“It should be the head fire dragon !” Yang Xuan squinted.

He’s right. The old man is indeed a Fire Flood-Dragon King native to the tomb of the Monster Emperor. It is also a Fire Flood-Dragon King. The strength is the strongest of the five-headed Demonic beast, whether it is a big man or a beautiful man. The woman, the young man, and the man all stood behind him, looking forward to him.

At this time, the Fire Flood-Dragon King took the lead and scolded: “You Monster Race came in half a year ago, and we let you go, didn’t expect you to come and fight with us for the heart of the Monster Emperor. , Are we really bullying?”

hearing this, the red-haired old man headed by hundreds of Monster Race powerhouses indifferently said: “Fire Flood-Dragon King, this Monster The Emperor’s tomb is originally the legacy of my Monster Race, the Red Dragon, and it is reasonable for me to wait here to retrieve the heart of the venerable.”

This person is named Ren Tianheng, with a huge background, he is Divine Demon Temple. One of the Vice Palace Lords, his voice was not loud, but it reverberated in all directions. Many Human Race martial artists were shocked when they heard his words.

It turned out that Monster Race and the five-headed Demonic beast were both fighting for the heart of the Monster Emperor.

Needless to say, the heart of the Monster Emperor is the heart of the ancient red dragon Monster Emperor, the heart of a Supreme Realm powerhouse.

“It is extremely ridiculous, this piece of Underground World is our residence, and the heart of the Monster Emperor is ours. How can you let your Monster Race take it away?” That three meters high, the chest covered with scarlet red The scaly man angrily said, his body is a fire ape king, and he has survived the seven-fold Thunder Tribulation, and his strength is also very powerful.

“Why, do you want to start a battle?” A divine force realm 8 Heavenly Layer Monster Race guy is extremely angry and laughs.

“The war will fight, I’m afraid you won’t succeed.” With a violent shout, the Fire Ape King flew out, beckoning to the Monster Race man: “What a dare you do, come and fight quickly.”


“Vice Palace Lord, I will come as soon as I go.” Monster Race big guy said to Ren Tianheng, and he flew out.

“Is it going to start the war!?” Many people stared wide-eyed, wanting to see if the Fire Ape Monkey King is better or the Monster Race guy is better.

“áo hǒu…”

At this moment, the battle broke out, the Fire Ape King roared, the monster qi fists surged, and he smashed into the Monster Race man.

“haha, monkey, you are too slow.” Monster Race big man laughed wildly, moved in the void, one after another afterimage appeared.

“You, a hybrid of humans and Demonic beasts, dare to humiliate me?” The Fire Ape King was furious. He is the Ape King, an ancient relic, within the body wandering on the noble bloodline of the Ancient Dragon Ape, But now, a human and a descendant of Demonic beast dare to call him a monkey, and the anger in his heart can be imagined.

roar roar roar!

He breathed fire in his eyes, state seems crazy, his punches blasted out, shaking the void, each punch was accompanied by an afterimage.

However, the afterimages are after all, the Monster Race man doesn’t know what body and secret skills he uses. Everywhere all is his afterimages. There are hundreds of them. Although the Fire Ape King’s offensive is fierce, But how many afterimages he destroyed, there will be as many afterimages flashing instantly, endlessly.

“Mongrel, you provoke Mao Mao.” The Fire Ape King was really angry. At the center of his eyebrows, he opened a vertical eye, which was very strange.

“Be careful, this is the Sky-Splitting Eye of the Ancient Dragon Ape.” Ren Tianheng opened his mouth and said that Monster Race big man, Monster Race big man is their Divine Demon Temple inner Sect Elder, very strong, Ren Tianheng couldn’t allow him to make a mistake.

“Kill!” Shouting loudly, all the afterimages disappeared in an instant, only the real body of the Monster Race big man, looking at the vertical eyes on the eyebrows of the Fire Ape King, he expression grave, dare not to neglect the slightest , I don’t know what secret technique was used, his right arm shook violently, bursting with a dazzling light, and blasted the fire ape king away from hundred zhang.

hong long!

