Yang Xuan smiled and got up and invited Feixuan and Ditian to sit next to the jade table in the pavilion.

“Junior Brother, you who are very late at night are still drinking, aren’t you thinking about your sweetheart?” Concubine sat down, pursing her lips and smiling.

This woman is no one else. It is the beautiful woman who came to Stars Island with Emperor Tian. She is also the Sword God Palace True Disciple. She is Ranked 7th on the top list of Zhong Prefecture. She is Fairy-like character. She is Zhong Prefecture. Countless young men in mind Goddess.

Unfortunately, Goddess has long been famous, and that is Side Emperor, the two are lovers.

“Don’t hide from Senior Sister, Junior Brother can only watch the beloved woman leave me because of the low cultivation base.”

Yang Xuan said bitterly.

“Oh, what happened, tell Senior Sister to see if Senior Sister can help.” Feixuan’s curiosity came up.

“Forget it, no one can help me with this, I can only rely on myself.” Yang Xuan shook the head.

What else does Feixuan want to say, Ditian stopped and said: “Well, Xuan’er, Junior Brother must be unspeakable, let’s not ask more.”

Next At the same time, the three of them were drinking under the moon and chatting. It didn’t take long for Su Ziyao to join in. The four of them drank in the middle of the night. The drunk Yang Xuan was also supported by Su Ziyao and returned to the room.

“Lan’er, don’t worry, I will kill that slut and save you…”

On the bed, Yang Xuan was talking about alcohol and his face was extremely hideous. .

“Yang Xuan!”

Seeing him like this, Su Ziyao immediately burst into tears and threw herself into his arms, heartbroken.

In the past half month, Yang Xuan has been like a change of person. He remained silent all day long. He would drink wildly at night, drink himself up, and become depressed, completely different from the bohemian boy before. .


If Yang Xuan feels a little bit and opens his drunk eyes, he can see that Su Ziyao in his arms is already crying as weeping beauty, and he hurriedly said: “Yao Son, why are you crying well?”

“wu wu, little thief, don’t torture yourself like this in the future.”

Su Ziyao looked at Yang Xuan, tears as if the bank broke. The flood can’t stop.

“Okay, don’t cry.”

Yang Xuan hurriedly reached out his hand to wipe the tears from her pretty face, and said with a deep apologize: “Don’t worry, from now on In the future, I will cheer up and never let you shed any more tears.”


“Of course, how could I deceive my dear baby Yaoer “

“Smooth tone.”

Su Ziyao was a little angry, and then hesitated, still couldn’t help asking: “Little thief, can you tell me something, you and Qin Lan What happened to my sister on Shenfeng?”

“Ai, since you want to know, then I will tell you.” Yang Xuan sighed slightly, and then spoke to Su Ziyao.

“How is it possible that Sister Qin Lan is actually the reincarnation of the Supreme, what shall we do now?” Su Ziyao suddenly turned pale after learning the truth, and asked worriedly.

“There is no other way, only work hard to cultivation, Yao’er don’t have to worry, I will destroy that slut’s Life Source Divine Soul in three years.”

At the end of the talk, Yang Xuan is almost gnashing teeth, which shows how deeply he hates the woman who claims to be “Dream”.

“Well, I believe in you.”

“Yao’er, we are going to the Sword God Palace tomorrow. I have never heard of you before. , Can you tell me about it?”

“I am from State of Tian Luo. More than ten years ago, State of Tian Luo had a civil strife. When I was three years old, my mother was robbed in the chaos. The soldiers humiliated and died, leaving me and my father dependent on each other, relying on small business for a living. Later, by chance, I saw Moon Sect cultivation, and my father also became sick because of his love for mother, and passed away half a year ago. “

Su Ziyao’s eyes filled with tears, the more she cried, the worse she became.

“Why crying again, look, don’t you still have me now? I will always be by your side, to never leave each other.”

Yang Xuan The ring hand held Su Ziyao’s willow waist.

Su Ziyao’s cries are getting smaller and smaller, looking at Yang Xuan with red and swollen teary eyes, the affection in those beautiful eyes is endless.

“Yao’er, I want to kiss you.”

Yang Xuan showed a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, and made a gesture to kiss her little mouth.

“It’s going to dawn soon, and I have to go back to the house to prepare to go down.”

Su Ziyao hurriedly stopped, blushing and about to leave Yang Xuan.

“No hurry, it’s still early before dawn.”

Yang Xuan held her tightly with her arms around her waist and refused to let go, while staring at her, Xiu The eyebrows are crooked, beautiful eyes Gu Pan is radiant, the face is like a peach blossom, and the lips are like vermilion. Under the candlelight in the room, they are so beautiful.


In the early morning of the next day, the morning light broke out, and the birds outside the window sang Insect Cry, and the warm sunlight poured in through the window. Su Ziyao woke up slowly and turned her head slightly The man sleeping on the side is warm and sweet in his heart.

“Are you awake so early?”

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