“many thanks to remind me , brother will pay attention.”

“Okay, let’s drink.”

“haha, this wine tastes too weak, Come, try my seven-step drunk, this is a good wine with high quality and low price.”

“Yes, it is indeed a good wine.”


2nd day, the sky was bright, everyone woke up one after another, washed in a pool outside the cave, picked some wild fruits to fill their stomachs, and took out Spiritual Artifacts, and soared into the air.

After flying for three or four hours, everyone didn’t stop to rest. They all wanted to get to the Monster Emperor tomb soon.

The tomb of the Monster Emperor is located in the deepest part of the dark forest, but it takes a long time. This is the premise that there is no Demonic beast on the road.

Everyone’s luck was also good. They did not encounter any Flying Monster Beast all the way through the spatial flight, and arrived at their destination safely at noon the next day.

This is a valley with a cave under the rock wall deep in the valley.

According to Murong Chong, the cave is the entrance to the tomb of the Monster Emperor.

At this moment, a huge open space outside the cave is already filled with vast crowds, and a large number of martial artists have gathered. The cultivation base ranges from the real gang to the home, fish and dragons mixed in together.

Yang Xuan looked around and found that many of them were inviting people to join the team, and they wanted to enter the Monster Emperor grave together.

The tomb of the Monster Emperor is the tomb of a certain Monster Race supreme in ancient times. Stepping into it may lose your life at any time, so most people did not rush in, but prepared to form a team and walk together. It is much safer to come than to act alone.

“Several people, the Monster Emperor’s tomb Demonic beast is rampant, every step is dangerous, you are willing to join my team, so that you can have a caring for each other.”

This At that time, a burly, full-bearded middle-aged big man whose cultivation base reached Vientiane Realm Peak came to Yang Xuan and invited them.

“No need.” Murong Chong refused the other party’s invitation without even thinking about it. It seemed that it was much safer to hang out in groups, but the crowds are big and the goals are big, and it is easy to attract the attention of various demonic beasts. When a large group of people enter the tomb of the Monster Emperor, most of them often become cannon fodder, violent death.

Furthermore, if there are too many people, it is not easy to distribute the baby. An uneven distribution will cause infighting.

“A few consider it, my team already has hundreds of people.” The middle aged big man did not give up.

“Your kindness is in my heart.” Murong arched his hands apologetically, and immediately took Yang Xuan, Zhou Yalan and the others into the cave.

In the deep caves along the way, except for Yang Xuan, Murong Chong and the others took out a torch from the storage ring and lit it.

“Brother Yang, take this torch.” Murong Chong found that Yang Xuan had nothing to illuminate, and immediately passed the torch in his hand, and then took out a torch from the storage ring and lit it again.

“many thanks, Mu big brother.” Yang Xuan thanked him, he cultivated his innate Qi Viewing Technique, and even the dim place could not hide his sight, but Murong Chong’s actions still made him somewhat Thank you, I understand that this is a worthy person.

After 5 minutes of effort, everyone gradually went deep into the ground.

Yang Xuan found that there are many forks in this hole, just like a spider web, with branches everywhere, and it’s not an exaggeration to describe it as being well connected.

“Senior Brother, this is just like a maze, how shall we go?” asked a young man from Vientiane Realm 5 Heavenly Layer. The man’s name is Gao Feng, and his length is ordinary, but he is old. Not too big, but also a genius.

In fact, Murong Chong and the others are Cuiyun within the valley Core Disciple. Everyone possesses special skills, otherwise they would not dare to come to the Monster Emperor grave.

“It’s okay. I have a map on my body. Let’s follow the instructions on the map and we will be able to enter the tomb of the Monster Emperor.” After all, Murong Chong took out a map from the storage ring and looked at it. Next, then chose a side road and walked in.

Yang Xuan, Zhou Yalan, Gao Feng and the others did not delay, and quickly followed along.

It didn’t take long for him to walk, but waves of wolf howling and hong long long sound came from the front.

“There is a battle ahead, everyone should be careful.” Murong Chong warned repeatedly.

Needless to say, everyone understands that fierce fighting should have taken place deep in the cave.

Walking cautiously all the way to the front, many torches appeared in front of them, dazzling inside and outside the dim cave.

“Damn it, kill me all.”

“Big brother, run away, this ghost place is too narrow, we can’t use it!”

“That’s all, let’s withdraw it.”

Soon, a group of more than a dozen martial artists with blood, battered and exhausted escaped.

Yang Xuan, they met these people face to face and there was no conflict. These people seemed to have encountered something terrifying and fled quickly, and hurriedly ran directly beside them.

ao ao ao!

At the same time, deep in the cave, a wolf howl came.

next moment, a monster wolf with green eyes rushed out.

“Kill with all your strength!” Murong rushed loudly shouted, waved a long sword in his hand, and sword energy horizontally and horizontally, killing the few demon wolves that rushed to the front, but there were too many demon wolves, and he killed a few. The demon wolves behind came forward again in groups.

“Let’s kill too.” Zhou Yalan waved a rapier in her hand and joined forces with others to attack the demon wolf.

Yang Xuan was not idle either. He took out a low grade Spirit Sword attack from the storage ring. Although he did not urge the sword intent, the sword energy he sent out was also extremely sharp, no better than Murong Chong. Inferior, every sword energy is accompanied by a tragic death of a demon wolf.

Fortunately, Yang Xuan is here, otherwise Murong Chong and the others in this narrow hole may not be the opponent of this group of monster wolves.

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