“He has wings too!?” Su Ziyao and Shen Yuexin opened their mouths wide, looking at Di Tian and then at side Yang Xuan.

“What are you doing looking at me? I am different from him. This pair of wings should be Martial Spirit.” Yang Xuan said.

tone barely fell, the emperor moved, and the silver wings fluttered and disappeared from the spot. Then, the voice of Nine Nether flustered and exasperated came from the distant horizon, “Boy, old man fights with you Now.”


In an instant, the distance in the sky bursts with astonishing fluctuations, a scarlet rays of light burst out, like a fierce god descending, baleful qi monstrous.

“Sword array of stars, ten thousand stars pendant!”

At the same time, Di Tian’s voice sounded, indifferent and ruthless.

chi chi chi!

I saw the full sky of sword energy appear in the distance, covering the sky in an instant, and every sword energy is like a star, blooming with dazzling cold light, like a sword rain, which makes people feel endless The coercion of terror.

Strong as Yan Changkong also felt scared witless, Ditian’s strength could not be seen to the end, even if he stepped into the Guiyi Realm, the gap with Ditian’s cultivation realm was not big, but Ditian’s The strength is far beyond the cultivation base, it is incalculable at all, so if the sword rain destroying heaven extinguishing earth hits him, it will instantly extinguish him.

“Suppress and kill for me!”

Just as Yan Changkong was shocked, a roar shook the mountains and rivers, and saw the scarlet rays of light collide with thousands of sword rain Together, a piece of brilliance resembling the collapse of a starry sky came out, one after another terrifying storm, centered on the place where it collided, rushed towards all directions at an extremely fast speed.

Amidst the sound of hong long long, the peaks of each mountain collapsed and the broken rocks flew away. The scene was shocking.


Soon, a heart-piercing scream came, and the distant void returned to calm, leaving the Emperor Tian standing there, covering Nine Nether has completely disappeared.

“gu lu!” The people in the mountain within the valley swallowed secretly. Everyone understood that Gai Nether was dead and was beheaded by a Sword God Palace True Disciple named Di Tian.

This day, destined to shake the entire Star Sea Domain, will be recorded in history.

“Unbelievable, this is too powerful!” Shen Yuexin exclaimed, her smart eyes widened, and the strength of Di Tian gave her an extremely strong sense of impact.

“He is an expert of the 3 Heavenly Layer of the One Realm, and Sword God Palace True Disciple. It is not surprising that he has this strength.” Yang Xuan calmed down, but he was not at peace. He knew that the Emperor Heaven in Zhong Prefecture is definitely not an unknown person. It is very likely to be a leader in the younger generation. I am afraid there are not many existences comparable to him.

This is a real genius. As long as the cultivation continues, he is destined to shake the old illuminating the new.

“Become stronger, I must become stronger as soon as possible, so as to save Qin Lan.” Yang Xuan secretly gritted his teeth, desperate for strength.

At the same time, he also knew that it was time to go out and go to Zhong Prefecture cultivation.

Zhong Prefecture is the center of the Divine-Martial Continent. It is extremely vast and has a population of hundreds of millions. It has outstanding people and talents. It has been amazing for generations to come. If you go there, the cultivation will also be twice the The results for half the effort, if you can join a super Sect, it would be better to rely on Sect resources.

Yang Xuan two people, know the importance of the land of wealth, if he has been staying in Stars Island, even if he is extremely talented, it is difficult to achieve anything, at least for a short time he does not want to grow up.

“Sword God Gu Tongxuan was born on Stars Island. It would be nice if I could join the Sword God Palace.” With this thought, Yang Xuan saw Di Tian put away the silver wings and came from the sky. In an instant she came to the side of the beautiful woman.

The woman’s white dress is dancing, her expression is calm, and there is no trace of surprise on her flawless pretty face, as if she has known that Nine Nether is not Ditian’s opponent.

Mountain within the valley, everyone held their breath and looked up at the sky above Di Tian, ​​knowing that he is not far from ten thousand li to Stars Island. It must be something important, perhaps related to the secret realm of ancient gods.

“Everyone, I came to Stars Island by the order of the palace lord this time.” Ditian said without making everyone wait.

“I don’t know why Sword God his Senior sent the Emperor Young Master to our Stars Island?” Yan Changkong asked.

“For something in the secret territory of the ancient gods.” As he said, Ditian looked around the mountain within the valley: “Dare to ask everyone, can anyone climb the mountain this time?”

shua~ shua~ shua~!

As the voice of Ditian fell, many people’s eyes were involuntarily looked towards Yang Xuan.

Under the focal point of ten thousands, Yang Xuan looked calmly, arched his hands towards Ditian, and said: “Ditian big brother, my little brother is not talented, I am fortunate to have climbed the mountain.”

“Oh, you have boarded the Shenfeng!?” Di Tian was astonished. He had seen Yang Xuan’s out of the ordinary before, but he didn’t expect that the boy in front of him had actually climbed the Shenfeng.

“Yes, I boarded Shenfeng.”

“That’s good, I won’t talk nonsense with you, just ask, have you ever got Spring of Shenfeng from Shenfeng Life?”

“What, Spring of Life, one of the three Shenshui, there is this thing on Shenfeng!?” Tu Tianjue lost his voice.

“Quiet!” Ditian issued coldly snorted in his nose, Tu Tianjue shut up immediately, did not dare to show the slightest disrespect on his face, Ditian was too strong, even the Nine Nether was killed by him. How can Tu Tianjue dare to offend?

“Don’t hide the big brother from Ditian, I did get a few drops of Spring of Life.” Yang Xuan didn’t speak frankly, but only said that he got a few drops. The reason is simple. Spring of Life is priceless. If people in the world know that he has dozens of drops of Spring of Life on his body, he will be unable to move a single step in the future.

“Can you give me three drops of Sword God Palace?” Ditian asked.

“This, OK.” Yang Xuan pretending to be hesitant nodded.

“haha, okay.” Di Tian laughed, his gaze looking towards Yang Xuan softened: “Your name is Yang Xuan, my Sword God Palace palace lord said, I don’t owe favor. Let’s talk, what do you think, as long as it’s not something against the sky, my Sword God Palace can satisfy you.”

Hearing this, many people’s eyes became fierce, even brutal. Ba also breathed fire in his eyes. Of course, he was not envious of Yang Xuan, but wanted to get Spring of Life, but he couldn’t ask Yang Xuan to ask for it.

“Big brother, don’t worry, my little brother left you a drop of Spring of Life.” Yang Xuan noticed the strangeness of the tyrant, and said in a low voice, immediately regardless of the trembling of the tyrant’s excitement. , Said to Ditian: “Ditian big brother, can you join Sword God Palace?”

“You want this!?” The beautiful woman was surprised. She thought Yang Xuan Know Lion’s big mouth, what Divine Grade cultivation technique should be, who knows Yang Xuan just wants to join them Sword God Palace.

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