“No, it’s not.” The shop Xiaoer hurriedly shook his head, and then introduced: “Young Master, the city of chaos is located in the middle of Zhong Prefecture, where is the most chaotic place in Zhong Prefecture, there are many Young geniuses, there are also many fierce persons who kill without blinking an eye. In short, Three Sects are nine streams and who have them.”

After that, he added: “Although the city of chaos is chaotic, it is also a paradise for martial artists. There are many Auction Houses there, and from time to time there will be shocking treasures. It is said that a certain Auction House once auctioned a plant of divine medicine, which caused many superpowerhouse competitions and many people died.”

“Go on.” Yang Xuan threw a few low grade yuan stones to Xiaoer.

The Xiaoer of the shop is holding the Yuanshi, with a brilliant face on his face. He talks to Yang Xuan about the city of chaos. He really knows everything and talks about it, and treats Yang Xuan as a relative. Waiting like a dad.

“Okay, go ahead, I don’t need you to wait here.” Yang Xuan also learned a lot about the city of chaos after listening to the meeting.

“Young Master is slow. If there is anything you need, please ask the young one.” The shop Xiaoer retreated respectfully.

In a short while, the sound of breaking through the air came from far to near.

Soon, three brightly dressed young men walked in from outside the restaurant.

The three are not very young, they are all in their early 20s. The highest cultivation base has reached Vientiane Realm 4 Heavenly Layer, and the lowest cultivation base is Vientiane Realm.

Such a combination is obviously not a native of Azure Stone Town. It is estimated to be from a certain Martial Dao force, preparing to enter the Monster Emperor tomb for treasure hunting.

“Xiao Er, find us a better position.” At this moment, a handsome young man with a slender figure and a white beard loudly said, with a arrogant gesture, he is one of the three The person with the highest cultivation base can barely be considered a genius at this age to reach Vientiane Realm 4 Heavenly Layer.

Of course, that is, on the piece of land, if it is placed in Divine City, he will not fart. There are countless geniuses in Divine City. Among the hundreds of thousands of Outer Disciples, Vientiane Realm 4 Heavenly Layer There are eight hundred young geniuses without one thousand.

Chapter 241 impossible to tell good from bad

Dian Xiaoer is just a Body Tempering Realm martial artist, and can’t see the three people’s cultivation base, but he sees the three people’s collars An azure cloud group logo, immediately recognized that the three were from Cyan Cloud Sect, who was eight hundred miles away.

Zhong Prefecture, Zongmen stand in great numbers, Cyan Cloud Sect can only be regarded as a Second-Rate Sect, but it is placed in the entire Zhong Prefecture, in the outer area of ​​the dark forest, several tens of thousands of li In the region, Cyan Cloud Sect is definitely another existence of Overlord level, with powerful strength.

This is definitely the master of “cannot afford to offend”, the shop second man bowed his body and greeted hospitably.

“Here is a pot of good wine, whatever good meat and good dishes are!”

“Yes, yes, it will be ready soon.”

It’s not too big. The place where the three people are sitting is only a table away from Yang Xuan. Yang Xuan glanced at the three of them, and then he didn’t pay any more attention, and ate his head.

In order to rush to the dark forest as soon as possible, he has eaten and sleeplessly, and has not eaten anything good all the way. Now when he comes to this Azure Stone Town, he also wants to stretch his belly and eat.

Actually, with his current cultivation base, it is not a problem not to eat or drink for a few days, but he has a good appetite, and he feels uncomfortable if he does not eat some good wine or meat a day.

“Hey, kid, just have a meal, can you pipe down?” Suddenly, coldly shouted, it was the handsome young man who was talking.

“I ate mine, what is it to you?” Yang Xuan said without looking up, each minding their own business gobbled up, he did not deliberately make a sound when eating, but has always been like this , Who knew that someone would come to find fault after a meal, and I felt uncomfortable.

“What kind of thing, do you dare to talk to me like this?” Zhan Hongfang slapped up the table. With his cultivation base, let alone Cyan Cloud Sect, it can be called a genius in Zhong Prefecture. Unexpectedly, Yang Xuan, a newcomer to Vientiane Realm, looks at the country bumpkin dressed as a loose Cultivator, dare to talk to him like this.

“A mad dog is a mad dog. He always likes to catch people and bites.” Yang Xuan blurted out, without giving Zhan Hongfang any face.

Zhan Hongfang’s eyes breathed fire, and a handsome face suddenly became extremely hideous. He pointed at Yang Xuan, his fingers were trembling, that was angry.

He yelled: “Not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth boy, do you know who I am?”

“A clown that’s all, I care who you are, I want The war is here.” Yang Xuan sounded like a knife, quite strong. After saying a word, he ignored Zhan Hongfang, and shouted to the shop Xiaoer who was hiding under the counter in the distance with his head shrunk: “Little Er, you brew in the restaurant. This rice wine tastes mild. Go and get a pot of spirits.”

“Yes, yes, yes, sir, Young Master, wait a minute.” The shopkeeper was busy nodded.

“When you die, you still want to drink, no matter, I will let you eat and drink before sending you off.” Zhan Hongfang said gloomily, the appearance of the gnashing teeth looked like Yang Xuan has an absolutely irreconcilable vengeance.

“Then you wait slowly.” After that, Yang Xuan continued to eat.

“Big brother, those three are Cyan Cloud Sect Inner Disciple, right?”

“Yes, that kid is going to be bad luck.”

” hmph, this child doesn’t know whether it’s the newborn calves do not fear tigers, or has always been brave, did he not recognize the identity of others?”

“No matter if he recognizes it or not, everything has nothing to do with us , Let’s just watch the show.”

The quarrel over Yang Xuan has already attracted the attention of the diners at the table not far away. In the whispers, no one is nosy. Vice a matter of no concern to oneself the appearance of hanging up high.

“President, Young Master, your wine.” Soon, Xiaoer from the shop brought a pot of wine trembling with fear and delivered it.

“Go away, lest you get hurt by accident.” With that, Yang Xuan pulled out the pot stopper, raised his neck, and took a few mouthfuls.

“haha, good wine, pure enough, strong enough, and tasteful enough, this is the wine a man should drink.” Yang Xuan laughed aloud, although he is not very old, his words and deeds are quite good Uninhibited, he shook the jug and took a few more sips, and the pot of spirits immediately bottomed out.

The diners at the table not far away saw him drinking so much. They were not the first time to come to Fulai restaurant. They knew that this kind of spirit was very valuable, and a pot cost two hundred. low grade yuan stone.

But now, the kid not far away actually drank this wine as water.

“Xiaoer, what kind of wine is this?”

“If you go back to Young Master, this is the seven-step drunk of the wine in our Fulai restaurant.”

“Seven Steps of Drunk, what a funny name!”

Yang Xuan laughed, the instructed of heroism reaching to the clouds: “Little Er, give me all the Seven Steps of Drunk in your restaurant. Come, I want to take it away.”

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