“smelly brat, the Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth in the exercise room is enough for you to cultivate, so don’t go to any Monster Emperor graves.” Shen Yuexin persuaded him and didn’t want him to commit a risk. .

“I must go.” Yang Xuan resolutely said.

“Then you must return safely.” Su Ziyao gritted her teeth.

“Don’t worry, I will be fine.”

“Brother Yang, be careful about everything.”

Shi Yu, Luo Cheng, Li Yunfei and the others Everyone knew Yang Xuan’s temper, and when he saw that he insisted on going, they all told him to be careful.

“Everyone, I’m leaving. I hope that when I come back, you will all have comprehended Sword-Heart Illumination.” Yang Xuan waved his hand, and resolutely left the Star Palace.


Soon, a rainbow of light rose into the sky, and Yang Xuan’s sword left Divine City and flew all the way east.

On the way, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he changed his appearance with a human skin mask, and turned into an unsurprisingly 20-year-old young man.


The dark forest is located in the extreme east of Zhong Prefecture. This is a jungle with several tens of thousands of li. The jungle is surrounded by undulating mountains and towering ancient trees. There are many demonic beasts, and among the mountains and valleys, there are sometimes ancient relics infested. It is also a famous dangerous place in Zhong Prefecture.

But crises and opportunities coexist. There are many spiritual medicines growing in the dark forest, and there are also many martial artists left over after their deaths, attracting many martial artists to take risks.

In addition, ten thousand years later, outside the dark forest is no longer desolate, many towns have appeared, and there are so many martial artists of to-and-fro. They may work in these towns. Rest, or gather people and horses in the city, and enter the dark forest together to search for treasures.

Azure Stone Town, a small town among hundreds of towns outside the dark forest, the town has a resident population of only 2,000-3,000.

Fulai restaurant, the largest restaurant in Azure Stone Town.

At noon this day, the sun was shining brightly, and a young man who had endured the hardships of a long journey came to the Fulai restaurant.

This is a plain-looking young man, dressed in ordinary clothes, only has a pair of eyes, clear and bright, from time to time there are flashes of light, the invisible imposing manner that makes people afraid to underestimate .

The shop’s Xiaoer receives guests all the year round, and he can see the youth’s out of the ordinary, and immediately greets him with a smile on his face.

“Is the Young Master alone?”


The young man is Yang Xuan. He swept his eyes and found a total of There are more than a dozen wine tables, and only one table of seven or eight diners are drinking and eating.

These people are martial artists. For those in their thirties, and those in their early 20s, they should all be Loose Cultivators with no identity background. The highest cultivation base is Vientiane Realm 5 Heavenly Layer, others are the cultivation base of the realm.

Retracting his gaze, Yang Xuan found a place to sit down, and said to the shopkeeper, “Bring me some wine and vegetables. Yuanshi is not a problem.”

“Yes, Young Master, please Wait a moment.” After speaking, the shop Xiaoer retired.

In about a quarter of an hour, seven or eight kinds of wine and dishes were served, including meat and vegetables.

Yang Xuan picked up the chopsticks and tasted them one by one. He couldn’t help but admire that he didn’t expect such a delicious meal in a small sesame-sized restaurant.

“It tastes good, here it is. This is for you.”

The wine and the dishes are delicious, fragrant, and very appetizing. Yang Xuan is in a good mood and is naturally not petty. He gave a reward to the shop. A few low-grade yuan stones.

Zhong Prefecture is different from Stars Island. Gold and silver are no longer universal. Whether you are eating or staying in a restaurant, you must use yuanshi to pay. It is no exaggeration to say that if there is no yuanshi in Zhong Prefecture, it will be impossible to move a single step.

“Thank you Young Master.” Dian Xiaoer to be wild with joy, thanked him repeatedly.

He works in Fulai restaurant and earns ten low grade stones for his monthly salary.

But now, the young man in front of him actually rewarded him with five low grade stones. In addition to his excitement, he also understood that Yang Xuan is a generous man, so he simply stayed in Yang Xuan. Beside, pouring wine for him from time to time.

Yang Xuan didn’t say much about this, leaving the shop Xiaoer to wait by his side, while eating and drinking while raising his ears, listening to the conversation of the diners not far away.

“Brothers, let’s eat quickly and try to reach the Monster Emperor’s grave as soon as possible.”

“Big brother, where is the Monster Emperor’s grave? Is it a treasure?”

“The Monster Emperor’s tomb is deep in the dark forest. I have got a map in my hand. As for whether there are treasures everywhere in the Monster Emperor’s tomb, there is only I only found out after I went in, but I heard that someone recently found a magic heart grass from the tomb of the Monster Emperor.”

“A magic heart grass?”

“A magic heart grass?”

The grass is Grade 6 Spirit Medicine, a plant worth millions of low grade yuanshi.”

“What, millions of yuanshi, is it so expensive!?”

” No, it’s not expensive at all. The Magic Heart has long been extinct in our Zhong Prefecture. This is the main medicine for refining Grade 5 Raising Soul Pill. It is invaluable. In other words, that guy has been pitted. If he gets the Magic Heart Grass The city of chaos goes to auction, and the value can at least double.”

spiritual medicine divided into nine grades, Grade 1 has the lowest value, Grade 9 has the highest value, and a Grade 9 spiritual medicine is worth at least several millions low. grade yuan stone.

Yang Xuan II was a man, and he knew the value of spiritual medicine very well, but he didn’t know when a city of chaos appeared in Zhong Prefecture, so he couldn’t help looking at the shop’s second child and asked casually: “Little second, Where is this Chaos City?”

“Young Master has never heard of Chaos City!?” The shop Xiaoer was dumbfounded.

“Is it strange?” Yang Xuan said indifferently.

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