick is vicious. It is clear that Gai Nether is to conflict with two geniuses from Sword God Palace.

“little brother, did he really say that?” The woman’s red lips lightly opened, and her voice was as beautiful as a fairy tune.

Yang Xuan wants to say that my younger brother is not small, but he still forcibly held it back. He looked at the beautiful woman with clear eyes, nodded and said with a serious face: “Of course, elder The sister is so beautiful and the cultivation base is high. Even if the younger brother has the courage, he dare not deceive Fairy elder sister.”

“pu chi!” The woman smiled, her teeth are shining and she is beautiful. Many young men in the valley were dumbfounded, only to find them amazing.

“Sure enough, as long as women love to listen to praise.” Yang Xuan secretly thought.

“haha, wife, see, your Fairy title is even known to everyone on Stars Island.” The man laughed triumphantly, and stretched out his hand to embrace the woman’s unbearable willow waist.

“So many people are watching, you show me how to behave.” The woman was slightly annoyed, and there was an unpretentious and charming temperament in her words, sexy bearing and charming temperament.

Yang Xuan has to admit that this woman is indeed perfect. Qin Lan, Su Ziyao, and Fang Qingxue may only be comparable to them when they are older.

“Look and watch, who dares to say a word?” The man is extremely domineering, holding his arms around the woman’s waist and not letting go, at the same time looking towards Yang Xuan, smiling and asking: “Little Brother is very good at Speak, I don’t know how to call it?”

“Little brother Yang Xuan, Seven Mysteries Sect disciple.” Yang Xuan arched his hands.

“Oh, it turned out to be Seven Mysteries Sect disciple!” Although the man is from Sword God Palace, he seems to know that there is a Seven Mysteries Sect on Stars Island. After slightly nodded, he immediately looked at Yang Xuan carefully, and looked more and more. The more shocked his face, he praised: “really strong fleshy body!”

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