“Young Master, this primordial stone will be spared , you should leave early, otherwise the people of Cyan Cloud Sect will come and you will be in danger.”

shopkeeper is full of face With a smile, he now hopes that Yang Xuan, the fierce god, will leave soon, otherwise Cyan Cloud Sect will seek revenge, and the restaurant he has worked so hard to build for the rest of his life will suffer innocent disaster.

“Don’t worry, I will leave now, and I won’t involve the expensive building.” Yang Xuan looked at his words, and naturally understood what the other party was worried about.

“many thanks Young Master, many thanks Young Master.” The shopkeeper is grateful, and his opinion of Yang Xuan has also changed. This child is ruthless, but it is not a person without principles. Falling down, in the future will certainly become a capable person.

Thinking of this, the shopkeeper kicked the shopkeeper’s little feet and scolded, “Idiot, there are more than ten pots and seven steps in the wine cellar, right? Get them all for Young Master.”

“Little one, go here, go now.” Xiaoer got a kick on his butt, and he was depressed. I just went to get three pots of seven steps to get drunk and was also indicated by shopkeeper’s eyes, who I know that shopkeeper is now going to take out all the seven steps by himself.

He didn’t dare to delay, he trot away and trot, and brought all the seven steps to Yang Xuan.

“I understand the shopkeeper’s intentions, but I have never liked to owe favors.” Yang Xuan slightly smiled, and did not take advantage of others, took a top grade Treasure from the storage ring Throw the item to the shopkeeper.

A top grade Treasure Item is worth thousands of low grade dollars, which is enough to pay for alcohol.

The shopkeeper is not hypocritical, and asks: “Young Master doesn’t need anything else?”

“The other things are unnecessary.” Yang Xuan waved his hand, and then moved closer. The diners at the table walked over.

“My dear Huang Song, Young Master has any instructions, but it doesn’t matter.” A powerful middle-aged man with Kong Wu hurriedly got up from his seat and said cup one fist in the other hand.

His comrades were stunned, and they also got up one after another, as if they were facing an enemy.

“I heard that you have a map on your body, can you lend me a look?” Yang Xuan said straight to the point.

“Of course, no problem at all.” The middle-aged man took out a map from the storage ring without the slightest hesitation and handed it to Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan took a look and remembered the location of the tomb of the Monster Emperor. After returning the map, he strode away from the Fulai restaurant.

“Big brother, this child is too terrifying, where did it come from!?”

“You ask me, I ask who will go, in short, he is a killer, let’s go Remember to stay away from him.”

“Yes, his strength is too terrifying, and we may not be his opponent if we join forces.”

“Look at him, he should be ready to go Monster Emperor tomb, right?”

“It’s not wrong, but this child is also bold, he is not afraid of Cyan Cloud Sect’s revenge?”

“He is not afraid of it or not. For our business, let’s go immediately, and the people from Cyan Cloud Sect in the province came to the door to anger us.”


It is night, the moon is sparsely starred, in the dark forest, Yang Xuan sits on a forest clearing, holding his breath, slowly rotating the Great Burning Heaven Skill.

At night, Fire Yuan Qi between Heaven and Earth is very rare, and it was not the best time for cultivation, but Yang Xuan had learned from Xiao Buye’s Martial Spirit in the sword fight that day. With some Supreme-Yang True Fire, plus he came on the roadside cultivation in seven or eight days, the true essence of within the body has also reached a critical point.

Yang Xuan has a feeling that he may be able to step into Vientiane Realm 2 Heavenly Layer tonight.

At this time, Fire Yuan Qi from Heaven and Earth between Heaven and Earth gathered towards him, got into his within the body, and circulated extremely fast in the meridian with his true essence.

As a dangerous place in Zhong Prefecture, the dark forest is naturally dangerous.

Especially at night, many Demonic beasts will go out on a large scale to prey on their prey, so although Yang Xuan is cultivation, he also has a little perception. Any disturbance in the radius of the hundred zhang is his Mastering.

For a long time, the speed of Yang Xuan’s Great Burning Heaven Skill has increased. If the previous speed was a trickling stream, it is now like a river bursting with dykes, surging and surging.

With the sound of the body crash-bang, Yang Xuan’s pores dilated all over his body, and his body suddenly produced a suction force, absorbing Fire Yuan Qi in a dozen or more li all at once. , The time passed by every minute and every second. Fortunately, there was no Demonic beast to disturb. After about one hour, the strong true essence circulating in the major meridians of Yang Xuan within the body returned to the sea of ​​Qi.

hong long!

Yang Xuan’s body shuddered, and a tyrannical imposing manner wave erupted from him. Within a radius of more than ten meters, the forest wu wu made a noise, and the fallen leaves were flying. .

“Vientiane Realm 2 Heavenly Layer!” Yang Xuan opened his eyes, and a pair of bright eyes bloomed with two rays of light of red gold, which were particularly dazzling in the dim night, like two brilliant gems, brilliant Brilliant.

“Lan’er, waiting for me, this trip to the tomb of the Monster Emperor, I will definitely increase cultivation base by a large margin.” Yang Xuan muttered to himself, looking up at the stars in the sky with an expression Gradually fortitude.

He knew that if he wanted to make a big gain in the tomb of the Monster Emperor, it would be accompanied by a big danger, but what about it, in order to save Qin Lan, he had to go all out.

Took a deep breath, Yang Xuan calmed the emotions in his heart, unfolded his posture, left this clearing of the forest, and found a tree hole to rest outside a dozen or more li.

In the middle of the night, when the dark forest is the most dangerous, Yang Xuan dare not to drive in the dark night, he is ready to sleep, conserve strength and store up energy, and set off tomorrow Hurry to the tomb of the Monster Emperor.

The next day, the sky was slightly bright, and the entire gloomy forest was covered with a light frost and fog. The air was humid and cold. Ordinary people who entered it would freeze their bodies soon, but for martial For the artist, this temperature can’t be considered.

Of course, the Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth in the dark forest is rich, and it is a paradise for Demonic beasts. Even in the outer areas, Rank 2 Monster Beast is often haunted. There is not enough cultivation base and strength to step into this area. The jungle is courting death.

In order to reach the Monster Emperor tomb as soon as possible, Yang Xuan set off early in the morning. He had gone deep for thousands of miles yesterday and had already crossed the outskirts of the dark forest, so he appeared to fly with his sword. Be extra careful, let out your senses while walking, and probe the movement of all around.


At noon, the hot sun was hanging in the sky, Yang Xuan landed in a jungle, ready to eat something before continuing on his way, but as soon as he fell, he heard the front There were bursts of harsh screaming from the jungle, accompanied by the sound of fighting pēng pēng pēng.

Although he didn’t see it with his own eyes, Yang Xuan knew that someone had encountered a Demonic beast by his voice.

Sure enough, when he rushed to the place where the incident occurred, he saw a group of seven people fighting fiercely with seven or eight Demonic beasts in a messy clearing ten feet away.

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