Although the tomb of the Monster Emperor is an Underground World, there are mountains, rivers and rivers in it. Under a mountain col, there is a chaotic stone forest.

In the depths of the chaotic stone forest, on an obviously artificially excavated square, more than 20 young people were scattered to form a large circle, and the seven people were tightly enclosed in the circle. The seven people were Murong. Chong, Zhou Yalan and the others.

“Liu Wenfeng, what is your intention to block us? Are you planning to destroy the relationship between our Cyan Cloud Sect and your Cyan Cloud Sect?” In the encircled circle, Murong rushed with a full face and moved towards one loudly. The young man shouted with tall yellow clothes.

“weak are prey to the strong, strength is the respect, you don’t use the two factions to bluff people, you and I know the current situation, there are only seven people in Cuiyun Valley, except for your cultivation Apart from the base high point, the rest of the people are all unable to withstand a single blow, and there are so many people here at Cyan Cloud Sect. Needless to say how big the gap is, since you are weak in Cyan Cloud Valley, just You have to give up this ancient Nayuan formation, otherwise you don’t blame me and you are not polite to you.”

Yellow clothes The youth is very domineering, he is exactly the Liu Wenfeng in Murong’s mouth. Not only is he handsome, but his cultivation base is also higher than Murong Chong, reaching the Vientiane Realm Peak. Not to mention there are more than 20 companions beside him, he alone is enough to deal with Murong Chong seven.

“Liu Wenfeng, you are still unreasonable. We discovered this ancient Nayuan Formation first.” Zhou Yalan scolded.

“haha, Junior Sister Zhou, don’t need to be angry, as long as you are willing to commit yourself to me, I will naturally not drive you away.” Liu Wenfeng said with a big smile full of lust.

“Shameless villain, you want to marry me Junior Sister Zhou too?” Murong was furious.

“Murong Chong, I advise you not to try to irritate me, you must know that we are already show mercy, otherwise you have life now?” Liu Wenfeng complexion sank said coldly.

hearing this, Murong Chong was silent. Just now they had already fought Liu Wenfeng and the others. Liu Wenfeng and the others did show mercy. This is also Liu Wenfeng’s fear of Cuiyun Valley and he doesn’t want to do things. Absolutely, otherwise they would have died long ago, but asking him to surrender the ancient Nayuan formation made him somewhat reluctant.

Because the ancient Nayuanyuan Formation can absorb Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth and transform it into incomparable energy. One hour of martial artist cultivation in the formation is equal to one month of cultivation outside, which is no exaggeration. It is said that if he can cultivation for two hours in the ancient Nayuan formation, he is completely hopeful that he will break through to Vientiane Realm Peak in one fell swoop.

“Ancient Nayuanyuan Formation!”

After a jagged rock, Yang Xuan was shocked. He knew that the so-called Nayuanyuan Formation nowadays is just a simplification of the ancient Nayuanyuan Formation. Although the version can also absorb Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth, the effect is countless times worse than that of the ancient Nayuan Formation, which is incomparable.

It is rumored that the ancient Nayuan formation can transform Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth into the pure vitality of No Attribute. The martial artist’s cultivation can greatly increase the speed of cultivation, and it is an absolute cultivation treasure land.

“This ancient Nayuan formation is a good place for cultivation. I absolutely can’t miss it. If I meet Murong Chong and the others, I can’t just sit back and watch.”

Thinking about it, Yang Xuan didn’t rush out either. He looked over Murong Chong, Liu Wenfeng and the others, looking into the depths of the square.

There, a jade platform rises from the ground, about two meters high, with several meters in radius, and densely packed arrays are engraved on the jade platform. Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth visible from naked eye is fast Surge towards the jade platform.

“It seems that you are not going to leave, then don’t blame me for being impolite.” At this moment, Liu Wenfeng’s cold voice came.

“Junior Brother Junior Sister, let’s go, isn’t it just an ancient Nayuan formation? Let’s give it to them.” Murong Chong is not greedy for life and fear of death, but as a Senior Brother, he must be on the side Zhou Yalan and the others thought about it, and after saying a word, they prepared to leave with everyone.

However, he tone barely fell, and someone cry out in surprise: “Look, the ancient Nayuan array moved.”

hearing this, everyone moved towards not far away Looking at the ancient Nayuan formation, the whole formation was bursting with dazzling rays of light, making a muffled sound of hong long long.

The ancient Nayuan Array will continue to absorb Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth, and the Array will be activated every other day. At that time, the Array will gush out pure vitality, and the martial artist will cultivation in it. Can greatly improve the speed of cultivation.


Soon, the entire ancient Nayuanyuan array vibrated, spraying a ray of milky white beam of light.

In the ancient years, Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth was extremely pure. At that time, there were no attributes at all. Martial artists called Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi.

At this moment, the milk-white beam of light is Spiritual Qi, a kind of pure vitality that has been absorbed and filtered by the ancient Nayuan Yuan formation. It is extremely rich. It is conceivable that the martial artist will enter the cultivation effect. How strong is it.

At this moment, whether it is Liu Wenfeng and the others, or Murong Chong, they are all stared wide-eyed, and their hearts are hot.

Although everyone did not enter the formation, some Spiritual Qi escaped from the milk-white beam of light and penetrated into the body, causing the true essence in their Qi Sea to slowly increase.

This is still outside the formation. If it is inside the formation, the growth rate of True Yuan will definitely be ten times faster than it is now.

“What a magical array, if I can cultivation in it for two or three days, I will be able to break through to Vientiane Realm Peak!”

Yang Xuan’s eyes shine, to be wild with Joy, although he has not yet entered the formation, he also feels how thick and pure the Spiritual Qi beam is.

In his opinion, if he enters the formation within the cultivation, the speed of the cultivation must be rapid progress, but before the cultivation, he has to clean up Liu Wenfeng’s eye-catching trash, just because he and Cyan Cloud Sect has a grudge, and it won’t be soft when it kills people.

“Okay, Murong Chong, you can roll now.” Liu Wenfeng coldly shouted, he was already impatient and wanted to enter the formation and cultivated.

This is Spiritual Qi. He is completely hopeful that he can use so many Spiritual Qi to break through to Celestial Realm in one fell swoop.

“Liu Wenfeng, today I will accept the plant and wait for the Monster Emperor tomb. I must come to Cyan Cloud Sect’s mountain gate to ask for an explanation.” Murong Chong endured his heart. Angry Fire Dao.

Chapter 248 Divine Weapon

“An explanation of shit.”

“That’s how many years your Cuiyun Valley flourished, and you dare to be in Cyan Arrogant in front of Cloud Sect?”

A group of Cyan Cloud Sect disciple yelled and spit stars flying wild.

Hearing these harsh sounds, Murong Chong and the others looked ugly, but the number of the opponents was dominant. No matter how angry they were, they could only submit to humiliation.

“Hurry up, I Cyan Cloud Sect is always waiting for you to visit Cyan Cloud Valley.” Liu Wenfeng waved impatiently.

“Tsk tusk, it’s really domineering, but is Cyan Cloud Sect great?” Suddenly, a lukewarm voice came.

“Who, get out of me, I.” Liu Wenfeng said angrily.

“Don’t shout, your grandfather is out.” A calm and composed young man in a black cloak walked out of a chaotic stone forest. It was Yang Xuan.

“Brother Yang!” Murong Chong was surprised, didn’t expect to meet Yang Xuan here.

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