“It’s ridiculous, I still want to pack and take it away, you brat don’t want to get out of here alive today.” Zhan Hongfang was angry and angry, just as he was about to do it.

The shopkeeper of the Fulai restaurant, a middle-aged fatty brow beaded with sweat wearing a bright yellow satin robe and a cultivation base reaching Vientiane Realm 3 Heavenly Layer ran down from the second floor and said with a smile: “This Young Master, harmony is the most important thing in everything, and harmony is the most important thing in everything!”

“The shit is the most important thing, that kid dares to humiliate my Senior Brother, today I must put my life here.” and The two young people at the table with Zhan Hongfang stood up angrily.

“To kill me, it depends on whether you two henchman has that ability.” Yang Xuan sarcastically.

“What did you say?”

“Junior Brother and his nonsense, we slaughtered in the past.”

The two young men were filled with indignation and acted. You have to do it.

“The two Junior Brothers don’t need to take action. I will personally clean up this little bastard.” Zhan Hongfang stopped the two and said to the shopkeeper: “Don’t worry, shopkeeper, we are Cyan Cloud Sect Inner Disciple , All damage will be doubled to compensate you.”


“Why, do you have an opinion?”

“Don’t dare, don’t dare “

“If you don’t dare to go away.”

Zhan Hongfang coldly snorted, pushed the shopkeeper away, and approached Yang Xuan with murderous intention in his eyes.

“Yes, now that I have enough food and drink, it’s time to move my lower body bones, which can help digestion.” Yang Xuan lazily stood up, with his hands on his chest, there was no sign of his face The panic, some were just contempt, but he was just a martial artist that’s all of Vientiane Realm 4 Heavenly Layer, he didn’t pay attention to it at all.

In this scene, the shopkeeper, the shopkeeper, and the diners at the table not far away were greatly surprised. I thought that this kid couldn’t see the cultivation base gap between himself and Zhan Hongfang. Actually still so confident.

“A madman, let me die.” Zhan Hongfang’s chest rose, a deep roar, and his feet moved. Murderous intention erupted in his eyes. Three steps were taken in two steps, just like Fierce Tiger Descends the Mountain Normally, one punch hits Yang Xuan’s face.

“Just your jack of all trades skills, dare you do it to me?” Yang Xuan yelled wildly, stepped on both feet, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, and rolled over with a punch. Heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, a gust of wind blew up throughout the restaurant, and many tables and benches were blown to and fro.

“My mother!” The second cultivation base of the shop was too low, so he rolled on the ground a few times on the spot.

“You…” Zhan Hongfang turned pale with fright, facing Yang Xuan’s violent punch, he felt a huge threat, and even a sense of fear rose in his heart, which was too terrifying Now, he is a newcomer to Vientiane Realm, how can he be so powerful.

“What are you, take a punch from Lao Tzu.”

Yang Xuan is extremely strong, his fist suddenly accelerates, blasting through layers of air, and hitting Zhan Hongfang’s face heavily .

“pu! ”

A blood light blooms, and the exhibition is like a kite with its string cut. Yang Xuan this fist is unbiased and just hit him. On the bridge of his nose, his nasal bones were beaten to pieces, and a handsome face was completely deformed.

“What, how is this possible!” The diners at the table not far away managed to stabilize themselves when they saw Zhan Hongfang flying out, and they suddenly sucked in cold air.

“You, who are you!?” On the other side, two young people from Cyan Cloud Sect also screamed like a ghost, their eyes looking towards Yang Xuan with incredible colors.

With one punch, just one punch, their Senior Brother was knocked out, and there was no way to fight back.

“Trash, this fist is a lesson for you, remember to converge when you go out in the future, don’t drag it like a sneer.” Yang Xuan said with a sneer.

“aaaaaah, little beast, I want you to die.” Zhan Hongfang state seems crazy, got up from the ground, drew his sword and rushed over.

“courting death.”

After all, Yang Xuan was not prepared to kill, but the other party was unable to tell good from bad, so he stopped showing mercy. As soon as he escaped, he raised his right hand, grabbed Zhan Hongfang’s right hand holding the sword abruptly, and pulled it straight over.

However, this was not over yet, he lifted his knee abruptly and hit Zhan Hongfang’s crotch heavily.

“Ah!” With a scream like a pig, Zhan Hongfang almost passed out in pain. As Yang Xuan released his hand, he sat on the ground like a puddle of mud, at the crotch. A piece of blood red, blood overflowed continuously.

“It’s so cruel!” Everyone knows that the stuff under Zhan Hongfang is useless, so don’t think about playing with women anymore.

“Dead!” However, what is shocking is that Yang Xuan did not stop there, and suddenly extended the hand, holding Zhan Hongfang’s throat.

“Boy, stop, or I Cyan Cloud Sect will never end with you.” Two Inner Disciple flustered and exasperated from Cyan Cloud Sect shouted.

“Cyan Cloud Sect, is it very difficult to deal with?” Yang Xuan twitched his lips, with fearless in his heart, with great hands, and Zhang Hongfang’s neck immediately rang.

“I, I knew it was wrong, don’t kill me.” Zhan Hongfang repeatedly told Rao, his voice was crying, showing the extreme fear in his heart.

“It’s too late.” Yang Xuan’s strength increased, and Zhan Hongfang’s head tilted and his anger on the spot.

“Dead!” Everyone had cold hands and feet. I don’t know where Yang Xuan this kid came from, so vicious and merciless.

“You, you are waiting for me.” Two Cyan Cloud Sect Inner Disciples were splitting their livers and gallbladders, and they didn’t even pay for the alcohol, and they ran out of the restaurant stumblingly. Legs.

Two little trash fish that’s all, Yang Xuan is rare to chase and kill, and said to the shopkeeper not far away: “shopkeeper, bring me all the seven steps of your restaurant’s drunkenness, rest assured, I It’s not free to eat. You will be given as many yuan as you need.”

“Er Gouzi, what are you still doing there, so quickly go get Young Master wine.” The shopkeeper wiped it. Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, she shouted to the shiver coldly in the distance.

Chapter 242 Frost Jade Spider

“The little one will go.” Xiaoer from the shop is fast, and in a while, he ran over with three pots and seven steps drunk.

“How many yuan stones?” Yang Xuan put away the wine and looked towards the shopkeeper.

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