
At night, the bright moon is bright and the moonlight is cold. In the pavilion of the courtyard on the top of Cuiyun Peak, Yang Xuan leans on the railing, holding a wine jar in one hand , Holding a wine glass in one hand, pouring and drinking.

After a few cups of high-purity spirits, Qin Lan’s voice and smile surfaced unconsciously, and the past chasing and playfulness immersed in his brain like moonlight, and acacia like rotted bones.

At this moment, Yang Xuan only feels his chest is stuffy, a little breathless, like suddenly entering a closed world isolated from the world, no one, no light, no sound, nothing, He has only one feeling, and that is loneliness, suffocating loneliness.

“Lan’er, where are you now?” Yang Xuan whispered. It wasn’t until Qin Lan left that he suddenly realized that his favorite was Qin Lan, and life without Qin Lan around him was Suffering, living like years.

“Drink is not intoxicating, and everyone is drunk. Junior Brother seems to be a person with a story!” There was a breath of laughter, and a silver robe youth appeared in the pavilion.

“Senior Brother, please sit down, come, let’s have a drink.” Yang Xuan came back to his senses, without saying anything, took out a cup with jade jade, filled it up and gave it to the young man on the side.

The youth is naturally the Emperor. Although Yang Xuan has not joined the Sword God Palace yet, he and Yang Xuan are already senior and junior brothers.

“Okay, Senior Brother will accompany you for a few drinks.” Ditian also did not hypocritically, sat down on the lean on the railing, touched the glass with Yang Xuan, and drank the drink in the glass.

This is shochu, not a top grade wine, but the two of them drank happily. With the cup after cup of wine, the two chatted together. Yang Xuan pondered and asked. : “Senior Brother, how knowledgeable you are, is there any way to make Junior Brother break through to the divine force environment in three years!?”

“Junior Brother is sure not to laugh!?” Ditian slightly startled, In his opinion, even with Yang Xuan’s unusual talents, sufficient cultivation resources, and three years of neglect sleep and forget about food, it is difficult to break through to the divine force state.

“Is there really no way?” Yang Xuan is lightly sighed. He has lived for two lives, and he naturally understands how difficult it is to break through to the divine force within three years.

“Junior Brother don’t have to be so disappointed. We martial artist cultivation, is innate talent, but we also need opportunity. When the opportunity arrives, everything is possible.”

“Oh, Senior Brother has a way?”


“What way?”

“Enter Eternal Life Palace and seize good luck.”

“Eternal Life Palace!?”

“Well, that is the Spirit Transformation device left over from the last Chaos Cycle element!”

“The last Chaos Cycle element! “

“World’s All Living Things will be exhausted, including the universe we live in, but every time the universe collapses, it will be reshaped and enter a new Chaos Cycle element, but this time is extremely long, who I don’t know how long it will take, maybe a few million years, maybe countless years, and Eternal Life Palace is the only Spirit Transformation device that has been preserved in the previous Chaos Cycle.”

Speaking of which, Emperor Tian paused and said: “Eternal Life Palace opens every million years, and anyone under 30 years old can enter and compete for good fortune.”

“What good fortune?”

” Chaos vitality, this is the aura of good fortune formed by Splitting Heaven and Earth Apart. I heard from the palace lord his Senior said that there is a kind of Spirit Transformation light in the ancient gods secret territory on Stars Island. This is also the aura of good fortune. The level of purity, the creation of Spirit Transformation is less than 1/10000th of Chaos Vitality.”

“Really!?” Yang Xuan was surprised and delighted. The creation of Spirit Transformation together made him cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds. He dare not imagine how high his cultivation base would be if he could get a lot of chaotic vitality baptism.

“Don’t be too happy, it’s not easy to compete for chaos vitality.” Ditian shook his head and asked, “Junior Brother, what do you think of Senior Brother’s cultivation base?”

” Very high. It is estimated that among the younger generation of Zhong Prefecture, there are few people who can match the Senior Brother.”

“Well, you are right, but even me, entering the Eternal Life Palace also fell. It’s possible.”

“So terrifying!?”

“Of course, Eternal Life Palace will be opened, covering the entire universe. By then, 3,000 Great Worlds will be counted within the Small World of all parties. Hundreds of millions of young geniuses, peerless Heaven’s Chosen, and even the enchanting evildoers from the Supreme Soldier’s reincarnation have all poured in. The cultivation base is higher than me and stronger than me.”

“so that’s how it is.” Yang Xuan also knows that Divine-Martial Continent can only be regarded as a Small World. In Small World, you may be called Heaven’s Chosen Child, but it is far from the geniuses of Great World.

“This is a flourishing age. If Junior Brother is not afraid, you can follow me in and make a foray. Even if you can’t win the chaos vitality from the geniuses of all sides, there are still many things in the Eternal Life Palace. A Chaos Cycle element has been passed down. If you can get one of them, it will be a great opportunity.”

“Senior Brother, when will the Eternal Life Palace open?”

” Two years later, the illusory shadow of the Eternal Life Palace will be projected to the Great World and the Small World of all parties. As long as the age is less than 30 years old, even an ordinary person can enter.”

“Okay, I’m going to book this Eternal Life Palace.”

“Come on, don’t talk about it, we won’t be drunk tonight.”

“Uh, if Senior Brother drink Too much, Senior Sister will not blame me?”

“haha, don’t worry, no matter how strong the shochu is, I won’t get drunk.”

“Really?” Suddenly, A beautiful woman in a white dress appeared, such as Guanghan Fairy, in the moonlight ethereal, her skirt fluttering.

Chapter 211 Goal! Sword God Palace!

“Well, Feixuan, why are you here?” Ditian said with a smile.

“Why, can you come, can’t I come?”

Fei Xuan lightly opened her red lips, and made a sound of heaven, like a pearl falling on a jade plate, melodious and drunk To the person’s in the bones.

If Qin Lan, Su Ziyao, Fang Qingxue, and Yang Xuan were not in my heart, I am afraid I would be confused by Feixuan. This is definitely an absolute beauty that makes any man in the world crazy about it.

“hehe, Feixuan Senior Sister can come, Senior Brother and I are naturally happy, Senior Brother, Senior Sister, please here.”

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