“The big brother is also great. He is already a powerhouse at a young age. I think it should be the Sword God Palace True Disciple, right?” Yang Xuan first praised him, then Asked tentatively.

“Hey, you actually know that I am Sword God Palace True Disciple!” The man dashing eyebrows raised his face with more surprise.

Gai Nine Nether changed his face at the moment, but he knows that those super Sects in Zhong Prefecture have True Disciples. This is the extremely talented cultivated Sect. The strength cannot be judged by the cultivation base. It is extremely tyrannical. .

Set my mind, Guy Nine Nether said: “Two, don’t listen to that kid talk nonsense. The old man has only respect for Sword God and will definitely not humiliate him.”

“Have you ever humiliated our palace lord is not important. The important thing is that thousands of years ago, the people taught by Nine Nether seemed to chase down our palace lord.” Murderous intention was revealed in the man’s indifferent words.

For a while, the audience kept quiet out of fear, everyone was shocked. No one thought that Sword God was hunted down by someone taught by Nether when he was young.

“Young people, what happened thousands of years ago has become just a passing scene. Besides, the old man was not born yet, let’s…” Before Nine Nether had finished speaking, the man interrupted: “Go ahead, if you can receive my move without dying, I will let you go.”

“What did you say?” Si Mingxuan was furious, and under the golden mask, a pair of eyes breathed fire .

“Why, do you want to do it to me?”

“Afraid you won’t make it?”

“An ant that’s all.” The man coldly smiled and raised his right The hand, flicking his fingers, suddenly heard the piercing sound of sword howling, a cold air condensed into sword energy and shot out, sharper than Divine Weapon, dazzling, faintly carrying a breath of destruction, directly to Simingxuan’s The skull went through.

“Break for me!” Gai Nine Nether saw the terrifying of this sword energy, and understood that Si Mingxuan couldn’t stop it, not even think. It was shot out with a palm, and there was a black congeal and not scattered. Palm Jin flew out and hit the sword energy.

However, a shocking scene appeared. When the sword energy came into contact with Zhang Jin, Zhang Jin cracked and broke, and then shattered in the air, while the sword energy remained unabated. Like a brilliant light beam, passing through Simingxuan’s eyebrows.

pu chi!

No accident, Si Mingxuan died tragically on the spot, a blood hole appeared in the center of his eyebrows, and he fell from high altitude.

“It’s dead, it’s still a spike!” Mountain within the valley, the hearts of the crowd trembled fiercely.

How powerful this is. It broke the palm of Gai Nether and killed Si Mingxuan.

What Si Mingxuan said is that Nether taught the Vice-Sect Master, dignified the powerhouse of the 2 Heavenly Layer, but in front of this handsome man like a woman, there’s no resistance, impossible to withstand a single blow.

“Asshole thing, you dare to kill me!?” Covering Nine Nether flustered and exasperated, absolutely didn’t expect the strength of the young man in front of him was so powerful.

“If you want revenge, come and fight.” The man said, the imposing manner rose steeply, and an astonishing breath rose from the top of his head, causing the clouds and mist in the sky to burst and roar.

His breath is too strong, like a wild ancient beast coming to the world, and True Dragon awakening, full of an imposing manner of destruction.

Everyone felt heart palpitations, and their souls were trembling. This man was too strong, he was invincible.

“Destruction Sword meaning!”

Yang Xuan saw it truly and was shocked. The man deserves to be the True Disciple of Sword God Palace. Let’s not talk about cultivated true knowledge, just Comprehended destruction of the Destruction Sword meaning is enough to skip grades to kill.

Sword intent is divided into three categories: Slaughter Sword Intent, Destruction Sword intent, and Immortal sword intent. Among them, the immortal sword intent is the most difficult to comprehend. A sword repairer often takes years of indulgence to get it. Comprehend, and Slaughter Sword Intent and Sword Intent are not the same, it is difficult to distinguish the strong and the weak.

Of course, whether it is Slaughter Sword Intent, Destruction Sword Intent, or Immortal Sword Intent, there are ten levels, one of which is the lowest and the ten is the highest.

Don’t look at Yang Xuan now comprehended Slaughter Sword Intent, but he can only be regarded as a beginner, only one Sword Dao Will.

In contrast to men, it has been 3-5 years to comprehend the destruction of Destruction Sword, and it has reached the 3rd-layer Sword Dao Will, and within 3-5 years, Sword Dao Will can be upgraded to 3rd. -layer, this person’s accomplishments on sword dao can also be called terrifying.

“Destruction Sword!” Gai Nine Nether’s pupils shrank suddenly, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

“Some eyesight!” The man smiled indifferently, with an incomparable arrogance on his face, and said: “That said, if you receive my move today and don’t die, I will let you leave, yes, In order to prevent you from being a fool, I will tell you my name. Remember, my name is Ditian.”

“Ditian!” Mountain within the valley, many people just Talking about this name, I feel full of domineering taste.

“Young people, you must know that there is always someone stronger, old man has the cultivation base of 7 Heavenly Layer at any rate, you really want to fight with me, can you die or not?” Gai Nine Nether resisted his anger. Fire Dao, his face is gloomy and uncertain, although he has the cultivation base of 7 Heavenly Layer in the homeland, he is really not sure that he can deal with this man who claims to be Emperor.

Chapter 209 The man’s ambition is everywhere

“You old man is really ridiculous. I have never killed a martial artist of the cultivation realm like you in Zhong Prefecture. I’m not qualified to fight with me.” Di Tian said proudly, standing tall in the air, black hair dancing with the wind, his eyes are like stars destroying and releasing terrifying rays of light, bright and intimidating, there is a demeanor of me, invincible The imposing manner is fully demonstrated.

“Too strong!”

“Yes, only super Sects such as Sword God Palace can cultivate such peerless Heaven’s Chosen!”

” Patriarch, can I go to the Sword God Palace cultivation?”

“Sword God Palace only accepts geniuses, you are a bit short of it.”

“I have a real arable 5 somehow. Heavenly Layer cultivation base, this is not okay?”

“Ai, you are a little older, and you can’t even pass the test of bone age. How can you get into the Sword God Palace like this genius gathering Super Sect?”

Mountain within the valley, the crowd discusses spiritedly, some young people are full of enthusiasm and yearning for the Sword God Palace, but the conditions for recruiting the discipline of Sword God Palace are too harsh, and people who are too old simply Don’t even think about it.

“Come on, I have something to do when you are resolved.” Di Tian said lightly. Although his voice was not loud, he was still so overbearing, he didn’t cover Nine Nether at all. People of hundreds of years are in sight.

“Arrogant, if you don’t teach you a lesson today, you really think that the old man has no temper.” Gai Nine Nether’s face was gloomy, and his mouth screamed, but he did not attack Ditian, but rather With a secret technique, the body is blurred, and he flees quickly, like a black streamer, and suddenly a hundred zhang appears.

“Want to go?” Di Tian smiled contemptuously, and stepped forward. Two groups of silver brilliance rushed out of him within the body, condensing into a pair of strange silver wings behind him.

This pair of silver wings are 30 feet wide, incomparable gigantic, spray thin silver light, and illuminate the sky and the earth with dazzling brilliance.

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