Like a loud noise like heaven falls and earth rends, a small mountain of fist strength shakes the void, like an ancient seal straddling time and space and descending on this world, we must suppress everything and swallow Cangyu with anger.

“This Monster Race man is really strong!” Numerous Human Race martial artists took a cold breath, all of them noticed the terrifying of the fist strength, and their minds and bodies trembled.

“The eye of the cracking sky, open for me!” The Fire Ape King felt the crisis. Before the fist strength came to his body, the vertical eyes on the center of the eyebrows suddenly opened, bursting out a destroying heaven extinguishing earth The flame beam is as thick as a dragon body, colliding with that fist strength in the void.

Boom, boom, bang!

In the distance, there is a loud noise, the rays of light are thousands of ways, everything is flooded, naked eye is invisible.

Here, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the rocks roll down, on top of the mountains, the wind roars like a stormy sea, and many Human Race martial artists are unsteady, some Those with a lower cultivation base were almost blown down the mountain by the strong wind, and were scared to death.

This is too terrifying. They are less than two thirty thousand zhang away from the battle, but even so, they still suffer from terrifying aftermath.

Chapter 264 is full of light

At this moment, many people are like falling into the ice cellar, shaking all over, and the elder martial artist of the deadly state tremblingly said: “too terrifying, if not here With the suppression and suppression set by the Monster Emperor, we all have to die!”

This person is right. The Fire Ape King has experienced the existence of the Sevenfold Transformation Thunder Tribulation, and the Monster Race man is It is the powerhouse of the divine force environment 8 Heavenly Layer. The two fight with all their strength, and the spread is extremely large. If there is no restriction and suppression, all of them will have to die here and play completely.

Soon, calm was restored in the distance, and the Fire Ape King and the Monster Race man faced each other in the void, panting for breath.

“Mongrel, can you still fight?” The Fire Ape King roared like thunder, but his expression was faintly solemn, as if he did not expect that the Eye of Sky Splitting could not hurt the opponent.

“Come back.” Without waiting for the Monster Race guy to answer, Ren Tianheng opened the mouth and said, although his voice was not loud, it exuded a majesty that could not be denied.

“Monkey, today you are fortune-telling.” Monster Race big guy did not dare to disobey, rose up and returned to the giant mountain where hundreds of Monster Race martial artists are located.

“Fire Ape, you also come back.” Fire Flood-Dragon King also drank the angry Fire Ape King at this time. The Fire Flood-Dragon King is strong and strong, but he is irritable and irritable. If you don’t call him will come, he will definitely chase him up.

“Are there no winners or losers!?” Many Human Race martial artists were shaking in their hearts, all of them held their breath and dared not speak out.

“Fire Flood-Dragon King, let alone the ownership of the heart of the Venerable, let’s clean up those hidden humans first?” At this moment, Ren Tianheng loudly said.

“Yes.” Fire Flood-Dragon King nodded, monster qi all over his body skyrocketed, coldly shouted: “Why, do I have to ask you Human Race to get rid of it?”

“Please don’t have to, let’s just come out.” A cold voice came out. Under the mountain range in the distance, dozens of silhouettes rose to the sky one after another, all of which were Human Race powerhouses. The lowest cultivation base also has the 8 Heavenly Layer. , The highest two reached the divine force realm Peak.

Two people, a middle-aged man in purple robe and an old man in azure robe.

“Sword Sect master Yuan Tianba, Cyan Cloud Sect Sect Master clock left the stage!” A few Human Race martial artists were shocked. These are two great characters. It is said that they are closed all year round. Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail, the respective Sect affairs are also handled by the Sect Elder, but now they actually broke through and appeared outside the tomb of the Monster Emperor. Needless to say, they were also fighting for the Monster Emperor. heart.

“Is this Monster Emperor’s heart useful for us human martial artists?” Yang Xuan was puzzled by this mountain.

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