These demonic beasts are enlarged versions of spiders. Each head is three meters large, covered with hard shells, eight feet are as sharp as sickles, and cold light is gleaming.

This is the Ice Jade Spider. Although it is only a Level 2 High Rank Monster Beast, it belongs to a group of Demonic beasts. Every time it goes out to hunt for food, there are as few as three or four, as many as a dozen.

In addition, the ice jade spider is bloodthirsty and likes to eat the flesh and blood of humans the most. Whenever it encounters humans, it is irreconcilable.

Yang Xuan was a man of two generations, and he naturally understood this kind of ice jade spiders that lived in groups in the depths of the jungle.

“Junior Sister, be careful!”

Suddenly, a pleasant voice came, and Yang Xuan followed the voice, his eyes lit up.

That is a 20-year-old white skirt woman in her early 20s. She has a graceful figure, beautiful hair like a waterfall, a goose-egg face, bright eyes and white teeth. Although it is not as exquisite beauty as Su Ziyao and Qin Lan, it is also not beautiful. Secular beauties.

She is not very old, but her cultivation base is not low. She has reached Vientiane Realm 7 Heavenly Layer. Her figure flickers, a thin sword in her hand swings, and every sword pierces the ice jade spider’s forehead. A pale place in the city.

There is the weakness of the ice jade spider. This woman obviously knows the weakness of the ice jade spider, and she teamed up with a woman from Vientiane Realm 2 Heavenly Layer to attack, and she took a cold ice jade spider Killed.

At the same time, the other five young men also tried their best and attacked with all their strength, and soon two ice jade spiders fell.


The remaining ice jade spiders noticed something wrong, and they scattered unprecedented and fled towards all directions. They moved swiftly and swiped with their eight sharp claw-like long feet, really walking like flying.

In an instant, a total of four ice jade spiders ran away.

It’s a coincidence that a cold ice jade spider crackle rushed towards the place where Yang Xuan was.

“courting death.” Coldly snorted, Yang Xuan jumped up and hit the ice jade spider’s forehead with a kick.

hong long!

His power is astonishing, like a human tyrannosaurus. The ice jade spider couldn’t react, and he fell to the ground with one foot, blood mixed with brain plasma from inside the head Puff popped out and was killed on the spot.

“Who are you?” Over there, a group of seven people were shocked, and no one didn’t expect to jump out and kick a cold ice jade spider to death.

“You don’t need to panic, my brother just passed by here that’s all.” Yang Xuan grinned, reached out and flicked the dust off his body, and then walked towards the seven.

“Brother’s strength is so impressive that I don’t know where to learn from?” This is a 25~26 years old young man with a cultivation base of Vientiane Realm Nine Layers Heaven. He has a long stature and loose black hair. His eyes are piercing, handsome and unrestrained.

While speaking, he kept looking at Yang Xuan, secretly maintaining a state of alert, because he had just seen that Yang Xuan had not used his true essence.

A young martial artist of Vientiane Realm 2 Heavenly Layer, he killed an ice jade spider with no difficulty without using his true essence, which shows that Yang Xuan fleshy body is powerful and its strength far exceeds the cultivation base.

“Little brother Yang Yan, Sword God Palace Inner Disciple.” Yang Xuan said as he walked, but he didn’t use his real name.

“Sword God Palace!?” A group of seven people had their eyes widened, all feeling very surprised. No one didn’t expect that this young man who looked unimposing in appearance had such a big backing, actually from Zhong Sword God Palace, one of the Super Sects in Prefecture.

Chapter 243 Walking Together

“Hehe, depending on how you dress, it should come from a certain Great Sect, right?” Yang Xuan slightly smiled, how many people have come here? Stand still.

“Don’t dare to be, we are all Cuiyungu Inner Disciple.” The young man hugged the cup one fist in the other hand and said: “My name is Murong Chong, and this is my Junior Sister Zhou Yalan. “

After that, paused, and introduced the other people to Yang Xuan one after another.

“It turned out to be Cuiyungu’s senior brother and senior sister, disrespectful and disrespectful.” Yang Xuan has never heard of Cuiyungu, but Murong Chong and the others are young, but their cultivation base It’s not low, it wouldn’t be a small Sect if you want to come to Cuiyun Valley.

“Brother Yang joked, our Cuiyun Valley is just a small Sect that can’t be topped, but it’s far behind your Sword God Palace.” Murong Chong sighed lightly, and then was slightly emotional. Said: “Danger lurks on every side in the dark forest, Brother Yang dared to go deep alone, really courageous.”

“Mu, big brother, praised, I am just rushing, I am going to the Monster Emperor See if you can find something good in the tomb.” Yang Xuan shook his head.

“Are you going to the tomb of the Monster Emperor too?” Murong Chong was surprised at first, and then relieved. After all, the news about the tomb of the Monster Emperor has spread, and Yang Xuan rushed to the dark not far from ten thousand li. The forest, naturally, headed towards the treasure in the tomb of the Monster Emperor.

“Are you going to the Monster Emperor grave too?” Yang Xuan asked.

“That’s right.”

“So, can we be a company? Don’t worry, although my strength can’t be considered how strong, it is enough to protect myself. It won’t drag you down.”

“Brother Yang is serious. If you walk with you, we will be safer on the road.”

While speaking, everyone did not delay, each The pilot flew Spiritual Artifact soaring into the sky and flew towards the depths of the dark forest.


In the evening, the sun disappeared, and the bright moon rose slowly in the starry night, and everyone did not continue on their way. They looked for it on a mountainside. Settle in a hidden cave.

By the fire in the cave, Yang Xuan, Murong Chong and the others ate, drank and talked, and the relationship between each other became closer.

According to Murong Chong, the most powerful Martial Dao forces outside the Dark Forest include Cyan Cloud Sect, Sword Sect, and Yunlan Villa.

The Cyan Cloud Sect, Cyan Cloud Sect, and Sword Sect are all Martial Dao Sects that have been set up Sect 2,000-3,000 years ago, while the Martial Dao Aristocratic Family has been rising rapidly in Yunlan Villa in recent years.

“There are so many forces!” Yang Xuan was a little emotional, didn’t expect that there are so many forces in this small area outside the gloomy forest.

A glimpse of the whole leopard, he has been able to imagine the entire Zhong Prefecture Martial Dao is absolutely innumerable.

“Zhong Prefecture Zongmen stand in great numbers, what we can’t be considered here.” Murong Chong shook the head, and immediately thought of something, and warned: “Brother Yang must be careful in the future. Sect’s discipline, those guys are used to being domineering, try not to conflict with them.”

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