“hehe, my big brother, let’s meet again.” Yang Xuan laughed and said to Liu Wenfeng and the others: “This ancient Nayuan formation belongs to me. If you don’t want to die You can roll now.”

“What did you say!?” A blue robe young man from Vientiane Realm 7 Heavenly Layer fly into a rage out of humiliation. Although the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, he has not seen Yang Xuan was so domineering.

“Damn it, this kid just has a long life and is satisfied with courting death.” Many Cyan Cloud Sect disciple were filled with righteous indignation, all glaring at Yang Xuan, but Vientiane Realm 2 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base that’s all, also Dare to utter a wild word to let them go, it is almost tired of living.

Murong Chong and Zhou Yalan were stunned.

This is too domineering!

Although they hate Liu Wenfeng and this group of people, they know that they are not opponents, and they can only choose to settle down. Who knows that Yang Xuan drove people out as soon as he appeared. It was a strong mess, and there was no Liu Wenfeng at all. put the others in mind.

Murong Chong and the others don’t know where Yang Xuan’s confidence comes from. Does he think he can deal with Liu Wenfeng and the others alone?

“Boy, you have a way to repeat what you just said.” Liu Wenfeng’s chest rises and falls, his gnashing teeth authentic.

“Then you have to listen carefully, Lord let you go.” Yang Xuan blurted out, sonorously.

“Too arrogant, Senior Brother, I will kill him.” The blue robe young man from Vientiane Realm 7 Heavenly Layer shouted.

“Junior Brother has a sharp hand and foot.” Liu Wenfeng said coldly.

“Senior Brother, don’t worry, if even the waste of Vientiane Realm 2 Heavenly Layer can’t be killed, then I won’t have the face to meet people in the future.” As he spoke, the blue robe youth stepped towards Yang Xuan. His face was gloomy and watery.

“you are too weak, don’t make mistakes, it’s too late to go back now.” Yang Xuan said with disdain.

“An ant-like thing, I dare to speak rudely to me. I don’t want to kill you today. It’s hard to make my heart sick.”

As soon as the voice fell, the blue robe youth stood up like one A goshawk rushed forward swiftly, a palm of the hand protruding lightning, the pale-gold essence gushing out on the palm, turning into five claws, carrying the sharp whistle of pierce gold and split stone, grabbing to Yang Xuan Chest.

This Cyan Cloud Sect’s secret stone claw cracking is not a stunt, but it has also reached the first level of Earth Grade. In the eyes of the blue robe youth, this move is enough to dig out Yang Xuan’s heart come out.

“Brother Yang, be careful, this is Cyan Cloud Sect’s cracking claws and cannot be hard-wired.” Murong rushed to remind.

Yang Xuan was calm, without the slightest panic on his face, and when he stepped back, the opponent’s fierce grab was completely blank.

“I said, you are too weak.” Yang Xuan said with a serene face.

“Damn it.” The blue robe youth seemed to have not heard his words. He saw his stone claws with no difficulty being avoided by a Vientiane Realm 2 Heavenly Layer kid, and he was furious. , I don’t keep my hands anymore, the true essence is lucky, the hands are gushing out sharp awns, the formidable power suddenly increases, and he furiously attacked Yang Xuan.

puff puff puff!

For a time, there were sharp howls in the air.

“haha, it’s too slow. Didn’t you eat? Give me some strength!” Yang Xuan’s figure swayed like a ghost, easily avoiding the attacking claw shadows, and at the same time he did not show mercy , Blatant said with a smile.

Laughter reverberated, seeing the blue robe youth’s fierce attack were all avoided by Yang Xuan, a group of Cyan Cloud Sect disciple were all stupid, it was incredible, they all wondered if their eyes were right There was a hallucination.

“Asshole, don’t hide.” The blue robe youth is flustered and exasperated, roaring again and again, and the moves become more fierce.

“Hehe, I’m not as good as others, so I don’t want to hide, don’t you feel ashamed?” Yang Xuan hid and said sarcastically, even if the opponent’s moves are tough, he can easily avoid it.

“Move the air step!” The blue robe youth broke out, displayed a powerful body technique, and the speed increased sharply. Under the infusion of true essence, the palm of both hands seemed to be no longer composed of flesh and blood, but It is made of metal, exuding pale-gold metallic luster, and sharp brilliance on each nail, and his claw-out speed is also doubled.

Yang Xuan is still fearless. His fleshy body is strong, and his cultivation base has reached Vientiane Realm 2 Heavenly Layer. Although the opponent has a fierce offensive, but the speed is slightly better, the sharp claw that kills He avoided it every time.

“Damn it, I don’t believe I can’t hit you.” The blue robe youth attacked for a long time without any success, and became more angry.


There was a pleasant sound, he stopped using the stone claws, and pulled out the saber around waist.

This is obviously a middle grade Spirit Sword, the blade exudes a cold luster and is extremely sharp.

“Yes, there is actually a middle grade Spirit Sword. When I grab it, I will get a few hundred thousand low grade stones.” Yang Xuan said nodded.

“When I die, I still want to grab the sword in my hand. It’s really arrogant and conceited, boy, remember, the name of the person who killed you is Fan Yuan.”

coldly shouted, Fan Yuanren walked with the sword, spurring the sharp sword glow, and taking the sword to Yang Xuan’s life gate.

“It’s almost time to play, and it’s my turn to take the shot.”

As soon as this statement came out, a loud explosion sound, the rocks collapsed, and Yang Xuan rose into the sky. Two sharp sword lights shot out from his eyes.

His black hair is flying, standing long, within the body is full of explosive power, within the body is a lucky one, his fist is scarlet gold, exuding incomparable power, with a gentle wave, void All buzzing and trembling.

At this moment, his whole person is like a human tyrannosaurus, raising his fists and swooping down, slamming down violently, as fast as lightning.

“clang!” Fan Yuan didn’t expect Yang Xuan to be so fierce, the Spirit Sword in his hand turned into a thorn, and a sword swept towards Yang Xuan’s fist. In his opinion, Yang Xuan trifling flesh and blood The body, how could it be impossible to block the edge of Spirit Sword.

However, he underestimated Yang Xuan’s fleshy body. Yang Xuan’s fleshy body was supplemented with true essence. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as impervious to sword and spear.

Kang Dang!

The fist collided with Spirit Sword, and a crisp metal crash immediately erupted.

A huge force surged, Fan Yuan groaned, his body retreated seven or eight steps, and his sword-holding arm was numb as if it were electrocuted.

“How is it possible!” everyone present exclaimed, this is too terrifying, a martial artist of Vientiane Realm 2 Heavenly Layer can actually shake Spirit Sword with flesh and blood fists.

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